
“Alone, we can do little, so little, together we can do so much.” -- Helen Keller

This year's Human Practices supports not only project improvement, but also implementation, entrepreneurship and our understanding of scientific development. Stakeholder's critical view of our ideas and their feedback helped us to optimize our project plan and solution design into one that is effective, feasible, and likely to be successful in each sector. Integrating feedback, values, and needs of relevant stakeholders is important to avoid blindness of engineers.

To produce a saRNA-based plant vaccine product, one needs to go through many steps and long efforts, from research and development to production. It starts with the R&D phase followed by securing IP, preclinical and clinical tests, production, legislation, and marketing. To understand the complete process of implementation and to be able to integrate the requirements of every phase for the design of our plant vaccine, we have consulted many experts. Taking inspiration from Team TU-Eindhoven 2022, we divided the fields covered by the experts we consulted into six categories: the need, the science, implementation, safety & ethics, laws & regulations, and business. Each field contributes to the problem and our solution from a different perspective, thereby leading to distinctive requirements for both our project plan and our solution design. We, therefore, bring together all sectors to make an impact on society, while at the same time we are being responsible and good for the world. For more information on which tools we use, open the sections below about the AREA framework and the Gibbs reflection cycle.


AREA framework

AREA stands for Anticipate, Reflect, Engage and Act. This framework was designed to modify research and innovation in response to societal issues. The framework is both systematic and iterative to allow for continuously flexible decision making between stakeholders and innovators with a view on ethical acceptability, sustainability and social desirability. For our project, it was important to work fluidly with the framework depending on the purpose of meetings and the progression of the project.


This section describes how we can analyze the economic, social, and environmental impacts further by supporting possible impacts and implications with other experts. This section is focused on the next steps we as a team need to take to further analyze or validate what we found during the project.


In this section, we reflect on the purposes, motivations, and potential implications of engaging a specific stakeholder. Here we introduce the stakeholder we engaged with, we explain our previous findings, and we define why we think the stakeholder is relevant in the respective phase of the project. Moreover, we elaborate on the associated assumptions, questions, or dilemmas the purposes and motivations may bring.


This section summarizes the engagement and discussion with the stakeholders. Here, the main contribution of the experts to our project are discussed and the lessons we learned are evaluated.


This section elaborates on how our team implemented the feedback received from the stakeholders. It is explained how the lessons we learned influenced the direction and design of our project and the innovation process itself. In terms of integrated HP at iGEM, this can be considered the most important section of the AREA framework.

Reflection tool

The reflection tool used is based on the Gibbs Reflective Cycle and functions as a useful extension of the AREA frameworks. It has been found to help people think clearly and systematically about learning situations. It encourages people to get a better understanding of the experience and teaches them how to improve next time. We made use of it to reflect on all the feedback and information gathered from different stakeholders to prioritize requirements and make well-informed decisions. These decisions shaped our project. Therefore, they are considered milestones we achieved during the design process.

Closing the loop

To close the loop between what is designed and what is desired, we had multiple conversations with the same stakeholder to discuss whether we integrated their feedback in the right way. Moreover, we tried to involve multiple stakeholders from the same field to create a broader opinion on our project design and to validate the advice of single stakeholders. The combination of multiple meetings with similar experts and literature studies enabled us to critically reflect on our design at each moment of the design process.

Talking to the world

Highly aware of the limitation of our view and the importance of global perspective, we talked to people from inside and outside China, in the hope of hearing the voice of stakeholders and other iGEMers as well as making ourselves heard. We saw great cultural differences between China and the western world, which should not be ignored since our final goal is making the world as a whole a better place.

Special thanks to Morningside Cultural China Scholars Program for providing the oppotunity to meet prestigious people across the world.

Stakeholder Brainstorm

Stakeholders' critical perspectives on our ideas and feedback have helped us to optimise our project plans and solution designs to be effective, feasible. For an innovation project, it is important to connect with enough stakeholders and get their suggestions and feedback to reconsider and make improvements in the project. Only then is it possible to produce a human-centred design.

Therefore, we did a stakeholder brainstorm after we had decided on a topic. Before the brainstorming session, we prepared a document to introduce the concept of stakeholders, the concept and rules of the brainstorming session and the intended objectives of the brainstorming session to the team. Thorough preparation ensured that our three activities ran smoothly and successfully.

We have compiled and visualised the final results of the Stakeholder Map and Mendelow matrix value analysis.

We have decided to focus on contacting High-Interest&Power stakeholders. At the same time, we will decide how often, for what purpose and how we work with different stakeholders depending on where they are in the matrix.

Public Survey 2023-04-02

We launched a survey on crop diseases control and synthetic biology. The target group of our questionnaire is mainly the general public. We post our questionnaires on international platforms like slack and Instagram, hoping to hear from outside of China. We received 176 answers from people from 4 continents and 5 countries, including China, Afghanistan, France, Anguilla and Chile.

Click here to see the questionnaire and the results.

GDPR Principles

We strictly followed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When processing data, we adhere to seven protection and accountability principles listed below:

(1) Lawfulness, fairness and transparency: Processing must be lawful, fair, and transparent to the data subject.

(2) Purpose limitation: You must process data for the legitimate purposes specified explicitly to the data subject when you collected it.

(3) Data minimization: You should collect and process only as much data as absolutely necessary for the purposes specified.

(4) Accuracy: You must keep personal data accurate and up to date.

(5) Storage limitation: You may only store personally identifying data for as long as necessary for the specified purpose.

(6) Integrity and confidentiality: Processing must be done in such a way as to ensure appropriate security, integrity, and confidentiality (e.g. by using encryption).

(7) Accountability: The data controller is responsible for being able to demonstrate GDPR compliance with all of these principles.


How much crop yield do you think is lost each year by crop disease and pests?

In the seventh question, we asked, "How much crop yield do you think is lost each year by crop pests and diseases?" Among those who work or study in agriculture and rural areas, 14.29% of the respondents chose "40%-50%". Only 3.23% of those who were not working or studying in a relevant field correctly answered the question.

Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of current conventional pesticides(such as dichlorvos, methamidophos, methylparathion, methylphos, insecticide, Carbovir, glyphosate, etc.) in controlling crop pests and diseases?

Among the people engaged in agricultural and rural related work or study, 57.14% of the respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with the effect of traditional pesticides, and only 14.29% of the respondents were not clear. Among those who are not engaged in relevant work or study, only 34.84% are satisfied or very satisfied with the effect of traditional pesticides, and 35.48% of the respondents are not clear.

It can be seen that some people who do not engage in relevant work and study have less understanding of crop pests and diseases and lack basic common sense. So we're going to include crop pests and diseases in our education, in addition to synthetic biology.

What do you think are the problems with the current use of traditional pesticides?

Most respondents believe that traditional pesticides have problems with pesticide residues, environmental pollution and the risk of ingestion. In addition to the few options listed, there are people who pointed out the issue of pesticide resistance in pests or bacteria. It can be seen that people have an objective understanding of the problems of traditional pesticides, indicating that our products have better market prospects.

For new pesticides, do you think the following factors are important? (0 is not impoertant at all, 10 is very important)

In addition, from people's scores on the importance of different factors, it can be seen that people attach the most importance to the low toxicity or no toxicity of pesticides, followed by the insecticidal or bactericidal effect of pesticides. The other three factors are relatively less important. Environmental friendliness, specificity, generality and accessibility to less developed countries were also factors that appeared more frequently in the fill-in-the-blank questions. It can be seen that people still have certain concerns about the toxicity of pesticides, but also have a strong sense of environmental protection.

What concerns do you have about our project?

People expressed concerns about whether it would affect production, whether the price was too high, and the impact of engineered bacteria on the environment and human health. Therefore, we realize that before FloraSentinel enters the market, it must undergo strict and meticulous experimental verification, and at the same time promote product publicity and popular science education, otherwise it will not be able to get the trust of users.

Do you think there are any ethical issues with this project?

Only 6.82% of respondents believe that our project has ethical problems. Their concerns include genetic contamination, genetic modification, heredity and variation. This shows that our design and improvement do not present serious ethical problems, but we still need to work hard to strengthen the consensus and improve the public acceptance of synthetic biology.

Did you know anything about synthetic biology before?

How did you learn about synthetic biology?

What do you think is good ways for science popularization?

22.16% of the respondents said they had not heard of synthetic biology, 67.61% said they had heard of it, and 10.23% said they understood it very well. It can be seen that most of the respondents have some knowledge of synthetic biology, and a significant number of them are very knowledgeable about it. The Internet and classes or lectures are the main channels for people to learn about synthetic biology, accounting for 70.8% and 71.53% respectively. For their preference for popular science, most people like short videos and wechat public account tweets, accounting for 75.57% and 74.43%, respectively. Practice activities or games are also a good way, accounting for 51.14%.

We decided to promote the project through short videos and tweets on wechat public account, and to educate students about synthetic biology in the form of lectures and practical activities.

Evolutionary Timeline

The experts that have relevant expertise on the technology behind FloraSentinel. Via them, we would like to gain feedback on how to improve the technology to make FloraSentinel more effective, safer, and cheaper to produce.
Experts who have expertise in the laws and regulations of medicine that utilize GMOs. They have crucial knowledge on how to develop a legal biotech product and how to implement this in the real world in a legitimate manner.
Experts that we engaged to verify the problem we outlined and to validate the need for a new product such as FloraSentinel from multiple points of view, including agricutural perspective, environmental perspective, and societal perspective.
The business experts help us make a viable business of FloraSentinel by creating a strong business plan. Moreover, they give feedback on how we can best legally protect our new invention.
The experts we engaged with to understand how FloraSentinel could enter the real world. This covers the entire process from the R&D phase followed by securing IP, preclinical and clinical tests, production, legislation, and marketing until FloraSentinel reaches the end-users.
Specialists in the field of safety of new genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the ethical discussions around GMOs. Based on their feedback, we would like to make a safer and more ethical responsible design.
Jianlong Li
Zhejiang University
"Popular science is not just about interesting stories and good-looking cartoons. The most important thing is scientific and accurate knowledge." We planed to organizen our education and public engagement activities based on this rule. He also told us about the difficulty of entrepreneurship.
Ming Chen
Zhejiang University
Prof. Chen found it a bit risky but greatly ground-breaking to choose the topic of "plant vaccine", which is the rudiment of FloraSentinel now. This gave us the courage to finally decide on this topic. He reminded us of the criteria for different awards, suggesting that we should cover every aspect to show our comprehensiveness of thinking. As for future plan, he emphasized feasibility analysis.
Jianxiang Wu
Zhejiang University
Prof. Wu suggested that we can also consider using single-chain antibodies instead of nano-antibodies. He adviced us to change the target plants into Solanaceae plants. Experimentally, he suggested that effectors without ready-made nanoantibodies could be expressed using effector-GFP fusion.
Zhenghe Li
Zhejiang University
Prof. Li suggested that we should look into different TLS structures and different viruses as skeletons in order to enhance mobility. He also believes that our project which can carry the Cas9 system is very promising in the field of gene editing.
Yan Liang
Zhejiang University
Professor Liang suggested that we should think about solving the problem of immune leakage to avoid causing excessive immunity. She provided us with tobacco and rice strains, and also taught us how to cultivate them.
Ling Hu
Peking University
Prof. Hu explained his insightful understanding of technology as a mode of production and its legal response. We also learned that the widespread adoption of some important technologies will reshape the law, and the relationship between law and technology may be reversed.
Weiwei Shen
China University of Political Science and Law
Prof. Shen explained the agrument regarding intellctural property by introducing the concepts of static efficiency and dynamic efficiency. Patent or copyright is sacrificing static efficiency in exchange for dynamic efficiency. While it does hinder trading in the short term, it will encourage more production in the long run.
Xinyu Xiu
Tsinghua University
Asimov once said, "Science fiction is a social experiment on paper." Xinyu said, "My science fiction works do not lead to the future but prevent it." Both of them consider science fictions as a way to offer help to the development of the real world. That's the example of art contributing to scientific development. We can also make use of art to educate the public.
2023-07-07 ~ 07-11
The Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC) is a national conference initiated by Chinese iGEM teams, aiming to provide a platform for iGEM teams and young synthetic biology enthusiasts in China to share resources and promote mutual learning and communication.
Start-up Summer School
2023-07-15 ~ 07-16
Thanks to iGEM Start-up Summer School, we learned the details that entrepreneurs should take note of when designing their business blueprint.
Shanghai Zhisheng Yougu Biotechnology Co., LTD
Thanks to the head of R&D and Marketing Department, we learned a lot about the R&D process, business model, market regulations, application of intellectual property, etc..
SDG discussion
The conversation allowed us to see the infinite possibilities of synthetic biology, which can be applied to the development of new drugs and carbon neutrality. However, it's not easy to apply synthetic biology technology into production. Since there is no small difference between laboratory results and market demand, we should fully understand the market status quo, in order to do valuable scientific research for social development.
Approaching Synthetic Biology - 2023iGEM Exchange
The representatives of each team made a detailed introduction and presentation of the research projects of their teams this year. A teacher raised a question : can spraying make Agrobacterium infect the leaves? We decided to look into the problem in more depth.
Zhejiang Agriculture and rural Department of planting
We learned that regulatory processes and standards are related to the characterization of products. So the key is to figure out whether our product is pesticide. We planed to consult Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China.
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China
In principle, pesticide standards are set by them, but because of agency Settings, we have no way to contact the people responsible for setting standards. The information telephone operator admitted that she did not know the situation. So we decided to find out the relevant legal provisions on our own and consult the company's legal counsel.
Shaochuan Li
From an evolutionary point of view, this approach is relatively effective for overcoming drug resistance. For the non-onset window period of infection, it's possible to use some detection methods, including metagenomic detection.
Shiyuan Li
Shanghai Transformants Information Technology Co., LTD.
Shiyuan Li value the kernel of education, which is the knowledge itself. We decided to offer more objective application descriptions and future prospects in our education. For example, adding references to popular science tweets makes it easier for readers to learn what they're interested in.
Jijie Chai
Westlake University
Prof. Chai suggested using small molecule protein interactions to demonstrate innovation and platform scalability and simplifying the genetic circuit to reduce the difficulty and cost of experiments.
Prof. Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer
the University of Chicago
Why do we ask ethical questions? That's because we are thinking out of the box of science, and the thinking itself is a progress.
Benjamin Krause
the University of Chicago
Prof. Krause told us that the extraction of cobalt actually leads to heavy social problems in DRC. We learned to view scientific development in a more objective and all-round way. And we are increasingly interested in whether scientific and technological development will widen the gap between the rich and the poor.
Gerald Chan
the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Mr.Chan said we should Revere nature. Sometimes it's hard to say whether something designed by man is necessarily superior to nature. We can only make decisions based on current scientific knowledge. The bottom line of biotechnology certainly exists, it just needs to be explored. We planed to search for more literatures and laws to see the current bottom line of biotechnology.
David Oxtoby
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Mr. Oxtoby said that there is a beautiful connection between art and science. We planed to raise discussion of the relationship between science and art among both science students and liberal art or fine art students. Because this kind of discussion is relatively ignored. We also planed to organize or participate activities which combine the two together.
Paula A. Johnson
Wellesley College
We consulted Prof. Johnson about problems regarding gender equality. She said gender diversity is designed to give different people an equal voice and stimulate social vitality. In the HER Digital Future Bootcamp, we gave girls an opportunities to express their own ideas of GMO and to picture a better way to control crop diseases.
Mitchel Resnick
MIT Media Lab
In today's society, the ability to create something becomes particularly important. And the learning is more effective when children are actively engaged on a project. So we decided to organize a lesson for high school students based on experiment, so that they can understand synthetic biology more deeply.
David Zuckerman
Lieutenant Governor of Vermont
The discussion about equality and equity is always a heated topic. Mr. Zuckerman said it is necessary to give help to vulnerable groups, but the form of help and the degree of openness of help need to be considered, so as to avoid causing dissatisfaction of other groups
Jeff Wang
former President of Asia Society
Jeff Wang reminded us that the increase of the productivity does not necessarily solve the problem. There are other driving forces behind the chase of productivity. And we ought to take food waste into consideration. So we decided to do some research and discussions on the topic so as to raise people's awareness.
research vessel Marcelle Melosira
We were honored to experience scientific research on the University of Vermont's new research and teaching vessel Marcelle Melosira. A student organizer told us that this kind of scientific education is popular among the public. We are greatly inspired and decided to find the way that can allow participants to better engage.
Kari Anderson
Vermont Public’s Senior Vice President of Audience & Community
Although we have created an account in a podcast planform, we found it hard to expand our influence. Kari said we should understand their needs in the most receptive way. It's inspiring. We actually found that the users of podcast are mainly people aged 20-30, which is not desirable for our education. So we decided to post videos on Bilibili and tweets on Wechat.
Dennis Wu
office of San Francisco-based Recology
We are curious about whether technological development will widen the gap between the rich and the poor and we have had heated discussion. Mr. Wu said the source of the problem is the social system, or how we allocate and use technology as a resource. It's comforting for us to hear that. But we are going to ask more people in the hope of getting different ideas. Also, we will always keep in mind the social needs when designing and applying the technology.
Yang Shao
member of the Fremont City Council in California
We saw many thriving biotech companies in San Francisco, and were curious how the market is regulated and other ethical problems are tackled. Yang Shao said many clinical trials also need to go through an ethics committee. He also thinks technological development will not widen the income gap between rich and poor. Learning about how a mature market is regulated definitely help us picture the future of biotech market in China.
Yuling Luo
lamar Biosciences
We are curious about the process of establishing a biotech company. Dr Luo, with rich experience, told us three steps, which are identifying the problem first, finding a solution to this problem, and then expanding production. It is important to seize opportunities. His answers were helpful when we think of applying technology into real life.
Session at Hangzhou Xuejun High School
At Xuejun High School, share the Flora Sentinel project with the high school students and collected feedback questionnaires after the session, asking for their opinions on synthetic biology and Flora Sentinel.
Mr. Su
Hangzhou Liangzhu Linhai Vegetable and Fruit Specialized Cooperative (Linhai)
For agricultural projects, it is very important to really go into the field to understand the needs of the users. We actively contacted the actual users of pesticides at the early stage of the project in order to understand the current pesticide use and the actual needs of the pesticide users. Mr.Su, who is the head of an agricultural company, took us to visit the cultivation of the farmland, introduced us to the pesticide use of the base, and answered our questions enthusiastically. We gained a deeper understanding of the end-use scenarios of Flora Sentinel and improved our design.


The knowledge gained from thorough and open communication with interviewees informed an inclusive and progressive tone within the communication of our product . Shaping our human practices around the Gibbs Reflection tool as well as the AREA framework facilitated the creation of feedback loops which led to broad ranging design considerations , that covered all bases . We are so grateful to everyone involved in each stage of shaping our project design creation , progression and ultimately optimisation of our product .

Together, we can build the agriculture of tomorrow.

The opinion and knowledge of the general public

1 Description

We were curious about the knowledge of the general public on synthetic biology. We wanted to know how they associated synthetic biology, how they gained their knowledge about it, what risks they see in synthetic biology, and what their opinion is on the use of synthetic biology (synbio) to solve global crises. Therefore, the challenge is to determine what the general public thinks about synthetic biology to find out how we and future iGEM teams should communicate with them.

2 Feelings

The main feeling dominating was curiosity. For us, it was very difficult to estimate what the general public thinks and knows about it. We however expected education and age to influence people's opinions and knowledge of synthetic biology.

3 Evaluation / analysis

We surveyed the general public to gauge the public's knowledge of synthetic biology. The general public have little knowledge of synthetic biology as well as crop diseases control.

4 Conclusion

The education is necessary and important. Educational efforts to the general public should include concepts and projects focussed on adults and the elderly who may have struggled to keep up with the quick changes on the scientific horizon. An informed, scientifically literate public is more important than ever, and it is on scientists, young and old, to spread scientific communication to communities beyond their profession.

5 Action plan

We planed to organize education programs involving as many people as possible, especially communities often left out of scientific discourse due to occupational differences. We decided to make use of the Internet and social media, posting short videos and tweets which can reach almost everyone, even those in distant areas.

Jianlong Li
Zhejiang University


Jianlong Li, online name Sheldon, Ph.D. in theoretical Physics from Zhejiang University, member of China Science Writers Association, organizer of Pineapple Science Prize, and founder of science cartoon public account "sheldon42". His interests include how to use vivid cartoons and interesting stories to let readers initially understand the latest progress of certain physics research. Sheldon Science Comics Studio, where Dr. Lee works, uses picture books, comics, and animated shorts to bring cutting-edge scientific knowledge to life in funny short stories with a light sense of humor.


What's the difference between your popular science comics and other popular science comics on the market?

There are references for my popular science comics. With the title of Ph.D. of Physics of Zhejiang University, I have always strictly demanded myself. As the sole copywriter in the studio, I had to read a lot of academic papers and materials before creating each comic script. After digesting the content, the knowledge is transformed into a comic story that ordinary people can understand, and the picture of each page is designed and drawn。 It usually takes a week to complete such a complicated process.

What is your new understanding of entrepreneurship?

The road to entrepreneurship is undoubtedly difficult. The truth of "do what you like to do" is that "many things are decided by the Party A". Behind "Pay yourself", there is the heavy pressure of "get everything done by yourself".


We planed to organizen our education and public engagement activities based on this rule.

Ming Chen
Zhejiang University


Ming Chen is professor of School of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University. He is also leader in bioinformatics.


Prof. Chen is an experienced mentor at iGEM. As for the seletion of the research topic, he find it a bit risky but greatly ground-breaking to choose the topic of "plant vaccine", which is the rudiment of FloraSentinel now. He reminded us of the criteria for different awards, such as the innovation of the idea, the fluency of presentation, and the level of completness of the model. He suggested that we should cover every aspect to show our comprehensiveness of thinking. As for future plan, he emphasized feasibility analysis, including technical route, species involved, antigen and antibody expression system, biosafety issues, environmental pollution issues and so on.

Implementation and Outlook

In fact, almost most of us wanted to choose this topic before talking with Prof. Chen, but with a kind of fear of uncertainty. Thanks to Prof. Chen's reassuring answer, we made up our mind to explore a world that is full of uncertainty as well as excitement. We also noted down his suggestion on preparation on our working plan.

Project Choice

1 Description

We started our iGEM project with extensive literature research, brainstorming with our team, and meetings with our PIs to decide what project we want to focus on in the iGEM competition. Our challenge was to decide which topic would be the focus of our project. This topic should be feasible for the development of a realistic and original proof of concept based on synthetic biology.

2 Feelings

We were extremely motivated to do research on different topics. We thought the topic of plant vaccine is cool and innovative but full of uncertainty. It was difficult to decide since it was an important choice that would determine the foundation of our project.

3 Evaluation / analysis

To make a well-considered choice, we divided our team into three subgroups. Dividing the teams into subgroups helped us to effectively gain information about multiple topics. The findings were summarized in a clear presentation, which we pitched to our PIs and instructors. After this pitch, we received useful feedback and gained new insights that clarified which topics had the potential to develop a feasible and desirable project.

4 Conclusion

Based on the feedback that we received, we discussed the different project ideas and listed their pros and cons. After this, we concluded that a plant vaccine based on saRNA would be the most feasible project to develop for this competition because this project idea is clearly related to synbio.

5 Action plan

Our next step is to decide which crop disease we want to focus on with the design. To do this, we are planning to divide our team into subgroups again to extensively perform literature studies into different diseases.

Pre-experiment Design

1 Description

In fact, although we have determined the topic, we are not sure whether it is possible to make results in this direction. So we decided to choose two topics and judge the feasibility of the project through 1-2 weeks of pre-experiment.

2 Feelings

But when asked to choose the topic that interests us, everyone chose the plant vaccine. It is obvious we were all enthusiastic to do research on this topic.

3 Evaluation / analysis

Since we did not know much about the topic, we divided into 5 subgroups to gather information, such the sequence of NLR, TLS and VHH.

4 Conclusion

This way of collaboration has been proved to be effective. When we met after a week and put all information together, we were surprised to see a bigger and more complete picture of the future.

5 Action plan

Our next step is to design our experiments.

Jianxiang Wu
Zhejiang University


Jianxiang Wu, deputy director of Institute of Biotechnology, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University. He is mainly engaged in the research of molecular interaction between plant virus and host and vector, breeding of new species resistant to plant virus disease, early warning of crop virus disease and green prevention and control.


Prof. Wu's lab is currently working on single chain antibody fragment (scFv). Regarding antibodies, Prof. Wu suggested that we can also consider using single-chain antibodies instead of nano-antibodies. Because the research of single-chain antibodies is more mature, it is easier for us to obtain sequences, resulting in more advantages in platform expansion. However, the volume of the antibody is relatively large, which may affect the effect of NLR. Regarding the production and preparation of normal nano-antibodies, Prof. Wu pointed out that to prepare general nano-antibodies, we should follow the following steps, selecting pathogenic effector, finding the corresponding gene sequence, heterogeneically expressing the purified effector proteins, immunizing alpacas with purified proteins, and screening nano-antibodies. A series of experiments is also needed to verify. The normal development of an antibody may take two or three years. In the selection of target plants, he pointed out that rice is difficult to be infected by Agrobacterium, and only the protoplast callus can be infected. And TMV does not infect rice. He suggested that we should change the target plants into Solanaceae plants such as tomatoes and peppers, which are friendlier to both agrobacterium and tobacco Mosaic virus. Experimentally, he suggested that effectors without ready-made nanoantibodies could be expressed using effector-GFP fusion, where GFP anti-nanobodies could be used for experimental verification.


We will analyze the pros and cons of single-chain antibodies and nano-antibodies. We will adjust our experiment plan according to Prof. Wu's suggestions.

Zhenghe Li
Zhejiang University


Zhenghe Li, professor of College of Agriculture and Biotechnology. He is mainly engaged in molecular biology of plant negative strand RNA viruses, antiviral target mining and utilization, viral vector development and gene editing and synthetic biology applications.


He suggested we look at the motifs of the 5mc modification. He pointed out that TLS is weak in mobility, and we need to think about how to further enhance mobility, for example by modifying its sequences. Because different viruses have different replicases, different sequences of 3 'UTR, and different TLS effects, he suggested that we try different viruses as the skeleton. Because we have a long genetic pathway, we need to improve the plasmid carrying capacity. He also suggested that the platform could be used to carry out seed gene editing with the Cas9 system.


We found the relationship between TLS structure and its mobility in the literature, and completed a comparative experiment on the mobility of different TLS structures. His proposal for gene editing greatly broadened our thinking, which led to more in-depth literature reading and discussion.

Yan Liang
Zhejiang University


Yan Liang, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Biotechnology, Zhejiang University. The laboratory focuses on the recognition mechanism and signal transduction of plant and microbial interactions.


In terms of plant immunity, Professor Liang suggested that we should think about solving the problem of immune leakage to avoid causing excessive immunity. She also gave us a lot of help in the experiment. She provided us with tobacco and middle-flower 11 rice strains from which we obtained the pikm2 sequence. She also taught us how to cultivate tobacco and rice, and how to inject tobacco.

Obtaining TLS

1 Description

Our initial inspiration for this module came from the article "tRNA-Related Sequences Trigger Systemic mRNA Transport in Plants". In this article, the researchers found that mRNAs containing tRNA-like structures (TLSs) were enriched in the phloem stream and could move across graft junctions.

2 Feelings

We would like to introduce TLS module into the project, equipped our RNA with the ability to transport in plant vascular tissues.

3 Evaluation / analysis

For early screening, we obtained 20 tRNA sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana from the ncbi database, and performed RNA secondary structure prediction, using tRNA containing the above structure for subsequent experiments. We utilize phenotypic observation to assess the functionality and mobility of the transported mRNAs.

4 Conclusion

Based on our initial screening of 20 tRNA sequences from Arabidopsis thaliana, we have selected a set of TLS elements for further experimentation.

5 Action plan

To further validate the functionality of the TLS module, we can obtain additional tRNA sequences from different species and perform RNA secondary structure prediction on them.

Testing the mobility of TLS

1 Description

Based on our initial screening of 20 tRNA sequences from Arabidopsis thaliana, we have selected a set of TLS elements for further experimentation. Additionally, we expanded our analysis to include tRNA sequences from different plant species to maximize the diversity of TLS elements. The next phase of our project will involve experimental validation of the selected TLS elements.

2 Feelings

We were excited and anxious to know the mobility of TLS, since it's one of the basic and core parts of our design.

3 Evaluation / analysis

To verify the TLS-triggered mobility of fused transcript in vascular bundle of Nicotiana tabacum,we amplified EGFP gene from plasmid pcDNA3.1-T2A-EGFP. 20 tRNA sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum are synthesized. Then 4 plasmids pGREENII-GFP(-TLS) is constructed, which contains 35S promoter and T-DNA repeat to efficiently express our mRNA in plant cell. We judged the intensity of protein expression by observing the amount of leaf fluorescence expression.

4 Conclusion

We did not get a better observation because of the low intensity of fluorescence expression and the high interference of experimental observation.

5 Action plan

We will explore new characterization methods to improve the observation and quantification of protein expression levels. This will allow us to better understand the effects of TLS elements on gene expression and manipulation in plants.

New characterization methods

1 Description

We did not get a better observation because of the low intensity of fluorescence expression and the high interference of experimental observation. Therefore, we began to explore new characterization modes.

2 Feelings

We were a bit disappointed about the outcome, but we believed that there are other possible solutions.

3 Evaluation / analysis

We wanted to characterize the mobility of TLS by phenotypic observations, qPCR and protein expression assays. In terms of phenotypic observation, we have constructed a total of three expression systems, GFP, GUS, and RUBY, by reviewing literature to explore the best phenotypic expression effect. See more details in Result.

4 Conclusion

We found that the mRNA sequence containing the Ala TLS was able to move within the leaves, as evidenced by the presence of blue GUS catalytic products in the vascular bundles.

5 Action plan

Further analysis and experimentation are needed to gain a deeper understanding of TLS mobility and its implications in plant biology. This study provides a foundation for future research in this area, and continued investigation may lead to valuable insights into the mechanisms and potential applications of TLS elements in plants.

Targeting protoplast callus instead of rice

1 Description

After the decision to focus on rice, we verified our vaccine to prevent rice blasts with several stakeholders. During interviews with Jianxiang Wu, he expressed concerns regarding the choice of the target plant, because it is difficult to be infected by Agrobacterium.

2 Feelings

The feedback on our project felt like a setback. Nevertheless, we also saw an opportunity. Jianxiang Wu, Zhenghe Li and Yan Liang gave us useful advice, which would make it easier to decide which disease should be the target of our project.

3 Evaluation / analysis

Some of us performed an extensive literature study on other plant and disease. The findings were summarized in a clear presentation that was subsequently presented to the whole team. But we did not regard this as an serious problem, because our final goal is to change the structure of VHH in the hope of targeting as many diseases as possible.

4 Conclusion

We learned that it is more reasonable to target tomatoes or potatoes, for they are protoplast callus that can be infected by Agrobacterium and are also important food sources.

5 Action plan

Our next step is to find out the way to determine the structure of VHH. We planed to do more research on antigen-antibody interactions.

Biosafety module with KillerRed

1 Description

Our engineered strains are mainly used in plants, and plants need sunlight to grow, so we chose sunlight as the way to initiate suicide. We began screening and researching toxic proteins to select the most appropriate ones for the biosafety module.

2 Feelings

We found it innovative to use sunlight as the way to initiate suicide. But we were also concerned about whether it would work.

3 Evaluation / analysis

We initially considered KillerRed (BBa_K1184000). According to extant research, KillerRed is a red fluorescent protein that generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) under yellow-green light (540-585 nm). Given that plants typically absorb blue-violet and red light, reflecting light near 540nm (green), KillerRed is ideally suited as a biosafety ‘kill switch’. Other proteins in the KillerRed family, such as Supernova, were also validated. It has been shown to reduce dimerization tendency and maintain the ability to generate ROS. We obtained its fragment by point mutation and tested with light exposure.

4 Conclusion

We found that its fragment by point mutation's suicide inducing effect was less stable than that of KillerRed.

5 Action plan

In order to ensure the success and reliability of our biosafety module, we deemed it necessary to explore additional protein options. We planed to switch to a different protein, hoping to find one that not only demonstrates stability in inducing suicide but also aligns with the specific needs and requirements of our engineered strains in plants.

Biosafety module with miniSOG

1 Description

By reading more literature and consulting with more senior researchers, we identified another phototoxic protein.

2 Feelings

We are highly aware that the stability and consistency of the chosen protein should be thoroughly tested and validated before implementation, ensuring that it can effectively execute the desired actions in the given context.

3 Evaluation / analysis

We incorporated the more observable protein miniSOG as a complementary measure. This phototoxic protein, derived from LOV protein, produces toxic substances under blue light excitation to kill bacteria. It also emits green fluorescence for easy observation. To facilitate the use of this protein in Agrobacterium, its codon has been optimized.

4 Conclusion

Our plate light experiment demonstrated a noticeable reduction of engineered bacteria under natural light irradiation, regardless of whether the conditions were sunny or cloudy.

5 Action plan

We can use this experience to improve our designs and expand our understanding of biosafety measures in genetically engineered organisms in the future.

Ling Hu
Peking University


Prof. Hu is associate Professor in Peking University Law School.


It is a mistake to treat general-purpose systems technology as a proprietary technology with a single function. We should distinguish between different forms of technology. One is technology that can exist independently, such as a single patent; The second is the technology as a system, such as the operating system, which is multifunctional, integrated through interfaces and platforms; The third is the technology as a mode of production, which is often a combination of technologies, such as the Internet, featuring scale effect.

The meaningful question is not to find out whether a new technology is replacing the old one, because the judging standard may vary from person to person, but to pay attention to how the production of the new technology organized by the platform can further evolve and whether it is stable enough to create a relatively independent economic cycle.

The widespread adoption of some important technologies will reshape the law, and the relationship between law and technology may be reversed. When technology has been disintegrated and restructured, how does the law apply? The law is in fact constantly changing through the "general law + special law".

The interaction between legal and technological systems is dynamic. It is necessary to first see whether the system is stable and respond to the needs of the system on a stable basis.

The first stage: To observe the changes and development of an emerging technology and service in the initial stage, especially how it is developed within the existing new economic model and how it is integrated with the emerging business model. The law remains open in this process.

The second stage: distinguish between single-function technology and general-purpose technology, so as to track and observe early how this technology will further expand into the platform economic model, and solve the conflict and unfair competition problems between existing economic interests in the process. If there is a risk of rapid expansion, it needs to stop in time.

The third stage: Gradually confirm the legitimacy of emerging technologies under the platform model, through the reinterpretation of existing laws, amendments or formulation of new laws and regulations to confirm, and promote the establishment and improvement of new infrastructure.

The fourth stage: Strengthen more detailed supervision on the basis of confirming the production mode, including formulating technical standards, reviewing user agreements, promoting daily supervision, etc., gradually solving the problem of reasonable distribution.


We decided to learn more deeply about the legal problem of technology, especially synthetic biology and keep in mind not to view it as one single product, instead regard it as a mode of production. We did research with the help of friends from Law School and discovered that the law formally changes in this process, not only maintaining the existing principles and rules in form, but also gradually updating the content to adapt to the particularity of new technologies.

Weiwei Shen
China University of Political Science and Law


Prof. Shen is associate Professor in Law School, China University of Political Science and Law.


iGEM is an open source platform, where resources such as biobricks can be shared. But if you apply for a patent, it will be protected. What should be encouraged, property rights protection or open source sharing?

From the perspective of economics, the problem is not on the consumer demand side, but whether there is enough production initiative. If the price is set at zero marginal cost, the market will no longer produce. In the production process, information is both input and output, which means production and consumption are synchronic symbiosis. Strengthening copyright raises the price that those who invest in producing information must pay to past investors. If the law overcharges innovators, not only will we have too little information to consume today, but less innovation will happen in the future.
    To better understand the issue, we need to distinguish between static efficiency and dynamic efficiency. In the short term, in the transaction of information and culture, copyright is a barrier preventing public goods from entering the public domain, leading to low static efficiency. While, in the long run, if the author knows that his work is available for free, he will not produce it. That is dynamic efficiency. To sum up, patent or copyright is sacrificing static efficiency in exchange for dynamic efficiency. While it does hinder trading in the short term, it will encourage more production in the long run.


We better understand the significance of patent after Prof. Shen's explanations and decided to apply for a patent when our project is more mature. We will reach out to some specialists in this area to consult the application process and get prepared.

Xinyu Xiu
Tsinghua University


Xinyu Xiu is currently studying philosophy at Tsinghua University. Her works are scattered in Tianya, Shanghai Literature, Science Fiction World and so on.


Does deduction lead to an unrealistic imagination?

Even absurd predictions are valuable and may have some social metaphorical meaning. It is meaningful to respect the process of science fiction deduction. Beginners may attach too much importance to settings and pursue perfect settings. But people and technology interact, and technology is sometimes designed to accentuate humanity.

What do you think of helping the disadvantaged groups?

If something works for some disadvantaged groups, it will inevitably meet more needs and achieve better results, which can also serve normal groups, so it must work for everyone.

Implementation and Outlook

That's the example of art contributing to scientific development. We can also make use of art to educate the public.

2023-07-07 ~ 07-11

At CCiC, the ZJU-China team presented the Flora Sentinel project, which attracted many other teams. After our presentation, many teams asked questions. For example, "How to balance the relationship between guaranteed yield and enhanced immunity?" "How can interchangeability be achieved in plant vaccines?" These questions inspired us a lot, and we improved our project by reading articles and consulting experts for these questions, as you can see on this page.

At CCiC, we actively communicated with professors in the synthetic biology direction about synthetic biology issues. At the lecture of Prof. Wang Baojun, we had a deeper understanding of the research on the frontiers of synthetic biology. At the same time, we realized the importance of improving the synthetic biology program with the practical needs of the society. In the later Human Practice, we focus on researching the real world pesticide needs and combining them with the possibilities in scientific research, striving to make our project design more effective and refined.

Start-up Summer School
2023-07-15 ~ 07-16


In the sharing session, we learned the details that entrepreneurs should take note of when designing their business blueprint. In order to go for a better presentation of the business plan, you need to use tools such as Gantt Chart, UVP, IP strategy, etc. We have applied the business knowledge we learned in this sharing session on our business design page. You can refer to our entrepreneurship page for details.

Shanghai Zhisheng Yougu Biotechnology Co., LTD


Established in August 2020, with the purpose of "independent research and development, green ecology", centering on RNAi technology, Shanghai Zhisheng Yougu Biotechnology Co., LTD has established an AI-based intelligent agricultural disease and pest RNAi target gene screening system, an industrial dsRNA production system, and a new dsRNA delivery system of RNA biopesticide full chain research and development and production process.


Is it time-consuming for testing and approval?

From the perspective of regulations, every point in this project may face very strict auditing requirements, so it can be very difficult in the regulation process, especially in the short term. The legislation is still in an intense research stage, and legislation may still take some time.

What is the business model you recommend?

Assuming there are no problems with legislation and approval, the two key issues are cost and capacity. If a completely new thing wants to face the market, it is still likely to be promoted by national behavior at the beginning, such as plant protection departments and agricultural departments at various provincial or municipal levels, and promoted and applied by administrative means. After you have established some market scale, it is better to go to toB or toC.

What is the pesticide market size and current situation?

In the current global scale, pesticides are about 50 billion to 60 billion US dollars, and in China is about 70 billion or 80 billion yuan. Overall, biopesticides can account for about 5% of this share.

Are there any competitive advantages of RNA pesticides?

At present, biopesticides are being vigorously promoted in various countries. For example, the European Union has made it clear that 50% of chemical pesticides will be replaced by 2030. If you can achieve low-cost, large-scale production, and the effect is relatively stable, it is still a competitive advantage.

How to operate and manage a biotechnology companies?

There are two kinds of biotechnology companies, one is a sales company, and the other is a research and development company, and the research and development company has no revenue for a long time. For example, a new pesticide product, from the establishment of the project until the product can be obtained, the investment is conservatively estimated to be hundreds of millions. In this process, we can only do some commercialization of early products or by-products, and do a lot of financing to supplement the capital gap. Trading companies have some ready-made products to market, which makes it relatively better. But trading companies also have to decide on market model, such as how to promote the product, how relevant is the technology to the product. Every company has a unique operating model. For R & D companies, the R & D department will also be divided into many groups according to the main body's R & D ideas. At the same time, there are also a lot of support departments, some researching the relevant policies and how to register pesticides. If there is a product, there will certainly be a corresponding sales model and sales personnel.

What is the length and cost of a patent application?

Generally speaking, a patent needs an 18-month application cycle. A longer one may be two or three years, while the fastest expedited channel from application to authorization needs at least one year. The application cost of a patent is about three to five thousand yuan. If you want a third-party institution to help to do documentation, it may cost seven or eight thousand yuan. The overall amount is more than 10,000 yuan. One year after applying for a domestic patent, you can apply for an international patent. First, the PCT is requested, which probably takes 8 to 16 months to review. After that, it will probably take nearly a year to enter the national audit, and it will take four to five years to get an internationally licensed patent. But in fact, the PCT has already entered the protection stage.

How about market acceptance for new crop diseases control methods?

For farmers, the only point of concern is low cost and high efficiency. For agricultural products with relatively high economic added value, such as fruits or vegetables, as long as the product is effective and the pesticide residue is relatively low to pass the detection standard, they may be more inclined to accept this new technology.

When developing pesticides, which is better, more specific or broad spectrum?

It's a question of balance between specific or broad-spectrum regime. Because even chemical pesticides do not prevent all diseases. An ideal pesticide should have the ability to provide a broad spectrum control of the major pests and disease in a particular growing season of a crop.

What is the general development process of a product?

After verifying the feasibility of the process in the laboratory stage, we enter the production test. At this stage, each device and production scale is scaled up. If there is no problem, it will continue to expand production, and the scale may increase tonnage. After stability, every link will be adjusted to maximize productivity or conversion rate to reduce costs.

Implementation and Outlook

We adjust our project design to meet the standard of "providing a broad spectrum control of the major pests and disease in a particular growing season of a crop" by using AI to predict the structure of antigens and design specific VHH-NLR which target that antigen.

We thought of applying for a patent, but are also concerned that it will block the way of spreading the technology to more people. Therefore, we consulted Weiwei Shen and other experts for further information.

SDG discussion


On August 1st, ZJU-China's representatives exchanged views with Professor Li Mingyuan, Vice President of the Chinese Institute of Medicine, University of Macau, and Ni Jun, Associate Professor of the School of Life Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The topics covered medicine, environmental protection, agricultural production and other fields. The conversation allowed us to see the infinite possibilities of synthetic biologyinfinite possibilities of synthetic biology, which can be applied to the development of new drugs, for example, the synthesis of traditional Chinese medicine active ingredients to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and other diseases that seriously endanger human health and life. Synthetic biology can also help achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, such as the use of carbon negative cell factories. The modification of photosynthetic microorganisms can directly convert greenhouse gas CO2 into valuable products. However, it's not easy to apply synthetic biology technology into production. Since there is no small difference between laboratory results and market demand, we should fully understand the market status quo, in order to do valuable scientific research for social development.

Approaching Synthetic Biology - 2023iGEM Exchange


On August 5th, we were invited to participate in the "Approaching Synthetic Biology - 2023iGEM Exchange", attended by BIO+SHANGHAI, BIO+CHINA, OTIA HANGZHOU, ZJUT-China and ZJU-China. At the meeting, each team exchanged brochures. The representatives of each team made a detailed introduction and presentation of the research projects of their teams this year. After the presentation, the students and teachers of other teams put forward questions and suggestions. We also exchanged experiments and preparation experiences before and after the meeting. For our project, a teacher asked us about the source of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). In fact, RdRp is responsible for the replication and transcription of the RNA virus genome. It had already been used for antiviral drug targets and mRNA vaccines. The groundbreaking aspect of our work is its application to plants.

There is also concern about the feasibility. For example in the application of transgenic, Agrobacterium needs to pass through the callus to play a role. Can spraying make Agrobacterium infect the leaves?

Implementation and Outlook

We decided to look into the problem in more depth.

Zhejiang Agriculture and rural Department of planting


Zhejiang Agriculture and rural Department of planting is responsible for pesticide audits.


What are the relevant laws, regulations and approval processes for saRNA-based crop disease control programs based on Agrobacterium?

If it is a biopesticide, it is necessary to register the pesticide first, and the manufacturer can produce it after registration. If you don't have production qualifications and conditions, it should be entrusted to other manufacturers for production, and the registration should be applied by the manufacturer. If it is not a pesticide, since I do not know much about the approval of biological agents, you can consult the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China. The laws for pesticide approval are determined by state departments.


We planed to consult Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, which may have the power to decide whether our product is pesticide or not.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China


How are pesticides defined? Is our project a pesticide?

I have no idea. You can refer to relevant laws.


We decided to find out the relevant legal provisions on our own and consult the company's legal counsel.

Further research in laws and regulations

1 Description

We always believe that laws and regulations are very important to us. At first we wanted to ask the government about the situation. But I tried to contact four relevant departments, some could not be contacted, and some only gave very vague answers.

2 Feelings

That's a little disappointing. We thought the government would be very supportive of our research. But it gradually became clear that government workers were not enthusiastic. They don't know much about the situation and aren't willing to do more to help.

3 Evaluation / analysis

After thinking about it, we realized that in the absence of clear legal provisions, they may not be able to give an exact answer, otherwise they need to take responsibility. This is understandable.

4 Conclusion

Government officials should not be asked such questions.

5 Action plan

Our next step is to do our own research and consult with law school students.

Shaochuan Li


Realmeta dedicated clinical infection diagnosis, to optimize the efficiency of data analysis of laboratory physicians, improve the ability of clinicians to interpret reports. They are committed to becoming the partner of choice for open ecology in the field of infection diagnosis.


From the perspective of microbial evolution, does our solution have any advantages over traditional pesticides in terms of causing microbial resistance?

The traditional intervention of pathogenic bacteria is generally through the use of antibacterial drugs, such as through its transmembrane proteins, to treat pathogens after infection. But what you are working on now is essentially an autoimmune response to the pathogen, using self-transcribed RNA. First of all, from the logic of this approach, it has an advantage over traditional drugs for resistance or pathogen resistance, because it depends on auto-immunity. Moreover, the pathogens you're targeting are mainly bacteria and fungi. From viruses to bacteria to fungi, the mechanism of microbial resistance will become more and more complex, and the more complex the structure of biological systems, the stronger its stability will be, and the weaker its variability will be. From an evolutionary point of view, the evolution rate of fungi is relatively slow compared to that of microorganisms. The evolution rate of virus is definitely the fastest. If it is for the virus, there may inevitably be a series of problems such as immune escape. But for fungi, this approach is relatively effective for overcoming drug resistance. But after using this method on a large scale, both the domestication of the host and the microorganisms must be reciprocal. There is not enough data to support the mechanism of some drug resistance in plants themselves or in plant-related pathogens, so it is difficult to judge the actual effect of this method, and it can only be a theoretical judgment.

Can metagenomic sequencing predict the window period of crop disease control?

First of all, we need to clarify how to define the window period. Is it early infection, infection without disease, or microecology changes? Now some studies have found that after the soil microecology or the microecology of the plant itself is changed, the plant will have a high-risk period of disease and insect infestation. Metagenomic methods can be used to detect microecological changes, early pathogen infection or temporary absence of disease. For the non-onset window period of infection, if we know the pathogen, we can use some other detection methods, not necessarily the use of metagenomic large-scale detection.

Is it reasonable to predict the window period of crop disease control through metagenomic sequencing?

The cost depends on the specific calculation, such as how much scope, how much collection volume, and how long the inspection cycle is. This is like the relationship among statistical sample, population, and sample size. Similar to the nucleic acid test of the COVID-19 outbreak, a mixed test of 10 samples or a single tube test are different. Calculation may require the design of an economic model.

Shiyuan Li
Shanghai Transformants Information Technology Co., LTD.


Li Shiyuan, an experienced science popularizer in synthetic biology, author of wechat public account "Transformants", legal representative of Shanghai Transformants Information Technology Co., LTD.


What is your original intention to create this public account?

There are two main purposes. First of all, I think synthetic biology is very interesting, and I hope that by doing some science popularization, I can attract more people into this industry. The second is to put some pressure on myself to keep learning and output. And of course it's an opportunity to get to know great people like you who love synthetic biology. Also, helping advance the synthetic biology industry by making connections.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of effective science popularization?

Probably most people think that science must be interesting and funny to attract people, in fact, these is just formality. I value the kernel itself. In other words, the former makes 90% of people see, laugh, and call it a day. The latter makes less than 10% of people watch it and have some thinking. I prefer the latter.

What do you think popularizers of science can do about the social acceptance of synthetic biology?

Maybe to offer more objective application descriptions and future prospects.

Implementation and Outlook

We decided to offer more objective application descriptions and future prospects in our education. For example, adding references to popular science tweets makes it easier for readers to learn what they're interested in.

Jijie Chai
Westlake University


Jijie Chai, Professor of Plant Immunology, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University.


(1) He recognized innovation as a new delivery method for expressing proteins.

(2) He suggested using small molecule protein interactions to demonstrate innovation and platform scalability.

(3) He suggested simplifying the genetic circuit to reduce the difficulty and cost of experiments. Think about whether the added element is necessary, such as whether the lifespan of the RNA really has a significant impact on the efficacy of prevention. After reflection, we found that the self-replicating enzyme module is necessary under the premise of non-transgenic instantaneous transfer.

(4) The advantage of SAR is that it is broad spectrum, and the harm to the plant itself is relatively small, because its relative strength is weaker than ETI. The strength of the immune response is difficult to quantify. Cell death does not necessarily occur with immunity. If global immunity can trigger overimmunity and lead to plant decay, TLS is not necessarily needed.


We decided to go to Zhejiang University to consult structural biology teachers about antigen and antibody matching.

Prof. Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer
the University of Chicago


Helen A. Regenstein Distinguished Service Professor of Classics and the Program in Gender Studies.


What do you think about the ethical issues involved in synthetic biology or gene editing technology?

The ethics of science and technology is about practice instead of ideas. I think what we should do is not making judgement of what is right or wrong, but instead think of why do we have these questions. The technology itself actually shapes the way we think. If we confine ourselves to this framework, it will bring undesirable effects to society and even the world. The fact itself that we are sitting here discussing technology ethics means we are stepping out of the framework, which is great for all human beings.

Implementation and Outlook

Her answer definitely deepened our understanding of the ethics of science and technology. And we find it more and more important and necessary to invite the public into the discussion of these questions. We planed to discuss the ethical problems on our podcast.

Benjamin Krause
the University of Chicago


He is supporting Nobel Laureate Michael Kremer in founding and leading both the Development Innovation Lab (DIL) and the larger Development Economics Center at the University of Chicago as Executive Director.


Are there downsides when it comes to scientific development?

Definitely. For example, cobalt is one of the most essential and ubiquitous elements of the modern information economy as it is critical for the rechargeable batteries that make mobile connectivity and electronic vehicles possible. However, its supply-chain, and in particular its extraction, has come under significant scrutiny by local and international advocacy groups concerned about child labor and other threats to the health and safety of miners and mining communities. We mapped and then conducted a series of representative surveys in the artisanal mining communities in the “copperbelt” of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - the location of the the majority of the world's known cobalt reserves. We find that households in these communities are on average poor, heavily reliant on mining and vulnerable to income shocks. Furthermore, 11% of children in these communities work outside of the home, of which 23% work in the mining sector. We find that disengaging from artisanal mining can have detrimental effects for a large number of households living in the DRC copper cobalt belt. Maintained sourcing from ASM, coupled with providing support and incentives to miners, can prevent unintended harm, while reducing the prevalence of child labor. The impact of interventions targeted at reducing child labor should be rigorously evaluated prior to their implementation at scale.

Implementation and Outlook

We learned to view scientific development in a more objective and all-round way. And we are increasingly interested in whether scientific and technological development will widen the gap between the rich and the poor.

Further consultation concerning social problems

1 Description

We always believe that the final goal of our project is undoubtedly making the world a better place. However, in our conversations with Prof. Krause and Mrs. Zimmer, we came to a deeper and more real realization that technology doesn't necessarily make the world a better place.

2 Feelings

This leaves us with mixed feelings. We were confused and anxious, eager to know whether our project would actually increase the gap between rich and poor or cause other social problems.

3 Evaluation / analysis

We had a heated discussion within the team.

4 Conclusion

But we found that students in STEM fields don't seem to have enough knowledge and awareness of society.

5 Action plan

Our next step is consult more people of different identities and walks of life to ask them how they view the social problems caused by the development of science and technology. At the same time, the team members in charge of Human Practices also began to read literature. Please see Laws and Regulation for detailed information.

Gerald Chan
the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Dr. Gerald Chan, the cofounder of the Morningside Group, is renowned as a scientist, a businessman and philanthropist. The recipient of six honorary degrees, Dr. Chan is a trustee of Scripps Research Institute, and a member of the Dean's Board of Advisors of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.


What can the COVID-19 pandemic teach us?

The COVID-19 has made us aware of human frailty. We always think that humans dominate the earth, but in fact, humans share the earth with other living things. The epidemic reminds us that the notion that "man can conquer nature" may be exaggerated. We should Revere nature. It's stunning how nature works. No pandemic lasts forever. Pathogens eventually evolve into more infectious but less lethal strains that coexist with humans. Sometimes it's hard to say whether something designed by man is necessarily superior to nature.

How do you view the global epidemic prevention and control?

That's all right. Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and now the criticism of epidemic prevention and control is a little hindsight. Science is ever evolving, never absolute or fixed. We can only make decisions based on current scientific knowledge.

Are there ethical issues with synthetic biology, genetic engineering or gene editing?

Yes, but it's not that serious. Genetic mutations occur all the time in nature, so human editing will not have serious consequences for the natural world. Personally, I think there is no problem with GMO. The bottom line of biotechnology certainly exists, it just needs to be explored.

Implementation and Outlook

We realize that the attitude towards GMO is not that open in China Mainland than in the US. We planed to search for more literatures and laws to see the current bottom line of biotechnology.

David Oxtoby
American Academy of Arts and Sciences


David W. Oxtoby has served as President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2019.


What's the relationship between art and science?

Art can help people to think creatively about science. When I was in high school and college, I often found beauty in the chemical and physical formulas. I would recognize the elegance and structure of these formulas in my mind. Art can lead us to valuable creative scientific discoveries. A classic example is the discovery of the benzene ring structure. Kekulé dreamed of a snake biting its own tail in a circular shape, which inspired him to think of the carbon atoms in benzene arranged in a ring. Science can also have a positive impact on art. My father is a mathematician who loves music. Music brings him a lot of creative ideas. Music also contains mathematical knowledge in its melodies and rhythms. So, there is a beautiful connection between art and science.

Implementation and Outlook

We planed to raise discussion of the relationship between science and art among both science students and liberal art or fine art students. Because this kind of discussion is relatively ignored. We also planed to organize or participate activities which combine the two together.

Paula A. Johnson
Wellesley College


Paula A. Johnson is the 14th president of Wellesley College.


Some of the perceived increases in gender awareness are superficial, such as the number of women attending a conference. Does women's status depend only on statistics? What is the nature of diversity?

Gender diversity, like racial diversity and cultural diversity, is designed to give different people an equal voice and stimulate social vitality. That's what makes it important.

Implementation and Outlook

We realized that gender equality is not just boys and girls sharing equal resources such as education, it's also about people of all genders sharing the same rights to express themselves. Therefore, in the HER Digital Future Bootcamp, we gave girls an opportunities to express their own ideas of GMO and to picture a better way to control crop diseases.

Mitchel Resnick
MIT Media Lab


Mitchel Resnick (@mres), LEGO Papert Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab, develops new technologies and activities to engage people (especially children) in creative learning experiences. His Lifelong Kindergarten research group develops the Scratch programming software and online community, the world's leading coding platform for kids.


How to let children carry out effective creative learning?

Creative learning experiences can often be achieved through the four Ps: Project, Passion, Play, Peers. When kids are actively engaged in working on a project, based on their passions, When kids are actively engaged in working on a project, based on their passions, in collaboration with peers in a playful sprit, the outcome is the best. Children should not sit alone and solve problems, but should collect problems and methods and share them with their peers. When I say playful, I didn't mean playing just for fun. But rather an experience, where children dare to try and take risks. In today's society, the ability to create something becomes particularly important, because people need creativity to tackle problems.


We decided to organize a lesson for high school students based on experiment, so that they can understand synthetic biology more deeply.

David Zuckerman
Lieutenant Governor of Vermont


Mr. Zuckerman is the current Lieutenant Governor of Vermont.


What is true equality? What is the difference between equality and equity? We have a variety of criteria for judging equality, and one of the most representative examples is the discussion about equality and equity. Do we need to give everyone the same amount of aid, or do we need to give everyone the same amount of aid, so that everyone is equal?

Both need to be considered. It is necessary to give help to vulnerable groups, but the form of help and the degree of openness of help need to be considered, so as to avoid causing dissatisfaction of other groups.

Implementation and Outlook

Considering the form of help, we agree with the old saying that "Teaching a man to fish is better than giving him fish". We regard education as one of the most important factors in the process of helping the poor. So we decided to use online platform such as Wechat and Bilibili to educate people and raise their awareness of the control of crop diseases, because in China, even the rural and distant areas have the access to the Internet and celphones.

Jeff Wang
former President of Asia Society


Jeff Wang is the former President of Asia Society.


Will technological development widen the gap between the rich and the poor?

The technology itself is not the problem. It really helps to increase productivity. What we have to think about is is higher productivity really better? Is the problem solved by increasing production or efficiency? For example, the emergence of GMO and pesticides has indeed increased food production. But there are other driving forces behind it, such as countries want to reduce the Gini coefficient, so efforts to reduce food prices, But this obviously does not solve the root of the problem. The most serious problem is food waste. In developed countries, 50% of food is wasted every year. It's the same in China. China wastes in transportation, America wastes in supermarkets.

Implementation and Outlook

We decided to add the education of avoiding food waste into our education by doing some research and organizing discussions on the topic so as to raise people's awareness.

research vessel Marcelle Melosira


The boat hosts cutting-edge technology and research equipment, providing one-of- a-kind access to Lake Champlain. The Marcelle Melosira is staffed with a full-time Captain and Research Vessel Specialist who are experienced in aspects of limnological, geological, and fisheries sampling.


We were honored to experience scientific research on the University of Vermont's new research and teaching vessel Marcelle Melosira.

We collected water samples to observe microbes under the microscope, and also estimated water clarity. We talked to Jessica, a student of the University of Vermont, who is on board to help with the activity. She said she found it meaningful and fulfilling to participate in scientific population activities like this, where people of all ages and all backgrounds can understand the importance of protecting the water around us by experience the research process by themselves. We are greatly inspired by what she said and decided to find the way that can allow participants to better engage.

Implementation and Outlook

We are greatly inspired and decided to find the way that can allow participants to better engage, for example, giving high school students a chance to experience molecular biology experiments.

Kari Anderson
Vermont Public’s Senior Vice President of Audience & Community


Vermont Public's Senior Vice President of Audience & Community


How can we expand our influence?

The first thing to do is to survey the audience and understand their needs, specifically what information they are missing, and the channels they most often use. Second, try to get the message you want to convey through the media to the audience in the most receptive way. For example, if they don't listen to podcasts, podcasts are not useful for expanding their reach.

Implementation and Outlook

We actually found that the users of podcast are mainly people aged 20-30, which is not desirable for our education. So we decided to post videos on Bilibili and tweets on Wechat.

The Choice of Social Media

1 Description

With the development of the Internet and electronic products, people can use more and more social media. When choosing a media to promote, we realize that there are many factors to consider. After communicating with many popular science workers and journalists, we gradually learned that the media with the largest number of users is the best choice.

2 Feelings

We're having a bit of a hard time choosing a way to promote our project.

3 Evaluation / analysis

Our project, as well as synthetic biology, is not easy to understand. People may feel bored when reading this. But posting our tweets or videos on the platforms that they are used to using everyday may be better. We do everything we can to make them more interesting, both in form and content.

4 Conclusion

Although the content is important. For example, the content must be scientific and rigorous, otherwise it will lose the meaning of popular science. But form is very important for engaging listeners and viewers.

5 Action plan

According to the results of the questionnaire, we plan to use wechat public account tweets and short videos. But we are concerned that such publicity will not leave a strong impression. So we also want to use podcasts and long videos for more detailed explanations. Please see Public Engagement for detailed information.

Dennis Wu
office of San Francisco-based Recology


Dennis Wu, a Chinese American community leader, in the office of San Francisco-based Recology, a resource recovery company, where he serves as chairman of the board and independent director.


Will technological development widen the gap between the rich and the poor?

I think technology is neutral. We may see the occupiers of capital owning technology and dominating technology at the same time, which may lead to some social problems. But the source of the problem is the social system, or how we allocate and use technology as a resource.

Implementation and Outlook

It's comforting for us to hear that. But we are going to ask more people in the hope of getting different ideas. Also, we will always keep in mind the social needs when designing and applying the technology.

Yang Shao
member of the Fremont City Council in California


Yang Shao is a member of the Fremont City Council in California, representing District 4. Shao was an at-large member of the Fremont Unified School District Board of Education in California.


Have San Francisco's biotech technologies , including biomedicine, encountered social or ethical problems during or after entering the market?

Of course it will. Many clinical trials also need to go through an ethics committee.

Will new technologies like gene therapy cause social problems? The feeling that these treatments will be more expensive will increase the gap between the rich and the poor?

America's insurance system has traditionally discouraged the out-of-pocket cost of expensive new treatments. This is certainly going to cause some controversy. It will not widen the income gap between rich and poor. After all, the target group of these new drugs is relatively small.

Implementation and Outlook

Learning about how a mature market is regulated definitely help us picture the future of biotech market in China.

Further research and discussion on ethical problems

1 Description

Techniques involving gene editing have always come under ethical scrutiny. In our conversations with stakeholders in different industries, we have found that they attach great importance to this issue.It can be seen that ethical issues are very important for whether our products can have a positive impact on the world.

2 Feelings

Because most of us come from STEM majors, we don't know much about humanities like sociology. We realized that we didn't pay enough attention to ethical issues and were very eager to learn more.

3 Evaluation / analysis

Without understanding the basics of sociology and ethics, we still have an instinctive resistance to gene-edited babies. Thus we realize that the ethics of biotechnology is not an entirely new subject, but a separate part of society's existing cultural environment and discourse system. For example, when we asked in the questionnaire "Do you think the project has ethical problems", the vast majority of respondents answered "no". But they expressed some ethical concerns in subsequent questions.

4 Conclusion

There are some underlying logic in people's understanding and judgment of ethical issues that we do not yet understand. Without understanding the underlying logic, you may not be able to essentially understand the source of ethical problems and eliminate people's concerns.

5 Action plan

Our next step is to read more documents for deeper understanding of ethics of science and technology. Please see Ethical Problems for detailed information.

Yuling Luo
lamar Biosciences


Dr Luo is currently the Founder, Chairman and CEO of Alamar Biosciences, a company reinventing immunoassays to enable ultra-sensitive and highly multiplexed liquid biopsy analysis for the early detection of diseases.


What is the development history of your company? Do you find a problem and build a company to do research and development, or do you build a company based on the technology?

There are three types of enterprises. The first type is a company based on products and technologies; the second type is a company that provides channels and platforms for users and suppliers; and the third type is a company that aims to improve users' learning or work efficiency. There are two kinds of innovation points of enterprises, technological innovation and mode innovation. Alamar Biosciences belong to the first type of company, which is mainly based on technological innovation. Therefore, it is important to identify the problem first. In fact, it is more important to seize opportunities, such as the market demand for biomarker-based diagnostics, and existing technologies are not accurate. Then find a solution to this problem, and then expand production.


His answers were helpful when we think of applying technology into real life.

Session at Hangzhou Xuejun High School

We went to Xuejun High School in Hangzhou to conduct synthetic biology science and share the Flora Sentinel project with the high school students. During the sharing session, we encouraged the students to ask questions freely and we answered each question carefully. We collected feedback questionnaires from each of the students after the session, asking for their opinions on synthetic biology and Flora Sentinel.

We treasure every opportunity to communicate with others. It was our honor to present a lecture on synthetic biology to younger students. We were pleasantly surprised that many students showed great interest in synthetic biology after the lecture.

According to the feedback from the students, their initial impression of synthetic biology was "interesting". They were surprised and impressed by many previous iGEM projects. In the questionnaire feedback, the average acceptance of synthetic biology products for pesticides was higher than that of synthetic biology products for pharmaceuticals and food, which gives us a glimpse of the commercialization prospects of the Flora Sentinel project (for more information on this, please refer to our Entreprenuership page).

We were also pleasantly surprised by the number of students who came up with ideas and suggestions for the Flora Sentinel project. For example:

"Is it possible to spread antibodies between plants of the same species on their own?"

"How well do farmers accept biopesticides?"

"If these pesticides are used on a large scale, will there be any unintended consequences?"

"How long can it last for one spray to be effective?"

Regarding these questions, we conducted extensive research, consulted with experts in various fields, and ultimately refined our project step by step, as you can see on this page.

Mr. Su
Hangzhou Liangzhu Linhai Vegetable and Fruit Specialized Cooperative (Linhai)


Mr. Su is one of the leaders of Hangzhou Liangzhu Linhai Vegetable and Fruit Specialized Cooperative (Linhai). His agricultural base is one of more than 500 municipal "food basket" bases recognized by the Hangzhou Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, with a total of 3,200 acres of land contracted to him. Linhai actively practices smart agriculture, maintains good relations with the government, and regularly invites experts to provide professional training to farmers.


We would like to know how pesticides are currently used at the base. Is there any preference in the selection of biopesticides and chemical pesticides?

At present, the vast majority of pests and diseases are still solved by chemical pesticides, because chemical pesticides have certain advantages in storage and price compared with biological pesticides. Only when there is a clear need on the demand side, such as supply during large international conferences, will we focus on purchasing biopesticides for use. For chemical pesticide residue testing, government sampling is generally the mainstay.

How does the agricultural base decide what new pesticides to introduce?

Generally the selection of pesticides depends on the list of pesticides given by government experts in the season. In general, the pesticides are purchased according to the government list and sprayed according to the government experts' guidelines.

Implementation and Outlook

His answer made us think about the usage scenarios and entry tracks of pesticides and provided us with inspiration to revamp our product format. We learned that most of the agricultural bases have their own cold storage and have certain conditions for preserving strains. If we want to promote our pesticide, the government is an important part. We conducted more in-depth research on the first batch of users and have a comprehensive portrait.