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Simple production. High efficiency.
Absent Microplastics.

Microplastics are minuscule plastic particles, smaller than 5 millimeters. We are already familiar with Microplastics, but how microplastics affect human health? We made an interactive example.

Ingest Foods

Intake Rate (g/d):
Tap Water
Bottled Water
Intake Rate (g/d):
Intake Rate (g/d):
Intake Rate (g/d):
Accumulation years:
Average 12.0
Median 12.0

The modeling indicated that one who regularly ingest fish, bottled water, salt, and milk are expected to have an MP concentration of 12 in their tissue at the age of 50 years. The median of MP concentration in this population is 12.

Average 12.0
Median 12.0

The modeling indicated that one who regularly ingest fish, bottled water, salt, and milk are expected to have an MP concentration of 12 in their gut at the age of 50 years. The median of MP concentration in this population is 12.

More details can be found in our modelling page.

Learn More
Oat globulin, a naturally extracted or biologically modified protein with hydrophobic functional groups, increases the membrane’s removal efficiency by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.
Attapulgite (APT), a cost-effective clay mineral with porous structure, increased the MP absorption sites on the filter membrane.
Bacterial cellulose (BC), a common biomedical material with high mechanical flexibility, biocompatibility, and low environmental impact, serves as the base cellulose structure of the membrane.