Primary Instructor
Chansie Yang
"Broadly interested in plant and environment interactions across past and future time scales"
Team Lead
Kathryn Tsai
"As the team lead of this year's iGEM team, I have been captivated by the field of synthetic biology since middle school. Building upon our previous work addressing environmental issues, we have chosen to shift our focus to human therapeutics for this year's project, with the hope of creating meaningful advancements that can positively impact a larger population. I really look forward to further developing my leadership abilities and research skills while witnessing the collective collaboration of all team members in pursuit of our shared objectives."
Ryan Hsu
"I was a wet lab member of the team last year. I found iGEM interesting while learning all kinds of knowledge we cannot learn in school. The reason for being the leader this year is that I wish to bring all the opportunities to more people either in our school or outside the school. The topic last year was about environmental problems, and this year we want to face harder problems with the therapeutic aspect of T1D. With my knowledge of immunology and organic chemistry, I believe we can pursue our goal. T1D, solve the ease!"
Team Members

Ariel Lan

Andy Lin

Katie Cheng

Trinity Lin

Ray Lin

Matt Yeh

Yvette Chang

Andrew Lin

Alex Wu

Josh Lin

Sean Wang

Sophia Lin

Jerry Chen

Adrian Shih

Benjamin Chen