Academic Support

Prof. Dr. Lars Blank
Institute for Applied Microbiology, RWTH Aachen University

Professor Blank, serving as the leader of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, has been a valuable source of support across various facets of our iGEM project. By connecting us with specialists from diverse scientific and societal domains, he empowered us to assess our concepts and findings comprehensively. Furthermore, he facilitated introductions to potential funders, helping us transform our project from idea to reality. We like to thank him for his support throughout the competition.

Under the leadership of Professor Schwaneberg, who heads the Institute of Biotechnology, we received invaluable assistance in refining and designing our project. He played a pivotal role in organizing our thoughts and assessing the practicality of our ideas. Professor Schwaneberg gave us advice and connected us with members of his team who provided detailed input on design aspects. Additionally, he generously offered access to laboratory facilities and shared his extensive knowledge regarding binding proteins. We thank him for the tremendous support he gave us in realizing our project.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwaneberg
Institute for Biotechnology, RWTH Aachen University

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert
Institute of Biotechnology, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Chair of Computational Systems Biotechnology, RWTH Aachen University

Professor Wiechert, who leads the Systems Biotechnology department at FZ Jülich, offered us valuable insights encompassing various facets of the competition and the start phase. His pragmatic approach helped us refocus on the core elements of our project. Professor Wiechert also facilitated our connections with dynamic modeling experts, enriching our project's depth. We thank him for his guidance and counsel.

Professor Lauterbach, who leads the Institute for Synthetic Microbiology, graciously granted us access to their laboratory facilities. His entire research team offered their assistance and expertise, readily addressing numerous inquiries we had. Furthermore, Professor Lauterbach provided substantial feedback and guidance as we worked on our presentation and the finalization of our project. We are deeply appreciative of their support and contributions.

Prof. Dr. Lars Lauterbach
Institute for Synthetic Microbiology, RWTH Aachen University

Support by iGEM Teams

iGEM Calgary 2021 - Neocycle

In 2021, Team Calgary worked on bioleaching e-waste, extracting Rare-Earth Elements with lanmodulin, and designing a measurement system. They kindly provided us with their protocols for bioleaching, which is a preliminary step to our RareCycle process. They also sent us information regarding the metal extraction assay Arsenazo III. We want to thank them very much for their great work and support!

Team Bonn also worked on extracting Rare-Earth Elements with lanmodulin in 2021. We want to thank them very much for providing us a plasmid to amplify lanmodulin in E. coli.

iGEM Bonn 2021 - BioLan

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