About Our Team!
Located in the beautiful state of Colorado, the 2023 USAFA iGEM team is full of an amazing group of people who come from all different backgrounds, places, experiences, etc. We all share an excitement for scientific research, synthetic biology, and making the world a better place. In addition to our passion for science, each member upon graduating will commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Air and Space Forces.

We come from 11 different states from the Atlantic Coast all the way to Hawaii! Additionally, the members of this team comprise of five different majors! We take pride in utilizing our multidisciplinary team throughout the entire project. Although this project has been challenging, the team has learned a lot and we are excited to share what we have found with the world!

Brandon Gadeken - Biology:
"I saw iGEM as an opportunity to challenge myself and learn more about the world we live in. My favorite part of iGEM is the great wealth of opportunities and knowledge I have access to."
Brandon Anderson - Biology:
"I saw iGEM as an opportunity to learn more about research in the field of biological science and to determine to what extent I enjoy it. My favorite part has been working with the team and faculty and broadening my horizons on the true expanse of synthetic biology."
Nathan Labarre - Behavioral Sciences:
"The opportunity to work with individuals who also share a penchant for research and genetic engineering drew me to join the iGEM Team. I haven't been disappointed. In iGEM, I've not only learned about research and lab methods, but also met really great people."
Ashlynn Meyers - Biology:
"What drew me to iGEM was the opportunity to be involved in research that will make a difference. It was a chance to challenge myself and move outside of my comfort zone for new experiences. So far I have learned much about research and lab work from our amazing faculty and team members."
Amanda Schaefbauer - Biology:
"I was drawn to iGEM because of the ingenuity and application of biology to real world problems. My favorite part of iGEM is the creativity and outreach aspects."
Brennan Seibert - Biology:
"I was drawn to iGEM because of my passion for the life sciences, helping people, and making the world a better place. I enjoy working with the team to do outreach events, the lab work, and the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the project."
Cosmo Cao - Biochemistry:
"I joined iGEM in order to learn more about synthetic biology and gain more lab experience, particularly genetic engineering techniques. Along the way, I've had the privilege of working with some amazing and inspirational people!"
Reginaldo Capati - Biology:
"I was drawn to iGEM because I wanted to learn more about biology and develop research experience. I really enjoy working with the great people on the team and doing any work in the lab."
Elizabeth Cassidy - Biology:
"I joined iGEM for the friendships and research opportunities that came with it. My favorite part is getting together with my teammates outside of class to work or go out to eat."
Megan Dumond - Biology:
"I loved the idea of combining art and biology. My favorite part of iGEM is the people and opportunities to learn."
Nathan Nelson - Biology:
"I believe iGEM presented itself as a unique opportunity to learn more about genetic engineering--something completely foreign to me. Thus far, my favorite part of iGEM is the people I've met along the way."
Jasmine Oki - Systems Engineering:
"I was drawn to iGEM because it offers a unique opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research and develop solutions to real-world problems using synthetic biology. iGEM also provides a platform for collaboration with other teams. My favorite part of iGEM is gaining hands-on experience in experimental design, while also developing skills in communication and teamwork."
Marion "Ezzie" Posner - Biology:
"Initially I was drawn to iGEM be¬cause of a flyer I saw in the biology department showing a group of cadets belonging to a team with a common vision and a common goal. My favorite part of iGEM thus far truly has been the people."
Emma Redmond - Biology:
"I joined iGEM to get more involved in research and meet people in my major. My favorite part of iGEM has been the people I have met and the fun times in the lab!"
Caleb Shin - Biochemistry:
"iGEM was an opportunity for me to make an impact larger than myself, and my favorite part is the people that I am able to do it with."
Kelly Yoon - Biology:
"I joined iGEM to get more experience doing research that could make a real impact. My favorite part of iGEM is the collaboration in a team setting required to accomplish our collective goals."