Meet our team!

Sevda is in her second year of studying for a Master's in Chemical
and Process Engineering at Aalto University. She is originally
from Iran, and moved to Finland for her master’s. During her time
in this new country, she discovered iGEM through her studies. She
saw it as an exciting challenge to learn about biology, connect
with fellow science enthusiasts, make new friends, and push
herself academically.
Sevda Dilmaghani
Team Co-leader
Team Co-leader

Aino is a Master’s student in Microbiology and Microbial
Biotechnology. She wants to do research so when she heard about
iGEM she was super excited since the opportunity to run your own
research project as a student is quite unique.
Aino Kuusimäki
Team Co-leader
Team Co-leader

Aniqa, a second-year master's student in Translational Medicine at
the University of Helsinki, originally from Pakistan with a
bachelor's in Biology from Hungary. She adores science, good food,
and the company of good friends. The discovery of iGEM through a
university email sparked her interest, seeing it as a chance to
learn, connect with new people, and further enrich her social
Aniqa Anwar

Chau is a second-year bachelor’s student majoring in Data Science
at Aalto University. She’s interested in synthetic biology and
bioinformatics and sees iGEM as a great opportunity to get more
involved in this field.
Chau Do

Paula is a second year Neuroscience master’s student at the
University of Helsinki. Her background is on genetics and
molecular bioscience, hence, she had a high interest in synthetic
biology. She got to know iGEM from some older team members and
realized that it was a great opportunity to stay in touch with
these fields. Moreover, it was a great experience to work within a
diverse team and gain some new skills regarding research and
project design.
Paula Pastor Muñoz

Cleopatra is starting the third year of her Bachelor’s degree in
Chemical Engineering with a minor in Bioinformatics at Aalto
University. She is Peruvian and American and after growing up
around the world fell in love with Finland and her life in
Helsinki. She discovered iGEM by chance while checking her emails
on the way to a Christmas celebration and was overjoyed to learn
that her holiday wish of working on synthetic biology had come
Cleopatra Siders Silva

Henri is a second-year master’s student in Life Science
Informatics at the University of Helsinki specializing in
Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine. With a background in computer
science, iGEM has been a great opportunity to learn more about
biological sciences and get valuable experience in working with a
multidisciplinary group.
Henri Sundquist

Rafeul Hasan is a second year Masters Student in the Genetics and
Molecular Biosciences programme at the University of Helsinki,
specializing in Molecular and Analytical Health Biosciences.
Rafeul loves connecting knowledge from different disciplines, and
the whole project was an interesting creative endeavor for him to
combine his passion for biology, business, communications and
innovation in one single project.
Rafeul Hasan

Emilia is a first year Genetics and Molecular Biosciences master’s
student at the University of Helsinki. She first heard about iGEM
on Instagram when a friend from university participated and posted
about it. It seemed like an interesting opportunity to learn more
about synthetic biology and also it would provide a chance to meet
and connect with like-minded students.
Emilia Miettinen

Debby is a master’s student in Microbiology and Microbial
Biotechnology. She is from Indonesia and is really into flowers,
and science. She has a background in molecular bioscience so that
synthetic biology research has stolen her attention. Moreover, she
has even dreamed of joining iGEM for a long time. Being involved
in a multidisciplinary team was an impressive experience for her.
Thus, she did enjoy it a lot.
Debby Agustin