
Student Leader

Yuwei Du

Conceptualization: Helps develop the initial project concept.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates project activities, including planning and execution.
Analysis: Analyzes team experimental and literature data methods.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Background Research: Reads scientific research articles to assess project feasibility and necessity.
Notebook/Record Keeping: Documents all laboratory activities and experimental data.
Writing: Writes, reviews, or edits content for the Wiki's documentation.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.

Fan Wu

Analysis: Analyzes team experimental data and experimental practices.
Conceptualization: Contributes to the project concept.
Background Research: Researches scientific articles and compliance with white paper regulations.
Data Curation: Organizes and manages project data.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Notebook/Record Keeping: Records laboratory activities and experimental data.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates project activities, including safety and planning.
Safety: Completes and reviews safety forms.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.
Writing: Writes and edits content for the Wiki's documentation.


Zehao Fan

Analysis: Analyzes team's experimental and literature data methods.
Conceptualization: Contributes to the project concept.
Background Research: Reads scientific research articles for feasibility and necessity assessment.
Notebook/Record Keeping: Records laboratory activities and experimental data.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.
Writing: Writes, reviews, or edits content for the Wiki's documentation.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates project activities.

Menglong Zhang

Background Research: Reviews scientific articles for project feasibility and necessity.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Analysis: Analyzes team experimental and literature data methods.
Notebook/Record Keeping: Records laboratory activities and experimental data.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.

Qiuyan Wu

Notebook/Record Keeping: Records experimental data and pictures.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Analysis: Analyzes team experimental data.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates project activities, including planning and execution.
Writing: Writes and edits content for the Wiki's documentation.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external outreach activities.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.
Background Research: Reads scientific research articles for project feasibility and necessity assessment.
Conceptualization: Contributes to the project concept.

WenJing Pan

Conceptualization: Participates in experimental design and research.
Analysis: Analyzes team experimental data and literature data methods.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Background Research: Reads scientific research articles for feasibility and necessity assessment.
Notebook/Record Keeping: Records data and pictures of experimental activities.
Writing: Writes and edits content for the Wiki's documentation.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities. Responsible for collaborating and communicating with universities and colleges.

Shuai Ding

Visualization: Works on molecular modeling for wiki writing.
Software: Contributes to protein 3D structure prediction, molecular docking, and mutant residue analysis in wiki content.

Song Li

Software: Develops, implements, and tests computer programs and code for the project.
Writing: Writes, reviews, or edits content for the Wiki's documentation.
Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.

Yufeng Guo

Software: Develops, implements, and tests computer programs and code for the project.
Writing: Writes, reviews, or edits content for the Wiki's documentation.

JunRong Wang

Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.
Visualization: Works on visualization tasks.

HuaKang Tan

Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.
Visualization: Works on visualization tasks.

Yang Qiu

Visualization: Works on visualization tasks.
Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.

Kuan Liu

Visualization: Works on visualization tasks.
Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.

Runsen He

Background Research: Reviews information about plastic pollution.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates the work of the practice group.
Visualization: Participates in the filming of promotional videos.
Writing: Participates in PPT content writing and wiki content creation.

Dongsong Yang

Background Research: Reviews information to understand bioplastic degradation.
Project Administration: Coordinates the distribution of the HP team's work.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.
Writing: Participates in writing Wiki documents.

YuGuang Zhou

Investigation: Conducts research about the competition program.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.
Writing: Contributes to writing Wiki documents and tweets.
Project Administration: Manages the team's WeChat public number.
Background Research: Reviews information to understand bioplastic degradation.

Yindi Zhang

Background Research: Reviews the background and policies related to the competition.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities and plastic reuse products.
Visualization: Designs promotional posters.

Yan Xia

Background Research: Accesses background and policies related to plastic degradation.
Visualization: Works on video production.

Yunshuang Chen

Visualization: Works on animation production.
Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.

Zixian Ni

Visualization: Works on animation production.
Wiki Coding: Creates and formats wiki pages.

Wanqing Li

Visualization: Works on animation production, PPT production, and video production.

Yimeng Yuan

Visualization: Works on wiki design and beautification, PPT beautification, logo design and beautification, and video editing.
Background Research: Checks information about biodegradable plastics.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates the work of the artwork team.

Lijun Hu

Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.
Visualization: Works on logo design, wiki design, video editing, and team flag design.
Background Research: Consults information to understand biodegradable plastics.

Shunen Dai

Writing: Participates in the writing of some Wiki documents.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.

Yinxin Shao

Visualization: Works on PPT page beautification.

Zixing Zhang

Background Research: Reviews information to understand the current situation of plastic products and pollution in China.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.
Visualization: Works on PPT style design, promotional poster design, and public number end logo design.

Hongyu Yao

Background Research: Reviews information on plastics and related environmental pollution.
Visualization: Works on logo design, production of promotional videos and presentation videos.
Conceptualization: Presents the initial idea of the promotional video.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates the distribution of the video team's work.

Yujie Duan

Public Engagement: Designs plastic reuse products for presentation.
Visualization: Works on logo design, production of promotional videos, and shooting of presentation videos.
Conceptualization: Contributes to the idea of the presentation video.

Luqi He

Public Engagement: Shoots lecture videos and participates in petrochemical community site visits.
Background Research: Researches plastic pollution and related policies.
Visualization: Works on small logo design and part of the presentation video editing.

Yansu Yin

Visualization: Works on the creation of promotional videos and presentation videos.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.
Background Research: Researches plastic and related environmental pollution information.

Yi Huang

Public Engagement: Participates in iGEM promotional seminar activities.
Visualization: Works on video production.
Writing: Writes material for the hp section and accompanying text for videos.
Background Research: Conducts background research on the project.

Jing Han

Writing: Participates in the preparation of PPT contents, tweets, and background information.
Visualization: Works on Wiki page beautification.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's external publicity activities.

Xinyu Gu

Background Research: Checks information about plastic pollution.
Public Engagement: Participates in the team's publicity activities.
Writing: Participates in writing Wiki documents and PPT content.

Qianzhou Du

Visualization: Works on video post-editing.

Principal Investigators

Fei Li

Conceptualization: Helps come up with the initial project concept.
Project Administration: Manages and coordinates project activities, planning and execution.
Analysis: Analyzes team experimental and literature data methods.
Investigation: Conducts experiments and collects experimental data.
Background Research: Reads scientific research articles to assess project feasibility and necessity.
Hardware: Designs, builds, and tests components and systems.
Fundraising: Raises funds and secures in-kind donations for team activities.
Public Engagement: Participates in team activities.
Safety: Ensures laboratory safety practices.

Jun Chen

Conceptualization: Helps come up with the initial project concept.
Fundraising: Raises funds and secures in-kind donations for team activities.
Public Engagement: Participates in team activities.


Jun Lin

Fundraising: Raises funds and secures in-kind donations for team activities.


BaoSheng Mao

Fundraising: Raises funds and secures in-kind donations for team activities.


Xin Wang

Instruction in laboratory operations, laboratory safety.

JunFeng Wang

Instruction in laboratory operations, laboratory safety.