In a world where science and innovation are constantly shifting, it’s interesting to observe that society doesn’t always evolve at the same pace. From the beginning of this year’s iGEM journey, our team was committed not only to create a project that would serve the motto ‘local people solve local problems’, but also to devise a human practices strategy capable of acquainting essential scientific principles to the public. Therefore, we decided to divide our Human Practices into three domains. The first aligns with our objective of providing people of all generations access to synthetic biology and its applications. The second focuses on transmitting information regarding the excessive use of pesticides in crops and raise bioethical awareness, and the last one is devoted to explaining the fundamentals of our project “DeltaSense”and familiarizing the public with cell-free crop monitoring.
Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Synthetic Biology
“Exploring the cell”: Α Βiology-related Αrt & Craft Workshop for Children in the Natural History Museum of Crete
The Greek educational system does not provide enough material for biology concepts at early education levels, especially in primary school. Considering our mission to talk about synthetic biology and biology in general, we decided to address children to enrich their knowledge of basic biology concepts and see life from a different perspective, a microscopic one. Thus, we taught them about the smallest unit of life, cells. In collaboration with the Natural History Museum of Crete, we organized an interactive workshop in which we applied an educational approach based on storytelling, playing, and drawing. The event aimed to give children a taste of basic biological concepts and allow them to learn about the organelles of the cell and their functions in a playful way.
At first, we gave our little friends a presentation about animal and plant cells. After this lesson, it was time for action. We separated in small groups and used a stereoscope to see cells up close. This hands-on experience helped children to understand the size scale of cells. To determine whether or not the children understand the differences between plant and animal cells, we provided them with handmade puzzles of human and plant cells to solve. Then, we encouraged every kid to draw their imaginary cell using their creativity and personal style. This activity helped them assimilate their new knowledge and remember that day by taking their unique drawing home. The feedback from the children and their parents, who filled out an evaluation form, showed us that not only did the children have a great time, but we also managed to strengthen their thirst for learning about biology.

Meet iGEM uniCRETE: An Informative Event for Students of University of Crete
The School of Sciences and Technology of our University provides a thriving environment for the growth of inquiry and invention. Our fellow students are always interested in learning about evolution in the world of science. Since synthetic biology is a relatively new concept, we realized that only a few students are familiar with it. That is why we organized a meet-the-team event in our university’s facilities to inform students about synthetic biology, the iGEM Competition, and our project in detail. We approached the definition of synthetic biology entertainingly by creating a Kahoot game. Then, we introduced the iGEM competition to the audience through informative presentation slides and explained how our team collaborates and works, by analyzing the duties of each subteam in detail. The attendants had the chance to ask specific questions about our project and join an open conversation about the overuse of pesticides in the agriculture industry.

Collaborations by iGEM uniCRETE:
This year, our team fostered two collaborations, both aimed at advancing synthetic biology education and outreach.
World Biodiversity Day Tribute
On the 22nd of May, teams: Bulgaria, Freiburg,NU Kazakhstan, Thessaloniki, Neotech-e, Patras Biology, ABOA, IONIS, IISERP, PTSH-Taiwan (ButeurACE), NTHU-Taiwan, Thrace and Scotland joined us in celebrating World Biodiversity Day. The reason we chose to initiate this collaboration was our desire to raise awareness about special local species and convey our determination to support the protection of wildlife. After all, we expected our digital footprint to correspond to the principles that inspired us into creating DeltaSense, which targets a substance known to threaten biodiversity. Therefore, our instagram feed gladly became a welcome habitat for numerous extraordinary creatures of this world.

TikTok Collaboration - "A Day in the Life of an iGEMer"
On the social media platform TikTok, we collaborated with four other iGEM teams to create a one-minute video titled "A Day in the Life of an iGEMer." These creative collaborations merged the latest internet trends with our passion for biology, providing insights into our iGEM-spirited lives. The objective was to motivate individuals interested in future iGEM competitions or pursuing careers in science, in a fun and relatable way.

Collaborations iGEM uniCRETE participated in
Recognizing the immense value of collaboration and scientific exchange with other iGEM teams worldwide, we were fortunate to participate in several meaningful collaborations initiated by other teams this year. These collaborations exemplify our dedication to working together and our mutual drive to push the boundaries of science. Even though the concepts are not closely related to our project, the collaborations proved themselves as just another way to promote iGEM Competition’s mission and problems solved by Synthetic Biology all over the word. Here's a breakdown of our experience in the field:
Patras Medicine iGEM 2023 World Health Day Collaboration In this collaborative effort, iGEM teams from across the globe united to convey a powerful message, advocating for universal access to healthcare and well-being on World Health Day. It was a global initiative to ensure that everyone, regardless of their location, can achieve the highest level of health and well-being.
iGEM Thrace 2023 “iGEM is …” Video We teamed up to create a collaborative video that not only found its place on social media but was also displayed at the first Panhellenic Biosciences Student Conference held in Alexandroupoli. This video beautifully encapsulated what iGEM represents to us, providing a special view on our collective experience.
iGEM Bulgaria 2023 Icebox Collaboration Each participating team had the opportunity to decorate their own icebox and craft a short story related to it. This collaboration added a creative and artistic touch to our scientific endeavors, allowing us to express our perspectives in a visually compelling way.
iGEM SVCE Chennai 2023 World Nature Conservation Day Collaboration On World Nature Conservation Day, iGEM teams from around the world came together for a noble cause. We collectively planted a tree as a symbolic gesture of our common goal to protect and preserve nature. This collaborative effort managed to strengthen the bonds among participating teams through a meaningful group activity. As iGEM uniCRETE, we chose to plant an olive tree given our signature involvement with olive production during the making of DeltaSense.
iGEM ABOA’s World Environment Day Collaboration Teams from all over the world made a small video, each one talking about protecting a different part of nature. Our team decided to collaborate by using the phrase : “Let’s save our flora!”, once again paying tribute to the olive tree.
Participating in these diverse and inspiring collaborations was indeed a privilege. It allowed us to create closer connections with fellow iGEM teams while also providing a platform to share our love for science. These experiences enhanced the power of unity and collaboration in advancing our shared pursuits in the realm of synthetic biology and beyond.
SynBioCrete Chronicles blog: Nurturing Synthetic Biology Education
One integral component of our social media and communication endeavors has been the establishment of "SynBioCrete Chronicles," our dedicated online blog. Within this platform, we delve deeper into the realm of synthetic biology and its related fields, uploading self-created articles with a strong educational focus. Simultaneously, our blog served as a platform to explain our project, "DeltaSense" to a broader audience. Additionally, we explored a diverse array of subjects including ethical considerations in bioscience research, a topic we certainly consider worthy of further discussion. SynBioCrete Chronicles played a vital role in informing individuals who may not have previously explored the wonders of science, helping them become more knowledgeable while also entertaining them. In a nutshell, our blog embodies our mission to make synthetic biology education inclusive and inspire our society to explore the boundless possibilities of this field.

Pesticides Awareness and Bioethical Sensitization
Exploring Bioethics: A Multidisciplinary Open Discussion on Environmental Responsibility and Human Prosperity
Exchange of ideas has always been a powerful tool for us through all stages of making DeltaSense, from initial brainstorming to the everlasting process of questioning our methods and results to achieve the maximum impact of our project. In this spirit, we designed and conducted an open discussion through a zoom panel, where invited experts and students of various fields had the chance to share their views on the matter of environment exploitation and human prosperity.
Specifically, we facilitated a conversation involving Dr Moschou, a distinguished professor of molecular plant biology at the University of Crete, Mr. Polychronides, a political scientist and rhetoric coach, Mr Kalafatas, a Chemistry student and Mr. Tsarikoglou, a Chemical Engineering student. Before the event, we assigned the participants bibliography correlated to bioethical matters such as the Tragedy of Commons and Environmental Kuznet’s Curve and incentivized our esteemed speakers to present case studies where human intervention had an impact on the environment. During the event, we were mesmerized by the common lines drawn between ecology, politics, economics and manufacture through strong yet polite argumentation. We introduced, to the energetic audience, terms like rewilding and restoring versus the traditional concept of sustaining environmental resources and discussed how attribution of charges to companies violating environmental protection legislation is a top priority. Broadly, the role of education in forming environmental consciousness was highlighted by the participants and inspired us to take action as iGEM UniCRETE and train young people to be more sensitive as far as bioethical matters are concerned.

Sprouting Ethics: Unveiling Bioethics through “The Farmer of the Green Olive Grove” Book Presentation and Engaging Activities with Young Minds
It is no secret that teaching ethics at a young age lays the groundwork for responsible decision-making and empathetic awareness. Bioethics, a branch of ethics focused on life sciences and healthcare, can also be introduced gradually so that early exposure to bioethical principles fosters a sense of responsibility towards the natural world. Given our purpose to give young learners a solid foundation in environmental responsibility, we visited a primary school in Heraklion,Crete, and presented a book we crafted to break down the complexities of pesticide use, titled : “The Farmer of the Green Olive Grove: Adventures in Organic Farming and Biotechnology”. Through this simple story, young readers could discover farmer Giannis’ commitment to organic farming and the use of synthetic biology and DeltaSense to protect his olive grove from pesticides. Tailoring this important concept to a child’s level of understanding meant the inclusion of vivid illustrations and simple dialogues within the demonstrated manual, as well as engaging storytelling.
During this session, we shared stories brought to life by our compass book and prompted conversations about pesticide use, its effects, and the ethical questions it raises. We then engaged in interactive activities such as roleplaying to trigger the children’s creativity and critical thinking into coming up with alternative endings to the story we presented. Despite the Greek school system's restrictions on access to such topics, we were pleasantly surprised by the young students' productive curiosity and insightful questions. Overall, our visit successfully introduced a novel perspective on bioethics and environmental consciousness among young but surprisingly bright minds. Upon our departure, we donated sufficient copies of our book to the school’s library for our young friends to borrow.
Distribution of Questionnaires in Collaboration with the Cretan Association of Organic Farmers
Our team wished to communicate the purpose of our mission with people who would be directly affected by our
project and raise their awareness. From the beginning of our project, we had in mind that farmers had a
distinguished position as people we wanted to contact, inform and get feedback from. Aiming to make
conclusions about the lack of knowledge of the differences between regular and organic cultivation and the
of pesticides, we came in contact with the Cretan Association of Organic Farmers. The association expressed
their interest, thus, we provided them with questionnaires to fill out and to hand out to their customers
we concluded the following results.
I believe that the increased price of organic products is a deterrent factor for their purchase.

Are you informed about the danger of the excessive use of pesticides?

Do you think that the overuse of pesticides harms the overall health?

Transforming Agriculture in Crete through the Initiation of Cell-Free Crop Monitoring
Active Participation in European Researchers' Night at the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
The "Researchers' Night" has evolved into a prominent pan-European celebration of science and technology, initially introduced by the European Commission about 15 years ago. The Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) has been a trailblazer in Greece and Europe, securing EU funding to organize Researchers' Night events since 2005. Its main objective is to address the growing need for academic and research institutions and teams to engage in large-scale outreach activities and connect with local communities. Over 370 European cities, including Heraklion, Crete, participate, showcasing the work of researchers and fostering public familiarity with the world of research. Our team could not be absent from such an event aimed at reducing the gap between the ordinary (scientific and not) audience with the biosensing system DeltaSense. The participation of our team with its poster stand and bench was of great importance in explaining to people of all generations our vision for the environmental future of Crete. In order to achieve this, there was a series of three activities aimed at visitors. The initial phase involved a presentation by our team, providing insights into the competition, our project, and the overall concept. During this segment, the audience gained an understanding of the issue we are addressing: excessive pesticide use, specifically targeting deltamethrin. Through significant statistics, we elucidated the toxicity of deltamethrin, discussing its applications, concentrations, and potential penetration into aquifers. Concurrently, we introduced a schematic representation of our biosensor system. The second task entailed a 3D reconstruction of the biosensor materials, including DNAs, enzymes, and magnetic beads, using small colored sticks and modeling clay. This interactive session allowed both children and adults to understand the binding between the aptamer and deltamethrin, comprehend the sequential hybridizations, observe the role of magnetic beads, and understand the final visualization system involving lipase. Spectators could follow the process from one step to another by connecting the three-dimensional sticks. Simultaneously, to explain the action of lipase and suppress the visual signal given by the biosensor, we demonstrated tubes with colored water indicating high concentration of deltamethrin and others containing pure colorless water signifying deltamethrin’s absence.This visually stimulating activity allowed us to present how our aptamer biosensor works to common people. Although the system we present can be applied in many cases with an appropriate change of aptamers and the corresponding change of sample, the detection of deltamethrin in water is aimed at our vigilance for environmental purposes and our commitment to environmental legislation. That is why at the end of our presentation we asked people we interacted with to write or draw a thought about the project and a habit they would like to adopt from now on to protect the environment. By gathering a large number of such thoughts we finally created a coliseum, the so-called ‘’Wall of Promises’’.

Public Engagement with Farmers and Customers of our Local Farmer Market
When we processed the results from the survey we conducted in collaboration with the Cretan Association of
Organic Farmers, we decided to take matters into our own hands. We visited the farmer market of Kamminia
region in Heraklion Crete to talk about the problem of pesticides’ overuse and our mission to abridge it. We
discussed with several farmers and the majority of them shared their concern about the difficulties and
insecurities of their occupation due to the lack of governmental financial support. They complained about
absence of a prevention and treatment governmental plan and emphasized its importance as it can save their
production and subsequently their earnings in case of a parasite outbreak. When we presented them DeltaSense
to them they expressed their enthusiasm and positiveness in buying it if it would reach the market’s selves.
farmers were particularly keen on our project as it would help them maintain the strict pesticide
concentration limits mandated by the European Union for organic certification. At the same time, traditional
farmers recognized the importance of adhering to these limits to ensure the safety of their produce. The
overwhelming support from the farmers at the market left us feeling motivated and optimistic about the
potential success of our project in the agricultural community. Finally, we asked farmers and customers the
following question in order to extract data regarding the acceptance of DeltaSense from the public.
If you had a tool that could detect pesticides in agricultural products and you could find out that an
organic product has close to zero concentration of pesticides and a regular one of the same kind has
pesticide concentration close to the permitted limit, which one would you buy?

Equipped with a wealth of knowledge and diverse perspectives for potential expansions and enhancements of our project link gia integrated, our team collectively made the decision to thoroughly delve into all the suggestions we gathered from our discussions with academics and individuals, employed in the agricultural and business sectors. Our aim is to transform DeltaSense from a theoretical concept into a tangible and innovative detection method, ensuring its practical existence and effectiveness. Ιn order to achieve this purpose we decided to frame the implementation of the project around four main axes
- Which samples can we use the system for, and how can we obtain them? What other adaptations can be done?
- How could the biosensor be even more accessible? What could be the anticipated cost?
- Who are the possible end-users?
1. Which samples can we use the system for, and how can we obtain them?
In the initial phase, our emphasis on the first axis was on exploring proposals that had been previously voiced and thoroughly deliberated by experts in the field. To establish a connection between theoretical concepts and practical applications, and to align the straightforward implementation of DeltaSense with the transformation of detection practices in the field, the team conducted an extensive literature search. Subsequently, we pinpointed protocols for processing samples originating from various potential sources of deltamethrin. Our endeavor involved modifying the samples to a finalized state that could be effectively detected for pesticide residues using our biosensor.
- Determination of deltamethrin in water samples
- Determination of Deltamethrin in soil sample
- Determination of deltamethrin in vegetables and fruits
- Determination of deltamethrin in grain samples (rice and wheat)
- Liquid-Liquid extraction 1:
- Liquid-Liquid extraction 2:
- Liquid-Liquid extraction 3:
A volume of 100 mL runoff water is collected from different agriculture fields where deltamethrin has been sprayed. The samples are filtered and 1.0 mL of 5.0% EDTA is added to each of them to remove various metal ions. Each sample is extracted with chloroform (2x 100 mL). The extracts were combined and washed with 20 mL of 0.1 M K2CO3 solution to break any emulsions. The chloroform extracts were dried over Na2SO4 in a filter funnel and the filtrate is collected in a 250 mL calibrated flask. The filter funnel is washed with 20 mL of chloroform until the volume of the filtrate is made up in the mark. known aliquots of chloroform extracts were taken under reduced pressure. The residue is dissolved in 10 mL methanol.
Several studies have shown that the residues of pesticides in the soil is a key factor for food
contamination and biological chains. As Mr. Fafoutakis (multichrom.lab) claimed, it is important to check
whether there are residues of deltamethrin in the soil and to see if the quantity exceeds the permissible
limits. Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction procedure is applied so as to extract deltamethrin from
the samples and be further tracked.
More specifically, the procedure shall include:
In a 2.5 g well-powdered soil sample, deltamethrin (if existing) is extracted with 25 mL (55mL) methanol,
then filtered using Whitman filter paper and made up to 25mL with the same solvent.
Even though deltamethrin is frequently employed in olive groves to manage downy mildew, resulting in
environmental degradation and disruption of the ecological balance, its application is not confined solely
to that context, as Prof. Vontas underlined. Pyrethroid pesticides, as they are also widely used on crops
like cotton, fruits, rice, and wheat, appear to be a significant source of sediment toxicity in urban and
agriculturally dominated streams also there. In the case of detecting deltamethrin in these samples,
beyond the environmental dimension of the issue, a serious problem of food safety and public health
arises.That is why, these crops can also be collected as a sample for analysis.
More specifically, the procedure shall include:
25 g of vegetable or fruit samples are collected from agricultural fields, where deltamethrin has been sprayed as an insecticide. The samples are macerated with 2× 20 mL EtOH-d.H2O (1 : 1), filtered through a thin cotton cloth and the filtrate is centrifuged. The filtrate is quantitatively transferred into a 25 mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with 50% ethanol. Aliquots of supernatant are taken in a 25 mL graduated cylinder and then analyzed. Filtrate from foliages are passed through a silica gel column filled with 5.0 mg silica gel, which is found to be sufficient for removal of chlorophyll and other interfering materials present in the extracted sample. The column is washed with 10 mL of 50% ethanol, washings are collected in a 25 mL volumetric flask and further analyzed.
Different samples of grains (rice and wheat) (25 g) are collected from the fields where deltamethrin has
been sprayed. The samples are weighed, macerated and blended in a mixer. Then 1.0 mL of 5.0% EDTA is added
to the blended sample and is extracted using 25 mL chloroform. The chloroform solution was then decanted
into a 250 mL calibrated flask through Whatman No. 1 filter paper. Blending and decanting is repeated 2×10
mL chloroform. The extracts are combined and diluted to the mark. The chloroform extract is evaporated
off, under reduced pressure. The residue is dissolved in 10 mL methanol.
In the cultivation of olive groves, the application of insecticides and herbicides is vital for crop
protection and enhanced production, as we have already mentioned in the Project Description. The trend of
surpassing established limits concerning especially the presence of deltamethrin residues in olives and
resulting olive oil poses potential risks to human health and it is associated with adverse effects,
including acute toxicity and long-term health risks. Given that olive oil extraction involves mild
fermentations, any lipophilic pesticide residues from the groves can contribute to chemical contamination
in the final product. With an average production ratio of 4 kg of olives yielding 1 kilogram of olive oil,
there is an urgent need for efficient controls to ensure that residual levels in the oil adhere to
permissible Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). Our biosensor can be expanded to assess oil samples,
incorporating an initial liquid-liquid extraction process to extract a portion of the pesticide for
thorough analysis.
More specifically, the procedure shall include:
C. Determination of deltamethrin in vegetables and fruits
25 g of vegetable or fruit samples are collected from agricultural fields, where deltamethrin has been sprayed as an insecticide. The samples are macerated with 2× 20 mL EtOH-d.H2O (1 : 1), filtered through a thin cotton cloth and the filtrate is centrifuged. The filtrate is quantitatively transferred into a 25 mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with 50% ethanol. Aliquots of supernatant are taken in a 25 mL graduated cylinder and then analyzed. Filtrate from foliages are passed through a silica gel column filled with 5.0 mg silica gel, which is found to be sufficient for removal of chlorophyll and other interfering materials present in the extracted sample. The column is washed with 10 mL of 50% ethanol, washings are collected in a 25 mL volumetric flask and further analyzed.
D. Determination of deltamethrin in grain samples (rice and wheat)
Different samples of grains (rice and wheat) (25 g) are collected from the fields where deltamethrin has
been sprayed. The samples are weighed, macerated and blended in a mixer. Then 1.0 mL of 5.0% EDTA is added
to the blended sample and is extracted using 25 mL chloroform. The chloroform solution was then decanted
into a 250 mL calibrated flask through Whatman No. 1 filter paper. Blending and decanting is repeated 2×10
mL chloroform. The extracts are combined and diluted to the mark. The chloroform extract is evaporated
off, under reduced pressure. The residue is dissolved in 10 mL methanol.
In the cultivation of olive groves, the application of insecticides and herbicides is vital for crop
protection and enhanced production, as we have already mentioned in the Project Description. The trend of
surpassing established limits concerning especially the presence of deltamethrin residues in olives and
resulting olive oil poses potential risks to human health and it is associated with adverse effects,
including acute toxicity and long-term health risks. Given that olive oil extraction involves mild
fermentations, any lipophilic pesticide residues from the groves can contribute to chemical contamination
in the final product. With an average production ratio of 4 kg of olives yielding 1 kilogram of olive oil,
there is an urgent need for efficient controls to ensure that residual levels in the oil adhere to
permissible Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). Our biosensor can be expanded to assess oil samples,
incorporating an initial liquid-liquid extraction process to extract a portion of the pesticide for
thorough analysis.
More specifically, the procedure shall include:
E. Determination of Deltamethrin in Olive Oil Samples
An aliquot of 0.001 g of olive oil is weighted in a 40 mL screw-capped glass tube and dissolved in 5 mL of n-hexane. The solution is extracted twice with 10 mL of ACN.
An aliquot of 0.001 g of olive oil is weighted in a 40 mL screw-capped glass tube and dissolved in 5 mL of saturated n-hexane in ACN. The solution is extracted twice with 10 mL of ACN saturated in n-hexane.
An aliquot of 0.001 g of olive oil was extracted twice with 10 mL of ACN in a 40 mL screw-capped glass tube. Each extraction test was performed by agitation in a rotary shaker for 5 min. The combined extracts from each procedure were brought to dryness under reduced pressure.
In all the above processes, the extracts from the whole extraction procedure are concentrated under reduced pressure and then the residue is redissolved in methanol or in acetonitrile. Both solvents are polar organic solvents that due to their increased polarity, are miscible with water. Therefore, by dissolving the residue in an initial amount of polar organic solvent, we can dilute it further in water, thus making an aqueous solution in which our biosensor can function exactly as in other aqueous solutions of deltamethrin, as the artificial solutions mentioned. In conclusion, we find that regardless of the original sample, such as oil, soil and fruit, a process of recovery of deltamethrin can be implemented to extract deltamethrin and prepare aqueous solutions. Although aqueous, it is required to contain some polar organic solvent to make deltamethrin's dissolution possible. The subsequent transformation of the sample into its liquid form, facilitating the application of the biosensor, confirms its versatility and adaptability as a deltamethrin detection method. Essentially, the innovation of our team in the contemporary market of detection methods focuses on the broader dissemination of knowledge and technology related to the cell-free aptamer biosensor system. This model has the potential for various applications due to its exceptional selectivity. Additionally, this innovative aptamer-based biosensor system can be widely used by adapting only the aptamer piece to the new compound we want to detect, whose determination is automatically possible. During the discussions with experts in the field of agricultural science and analytical science, they emphasized the importance of developing such a tool that, with only a single step, can be adapted to a new need that arises at an environmental level. As it is direct and sensitive, with further improvements, it can be implemented and flexible to meet emerging needs for the detection of the desired substances.
2. How could the biosensor be even more accessible? What could be the anticipated cost?
The accessibility of our biosensor is linked to both the concepts of portability and affordability.
Regarding the former, as emphasized by Mr. Garinis and Mrs. Gkizeli, the project can take on a much more
business-oriented and marketable aspect if presented to the consumer audience as an easy-to-use, portable
kit. This automatically transforms it into a much more accessible solution. A portable biosensor offers
multiple advantages compared to a non-portable one. For instance, it can be stored and used whenever the
user wants to. Additionally, it allows the on-site analysis of the sample which is quite useful especially
when the transportation of the sample to the laboratory may affect the sample’s condition and
subsequently, the results of the analysis. In a reasonable timeframe and with the help of a few tweaks and
reactions, without the intervention of high-tech expertise, it can provide the desired result for the
presence or absence of deltamethrin. That way of thinking led our Wet Lab to search about the way of
creating a portable, easy to use, biosensing kit for deltamethrin detection in water samples.
As we learnt, a commonly applied tactic to produce such portable biosensing kits is the lyophilization of
all the required reagents. Lyophilization, also known as Freeze-drying, is a process in which water in the
form of ice under low pressure is removed from the reagents by sublimation. There are 3 remarkable ways in
which lyophilization could allow the production of a portable biosensing kit. Firstly, by the removal of
water the half-life of all biomolecules, such as the DNA molecules and proteins used in our system, will
be significantly extended as many reactions that could potentially cause their degradation need water
solution to take place. Secondly, molecules in a solid dried state are way more resistant to thermal
denaturation and therefore can preserve their biological properties and function more easily. Finally, a
dry environment inhibits the growth of many microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, that could
potentially damage biomolecules’ integrity. It can now be easily understood that lyophilized molecules are
way more damage resistant during handling, transportation, and storage and they are significantly useful
during the making of a portable biosensing kit.
There are several lyophilization protocols specific for the freeze-drying of the desired biomolecule. In
the case of proteins, two of the most common are the “Lab-Scale Lyophilization on Reverse-Phase Fractions
From High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Run” and “Pilot Scale Freeze-Drying”. Despite their
differences, all the protocols of protein lyophilization share some very important reagents and steps.
First of all, it is absolutely necessary to use a buffer solution to maintain the pH at the desired levels
for the preservation of protein stability and structure. The most preferable ones are histidine, citrate
and Tris buffer solutions that prevent the alteration of pH during the Freezing. Additionally, all of the
aforementioned protocols use some kind of stabilizer molecules, such as trehalose, sucrose, mannitol and
glycine which are hydrogen bond-forming organic molecules that play a crucial role in the preservation of
the protein’s structure during the freezing. Continuing, all of the lyophilization experiments are
conducted in the same general steps. First of all, there is a freezing step during which the protein
solution is freezed inside a general laboratory glassware item such as glass flask, glass vials and other.
Lastly, there is the drying process in which the freezed solution is placed inside a temperature
controlled condenser at -60oC and 10-100μbar.
The freeze-drying of DNA molecules also follows the same roles. The presence of a buffer solution and
stabilizing molecules such as sucrose and D-mannitol is necessary. As described by K. Jung et al., 2020 a
freezing step at -80oC and an overnight drying step at -85oC and 0.04mbar pressure are sufficient for
lyophilizating a DNA-based biosensor such as ROSALIND.
In regards to the portable kit, our biosensing system would consist of 3 separate eppendorf tubes which
contain the lyophilized dAPT, L1 and L2 molecules (tube 1), Cas12a with its crRNA (tube 2) and Lipase
substrate p-nitrophenyl ester (tube 3), respectively. It is noteworthy that a Cas12a/crRNA complex can in
fact be lyophilized as the work of Grant A. Rybnicky et al., 2022 indicates. Additionally, it would have
another eppendorf tube (tube 4) that contains in a water solution the SA-MBs-LINKER-Lipase complex. Last
but not least, it would have a magnet which is a necessary component for the correct conduction of the
biosensing system.
During the testing, the user would add the examination sample inside tube 1. This would firstly, rehydrate
the DNA molecules but also would allow the binding of deltamethrin to dAPT and the subsequent L1-L2 duplex
creation, as described in the Engineering Success Section. Afterwards, the user will add to the sample,
the Cas12a-crRNA complex which is in powder in tube 2. The mixture will then be transferred inside tube 4
containing the SA-MBs-LINKER-Lipase complex thus allowing the interaction between Cas12a and LINKER, and
in the case of Deltamethrin’s presence, the subsequent hydrolysis of LINKER. The tube 4 will be placed on
top of a magnet causing the localization of the magnetic beads at the bottom of the tube. As described
previously, if the water sample contains deltamethrin, Lipase will be left in the supernatant, otherwise
it will be localized at the bottom of the tube. In the final step, the user will pour the solution
contained in tube 4, while keeping its bottom in contact with the magnet, into tube 3 which contains
Lipase’s substrate. In this way, only the supernatant of the mixture will be transferred to the new tube
but the magnetic beads and possibly Lipase will remain at the bottom of tube 3. Lastly, the user would
finally be able to see whether deltamethrin was present in the primary sample collected from the field by
observing the color change (or not) of the last solution.
For the estimation of costs of the detection system we developed, we consulted Mrs. Gizeli as she is
actively involved in the business part, especially in the field of biosensors. In this discussion she
explained to us an initial approach to the costing of a system. In particular, she said that at this early
stage of the development of the biosensor the costing is based exclusively on the materials required for
its operation. It does not include the cost of personnel as this is a subsequent stage of the approach.
That is, the initial stage is the cost of the reagents. Afterwards, when the sensor is fully developed and
in the launch stage, the way of approaching the price changes as in mass production the cost is further
reduced due to the reduced price of reagents. More specifically, when companies are asked to bid for
reagents, large quantities have a lower cost per mg of reagent compared to smaller quantity packages. So,
after discussing the way in which an initial approximate price is arrived at, we then estimated the price
for a biosensor.
The procedure we followed was to look at the prices of all the orders we made, and reduce the quantity we
bought to the quantity required for a single biosensor. This way, we can find the price of each reagent
for the quantity required for a single biosensor. This procedure was carried out for all the reagents used
and the cost came out to about 10 euros, i.e. for an initial stage quite low. This price makes our
biosensor accessible not only to national organizations carrying out controls and analyses on samples,
which can dispose of a large sum of money, but also to smaller laboratories and even to the farmer who
wants to make sure that the spraying has not exceeded the legal limits.
Certainly, as we have already mentioned, there are different analytical methods for determining the
concentration of different substances in samples and indeed they are very reliable methods, such as liquid
chromatography, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry. However, the above methods are very expensive, not
only in terms of consumables required for the analyses but also in terms of equipment, the price of which
is quite high and requires frequent repairs and maintenance. Furthermore, these analytical methods are
time consuming and technical expertise is necessary since the complexity of the method. Instead, our novel
biosensor requires no expertise. So, the possible initial price of our biosensor is affordable for
everyone to use.
3. Who are the possible end-users?
One aptamer-based biosensor for detecting deltamethrin in water samples aims at preserving ecological balance and conserving Cretan heritage through a broader adherence to the regulations governing the use of this particular pyrethroid. The end-users of the biosensor can be diagnostic laboratories and institutes that routinely analyze dozens of samples daily. As mentioned by Mr. Tsigos and Prof. Spilianakis, existing detection methods require expensive equipment and training. Additionally, according to Mr. Manikis, the biosensor can gain commercial significance at the level it targets, addressing the producer who would prefer an easy, quick, and straightforward testing of their samples. The Delta Sense comes as a solution to this desire.
- Mahmood, A.; Muhammad, S. Spectrophotometric Determination of Deltamethrine in Pure and Environmental Samples. Journal of physics 2019, 1294, 052032–052032
- Kumar, K. S., Swaroop, B. L., Suvardhan, K., Rekha, D., Jayaraj, B., & Chiranjeevi, P. (2006). Facile and Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Synthetic Pyrethroids in Their Formulations, Water and Grain Samples. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 122(1-3), 1–8
- Amvrazi, E. G., & Albanis, T. A. (2006). Multiresidue Method for Determination of 35 Pesticides in Virgin Olive Oil by Using Liquid−Liquid Extraction Techniques Coupled with Solid-Phase Extraction Clean Up and Gas Chromatography with Nitrogen Phosphorus Detection and Electron Capture Detection. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(26), 9642–9651
- Pang, G.-F., Chao, Y.-Z., Liu, X.-S., & Fan, C.-L. (1995). Multiresidue Liquid Chromatographic Method for Simultaneous Determination of Pyrethroid Insecticides in Fruits and Vegetables. Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 78(6), 1474–1480
- Alaa S. Amin, Sayed M.N. Moalla , Amani Ali, Mohammed S. Salama & Ayman A. Gouda. Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Deltamethrin Insecticide in Its Formulation and Environmental Samples. International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2015, 2 (10).
- Chen, Z.-M., & Wang, Y.-H. (1996). Chromatographic methods for the determination of pyrethrin and pyrethroid pesticide residues in crops, foods and environmental samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 754(1-2), 367–395
- Boonchiangma, S., Ngeontae, W., & Srijaranai, S. (2012). Determination of six pyrethroid insecticides in fruit juice samples using dispersive liquid–liquid extraction.
Overview of the problem
Olive cultivation and tourism are the twin pillars of Crete's economy, providing substantial income and
occupations for a significant portion of its population. Olive groves are the defining feature of Crete's
natural landscape, covering 65% of its agricultural terrain and supporting nearly all of its agricultural
families. According to data shared by Priamos Ieronymakis, the President of the Organization of Vine Growers
Oil Producers of Crete in 2022, the island produced an estimated 130,000 tons of extra virgin olive oil,
contributing approximately 1 billion euros to the local economy. This highlights the central role that olive
cultivation plays in driving the economic prosperity of Crete.
However, the chronic overuse of pesticides and herbicides by farmers, in pursuit of higher yield and ignorance
of risk, has led to their harmful accumulation in the soil, air and water horizon. Deltamethrin, the national
most widely used pesticide, poses toxicity risks to humans, pollinators, and non-target species, especially
fish. This residue definitely disrupts environmental balance.
To address this issue, our team is dedicated to creating a highly sensitive, simple and selective cell-free
biosensor for detecting deltamethrin residues, surpassing EU limits in water samples obtained through field
sample collection. Preserving Cretan’s biodiversity through a framework of total compliance with environmental
regulations was our guide in building DeltaSense.
Our Human Practices Methodology
Our team followed a four-step process to create an environmentally sustainable system that would be accessible to all. The key points were:
- Understanding the Problem
- Defining the Solution
- Building DeltaSense
- Implementation

Our four-stage strategy aimed to seamlessly transfer and integrate information, ensuring a thorough, creative, and adaptable problem-solving approach. Emphasis on stakeholder involvement and continuous feedback collection led to more efficient and sustainable solutions. Throughout the ten-month competition, we engaged with various stakeholders, including the general public, olive grove workers, agricultural experts, university professors, and diagnostic laboratories. Their views, the discussion, and the feedback we received from them naturally aligned along a crucial axis for our project development.
Understanding the Problem
In research and project development, the key focus is understanding the underlying problem. Observing the
significant rise in olive production in Greece, we concluded that this growth could not be solely attributed
to natural processes. Our investigations confirmed that intensive cultivation involves annual practices such
as fertilization, pruning, chemical pest control sprays, frequent soil tillage (occurring one to three times
per year), and substantial irrigation (up to 2700m3 ha−1 yr−1). Recognizing the
excessive pesticide use,
particularly in Crete, serves as the cornerstone upon which the entire edifice of research and project
development is erected. It shapes our hypotheses, project design, and methodologies. This initial recognition
underscores that every project, regardless of scale or complexity, addresses specific challenges.
For our team, DeltaSense exists as a solution to the excessive use of pesticides in Crete. To substantiate the
extent of this problem and its continuous growth, our initial step involved engaging with farmers and
consulting academic experts well-versed in the field. These discussions served to validate the pervasive
nature of the issue and shed light on its associated impacts. Subsequently, we reached out to organic
producers to gain further insights and exchange perspectives on the matter.
Mr. Tzitzikakis Sifis, Cretan Organic Farmer & Mr. Kostenidis Athanasios, Farmer in Komotini, Thrace, Greece
Motivated by these factors, we engaged Greek farmers to gain firsthand insights into the issue of excessive pesticide use. To delineate the extent of the issue on a national scale, we consulted farmers in both Crete and Komotini, Greece. Asto Mr. Tzitzikakis, an organic farmer,stated and we quote: "The environment is indeed taking a hit. Excessive pesticide use is harming soil health, water quality, and non-target organisms." Mr. Kostenidis, a non-organic farmer, added : "Pesticides are becoming less effective, leading to a cycle of increased application. It's not sustainable." Both emphasized the need for government support in transitioning to less pesticide-dependent practices, underscoring that this issue extends beyond the local to the national scale.
Prof. Vontas Ioannis
Professor, Agr. Pharmacology Associate Faculty Member-IMBB Director, Department of Crete

Given Prof. Vontas' expertise in pesticides and specifically in insecticides, it was evident to us that a meeting with him would greatly assist in comprehending the imperative nature of developing a project closely tied to pesticides. He informed us that over the past five years, the intensified cultivation of olives in Western Crete has led to a surge in the use of various pesticides. Specifically, he emphasized deltamethrin, as a widely utilized pyrethroid not only in olive cultivation but also in other crops, and stressed the need for its detection when its levels exceed permissible limits. Mr. Vontas also shared an intriguing insight with our team: deltamethrin can be traced in samples of mosquito nets, particularly those employed in African countries, as they are treated with this specific pesticide to confer insecticidal properties. This revelation illuminated the importance of identifying potential overuse, particularly as mosquito nets have been linked to autism in young users (Colomina M. T. et al., 2021). This marked our first encounter with the concept of deltamethrin and the concealed effects of its excessive application. Following this discussion, we collectively determined that our research should focus on this particular pesticide.
Prof. Kalantidis Kriton
Professor at Department of Biology, University of Crete and Group Leader of Plant Molecular Biology Lab,

We consulted Prof. Kalantidis for additional insights into the environmental impact of pesticides in Greece. He highlighted that while the situation is similar to other agricultural regions, Greece's specific agricultural practices and ecosystems may bring unique considerations. One significant concern is the potential negative impact on soil and water quality in olive groves in Crete. Specifically, the penetration of pesticides from the spray level to the water table is a critical factor. Prof. Kalantidis also noted that pyrethroids, including deltamethrin, pose a high toxicity risk to fish. This is partly due to the slow metabolic elimination of pyrethroids, indicating sensitive molecular targets in vital organs of fish. This information has spurred further research in our wet lab.
Mr. Manikis Ioannis,
General Manager at MOLON LAVE SA, Laconia, Greece

Engaging Mr. Manikis, General Manager at MOLON LAVE SA, a prominent figure known for their innovative work on olive oil’s bioactivity, we were offered key insights into the widespread use of deltamethrin in olive groves. Deltamethrin is applied through bait spraying, targeting female olive fruit flies as a pheromone trap. While recommended to apply only to fruit-bearing branch stems, many farmers deviate, often driven by a pursuit of personal profit and a lack of sectoral knowledge. He added that organic certified oil must categorically not contain deltamethrin. These clarifications highlight the gravity of the pesticide issue in regions like Crete and Laconia, known for significant olive cultivation potential.
Mr. Sakellaropoulos Georgios,
Owner of Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms

We connected with Mr. Sakellaropoulos, the owner of "Sakellaropoulos Organic Olive Farms" in Lakonia, known
for innovative organic techniques. He highlighted the substantial contribution of olive oil production to
Greece's economy, constituting 30% of food exports. However, the absence of a specialized academic institution
focused on olive cultivation signifies untapped potential for research and sustainable growth in this critical
sector. Mr. Sakellaropoulos emphasized the risk of pesticide contamination for organic crops, particularly
from neighboring fields or the olive press, highlighting the pathogenic nature of deltamethrin, which poses
threats to both humans and animals.
He also noted ongoing discussions within the EU about discontinuing deltamethrin, with potential economic
interests influencing such decisions. Doubts were raised regarding farmers' adherence to restrictions on
deltamethrin use. To gain further insight, he recommended liaising with laboratories for in-depth information
on deltamethrin's impact and alternatives.

Understanding the problem at hand was the initial step for our team. After the information we gathered, we realized that the excessive use of pesticides was a real problem with effects on the biosphere and the environment. However, the formulation of a solution could set the course for progress. As we already know, it is not enough to recognize the existence of a problem; the true essence of research lies in crafting a response that is not just effective but innovative and transformative. What could this solution be? The answer was in communication with many stakeholders that could propose an integrated approach that balances the need for effective pest control with environmental sustainability and affordability.
Prof. Filippidi Emmanouela
Professor at Department of Materials, University of Crete and Affiliated Researcher, IESL-FORTH
As she received her B.Sc in Engineering with a focus in Biomedical Engineering from Harvard University (2005), Prof. Filippidi is associated with Material Science. As we reached a competition stage requiring the Principal Investigator’s (PI) support for potential future experiments, the team initially considered involving her. Upon making her aware of the significant pesticide issue in Crete and persuading her of its gravity, extensive discussions took place regarding potential solutions. It became evident that the key to addressing the problem lay in prevention, specifically in detection of the pesticide deltamethrin. After she agreed to support us as a PI, she directed us to Prof. Spilianakis, who, having previous experience with the competition, could provide us with valuable guidelines.
Prof. Spilianakis Charalampos
Professor of Molecular Biology & Epigenetics at Department of Biology, University of Crete and Group Leader,

Prof. Spilianakis, though not primarily focused on pesticides, successfully served as Principal Investigator alongside Prof. Sarris in Team Crete 2021, making him an ideal candidate for our guidance. His deep understanding of the competition's requirements was instrumental, so we approached him to tackle the issue of pesticide overuse and its impact on water quality, wishing to benefit from his scientific expertise. Given our interest in substance detection, he highlighted the drawbacks of current methods like GC-MS, LC-MS, and HPLC, citing high equipment costs and the need for specialized personnel. Aware of references linking deltamethrin and other pesticides to water pollution and marine ecosystem disruption, we sought a solution tailored for liquid samples, particularly water. We aimed for a user-friendly, cost-effective, highly sensitive, and specific system, potentially portable. Prof. Spilianakis suggested a biosensor, encompassing all these criteria. He also directed us to Prof. Gizeli, an expert in this field.
Prof. Gizeli Electra
Professor of Organic Chemistry at Department of Biology, University of Crete and Affiliated Researcher,

After a fruitful discussion with Prof. Spilianakis, we approached Prof. Gizeli, whose expertise spans
biosensors, nanotechnology, and molecular diagnostics, with a focus on global applications in healthcare and
agro-food safety. Given her extensive experience in academia and business, she was an ideal partner for our
biosensor project. To meet our criteria of accessibility, ease of use, and biosafety, we shifted from
whole-cell biosensors (WCBs) to cell-free alternatives. We drew inspiration from the ROSALIND system (Julius
B. et al., 2022), which regulates the synthesis of a fluorescence-activating RNA aptamer, as it consists of
three key components: RNA polymerases, allosteric protein transcription factors, and synthetic DNA
transcription templates.
Though we initially considered adapting this system for detecting chemicals like deltamethrin, it proved less
sensitive than needed, as it was not able to detect the low concentrations of deltamethrin in water. Prof.
Gizeli suggested exploring aptamer-based biosensors, inspired by a successful approach to detect kanamycin in
water (Chong W. et al., 2023). The reason behind this proposal is no other than the selective binding of
aptamers to a wide range of target molecules, which would allow the update of our biosensor’s specificity for
deltamethrin. Focusing on water samples for broader applicability, we acknowledged the experimental
limitations for other sample types. A subsequent meeting with Prof. Gizeli resulted in her agreement to
support us as a Principal Investigator.
Mr. Tsigos Iasonas, Supervisor & Mrs. Kanaki Aikaterini, Chemical Engineer at the General Chemical State Lab Department in Heraklion
The General Chemical State Lab Department in Heraklion, headed by Mr. Tsigos and staffed by Mrs. Kanaki,
couldn't pass up the opportunity to explore the use of a biosensor for detecting deltamethrin. They were
particularly intrigued by its potential and saw promise in the innovative aptamer cell-free biosensor, which
could potentially replace costly methods like GC-MS and LC-MS, confirming the preceding outcome of our
discussion with Prof. Spilianakis. These conventional techniques, while effective, come with a significant
price tag (ranging from €300,000 to €400,000) and require specialized training for operation.
Considering the challenge of detecting minuscule concentrations of deltamethrin in water samples, especially
in aquifers like lakes and rivers, they suggested focusing on sources near spraying fields or refinery waste
sites. Aposelemi Dam in Crete was highlighted as a potential high-concentration site. They also suggested
expanding the project's scope to include testing for deltamethrin residues in samples of table olives and
olive oil. As they aptly pointed out : “If the biosensor's sensitivity is competitive and its energy and
operational costs are low, it might be the future’’.

Mr. Fafoutakis Emmanouil
Supervisor of Multichrom.lab, Οlive Οil and Food Chemistry
Collaborating with a high-throughput laboratory that handles a substantial volume of samples daily was instrumental in our quest for a solution. Mr. Fafoutakis shared valuable insights, noting that deltamethrin is closely monitored among the pesticides in their routine samples. Their main focus on oil samples notwithstanding, they emphasized the vital importance of detecting deltamethrin in water samples from soil due to the potential harm to non-target species caused by its residues from recurrent spraying in olive groves. Mr. Fafoutakis strongly urged us to establish a protocol for extracting water from soil samples. Naturally, we combined this piece of information to Mr. Tsigos’ suggestion that the sample should be specifically obtained from the spray area or from high-risk zones like waste areas and refineries.

Building DeltaSense
Building the system marks a crucial step where theoretical frameworks and conceptual designs begin to materialize into tangible solutions. After all the research that the Human Practices team has done to ensure that the system will serve the needs and the ideas of the local community, the time has come for the Wet Lab team to give flesh and bones to the collective ideas. The choice of the aptamer forms a significant portion of our system. Identifying the ideal aptamer that specifically binds to the pesticide of deltamethrin with high affinity and selectivity can be difficult. Therefore, we had to communicate with experts in the subject field.
Prof. Pavlidis Pavlos
Professor of Bioinformatics at Department of Biology, University of Crete and Researcher, ICS-FORTH

Realizing that developing our own deltamethrin-specific aptamer via Capture SELEX (Grotewold E. et al., 2011) was prohibitively costly and time-intensive, we sought an alternative approach. Recognizing that pre-existing aptamers for l-cyhalothrin, a pyrethroid akin to deltamethrin, were available, we explored their potential connection with deltamethrin (more details in the Engineering section). We turned to Prof. Pavlidis, an expert in Bioinformatics, when the Wet Lab concluded that computational methods offered the best avenue for aptamer sequence discovery. The initial discussion aimed to explore the feasibility of using molecular structure prediction programs to identify an aptamer sequence capable of binding to deltamethrin. If viable, Prof. Pavlidis advised us on suitable tools for such prediction, and importantly, he recommended consulting Prof. Eleftheriadis and Prof. Pavlidis Ioannis, specialists in this field, for further insights into predicting molecular structures of proteins and DNAs.
Prof. Eleftheriadis Nikolaos
Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Crete

Upon Prof. Pavlidis' recommendation, we met with Prof. Eleftheriadis, a distinguished researcher at the
University of Crete with expertise in smFRET, protein dynamics, medicinal chemistry, and human
15-lipoxygenase. During our initial discussion, we outlined our project's rationale and the biosensor's
detection mechanism. Prof. Eleftheriadis expressed keen interest in our work and offered his support for the
in-silico part.
We explored the potential of using docking software to select suitable DNA aptamers for deltamethrin
detection. Prof. Eleftheriadis emphasized that while theoretical calculations are informative, they may
deviate from reality, underscoring the need for experimental validation. He agreed that docking could provide
initial insights for aptamer selection, prompting our provision of specific components for the process,
including precise 3D models of l-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin along with DNA aptamers for l-cyhalothrin, for
comparative analysis and eventual selection of deltamethrin. Subsequent meetings with Prof. Eleftheriadis and
his Master candidate student, Mr. Papadopoulos Christos, were highly productive, with both readily available
to offer guidance and support. Ultimately, Mr Papadopoulos led the docking experiments on our choice of
Mr. Gouridis Georgios
Researcher and Group Leader, IMBB-FORTH

Acting on the suggestion of Prof. Pavlidis, we convened with Mr. Gouridis, an expert in dynamical structural biology and molecular interactions, making him the ideal advisor for our docking procedure. After explaining our system and the challenge at hand, we sought his advice on the best course of action. Specifically, we inquired about suitable in-silico tools and workflow for the suitable aptamer selection for the detection of deltamethrin. Like Prof. Eleftheriadis, he recommended gathering PDB structures of the aptamers and pesticides involved in the docking process for comprehensive comparisons, enabling us to assess pesticide-aptamer binding and measure sensitivity and selectivity. He also encouraged us to consult Mrs. Sarafoglou Chara, a PhD candidate and member of his laboratory, familiar with docking procedures.
Mr. Yuangen Wu
Last Author of the paper “Selection and identification of a DNA aptamer for ultrasensitive and selective
detection of l-cyhalothrin residue in food”, Analytical Chemical Acta, 2021
At this point, communication with the authors of the paper (Yuangen W et al., 2021) was crucial in order to give us some further information for the aptamers and send us all the PDB forms of the aptamers they used to bind l-cyhalothrin.
Mrs. Sarafoglou Chara
PhD Student at Gouridis’ Lab
Mrs. Sarafoglou, experienced in conducting docking procedures, was the ideal consultant for the 3D visualization of aptamers and their interaction with deltamethrin. She recommended utilizing the DNA aptamers, for which we had generated PDB structures, to assess their interaction with deltamethrin. This process would enable us to select the most suitable and selective aptamer for our approach, aligning with the advice from previous consultations. Initially, there was a plan for Mrs. Sarafoglou to carry out the docking procedure, but due to scheduling constraints between the Wet Lab team and hers, this collaboration couldn't materialize. Consequently, we set out to find user-friendly software to conduct the docking process independently.
Mrs. Lazou Thomais
Chemistry PhD Student
Upon another recommendation from Prof. Pavlidis Pavlos, we sought guidance from Professor at Department of Chemistry, Prof. Pavlidis Ioannis. Due to time constraints, he directed us to his former postgraduate student, now a PhD candidate, Mrs. Lazou Thomais. She suggested utilizing web-based software for the docking process, or alternatively, using pre-existing aptamers and pesticides available in the YASARA software to conduct the docking process independently.

Prof. Spilianakis Charalampos
Professor of Molecular Biology & Epigenetics at Department of Biology, University of Crete and Group Leader
For the first cycle of signal amplification, we needed to refer again to Prof. Spilianakis. In a second meeting with him, we talked about the initial step in signal amplification for DeltaSense, that occurs with the formation of the L1-L2 duplex. As he informed us, this is attributed to the fact that a single DAPT molecule binding with deltamethrin can result in the creation of multiple L1-L2 duplexes. Although we had already done one cycle of DNA Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis to verify the hybridization of L1-L2 and the one between the S part of DAPT and L1, the results were not as expected. He was the one that helped us with troubleshooting, changing the protocol that our Wet Lab had been used.
Prof. Pavlidis Ioannis
Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and head of the group "Enzyme Technology Lab" at Department of
Chemistry, University of Crete

Given that Prof. Pavlidis’s research interests include enzyme identification, protein engineering and process optimization, he was the most suitable professor to consult for the choice of enzyme that would offer our system the best optimization signal. We shared with him all the desired characteristics (third signal amplification). He advised us that an enzyme capable of inducing a color change in the supernatant solution, without the necessity of additional tools like a glucometer or UV light, would align perfectly with our objective of speed, accessibility, and user-friendliness. Taking all these considerations into account, he proposed the option of lipase, an enzyme capable of bringing about a color change in the solution upon adding lipase's substrate in the presence of deltamethrin. This significant development advances us closer to completing the final phase of our biosensor.
Mrs. Chronaki Dimitra
Postdoctoral Researcher, IMBB-FORTH

As docking couldn't guarantee the binding of deltamethrin to the aptamers, a crucial concern arose regarding how to validate the functionality of our aptamers. It was at this juncture that we met Mrs. Chronaki, our instructor, whose expertise in acoustic biosensors brought forth a game-changing solution: biotinylation of our aptamers. This modification would enable the aptamers to securely attach to the sensor's surface through a robust streptavidin-biotin interaction. By integrating our aptamers with the Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) device, we could meticulously analyze the resulting signals and extract meaningful insights from the data. Throughout the experimental process (consisting of six experiments), Mrs. Chronaki provided invaluable guidance, addressing our concerns and actively participating in the design of each subsequent experiment—whether it involved adjusting delta concentrations, aptamer concentration, or optimizing our overall experimental protocols.
Prof. Velonia Kelly, Associate Professor at Department of Materials Science and Technology, University of Crete & Mr. Grammatikos Stylianos-Nektarios, Physics PhD Student

Recognizing that one cycle of amplification wouldn't suffice for the required sensitivity of our aptamer
biosensor, we introduced a complex of Cas12a, L1, L2, into the system. We employed multiple LINKER molecules,
bound on one end to magnetic beads and on the other to the enzyme lipase, to be cleaved by a single Cas12a
enzyme (second signal amplification).
The realization of this setup was made possible through the expertise of Prof. Velonia, whose research
straddles the domains of chemistry, biomaterials, and bionanotechnology. Her guidance was instrumental in the
crucial task of binding the enzyme lipase to the LINKER component. Prof.. Velonia explained that this could be
achieved by mixing lipase with sulfo-SMCC, a reagent known for its capacity to facilitate specific
bioconjugates via one- or two-step crosslinking reactions.
For the attachment of LINKER to magnetic beads, we turned to Mr. Grammatikos, a PhD student in Gizeli's lab,
who specializes in the synthesis, characterization, and functionalization of nanoparticles. He provided
valuable instructions for creating the magnetic beads. It was noted that these beads lost their magnetic
properties after a few hours, prompting Mr. Grammatikos to recommend adjusting the concentration with water.

The last part of our Human Practices methodology, which is necessary for the loop to be completed, involves the assessment of the viability and efficiency of our aptamer biosensor. Our system should be designed to be practical and applicable, both locally and internationally, with no potential risks to end users. Therefore, communication with not only academics who have already been active in transferring innovative concepts from the lab to the end-use but also with other experts around the field who know how the buying public is directed was important. Additionally, it was paramount to understand whether the end users themselves would be willing to use such a new tool, let alone pay for its purchase, and that is why discussions with them determined the final design and build of DeltaSense.
Prof. Alyssandrakis Eleftherios
Assistant Professor at Department of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Sciences of the Hellenic
Mediterranean University (HMU)

According to Prof. Alyssandrakis' estimations, the recent surge in olive oil prices may prompt additional spraying, raising environmental concerns. As nearly every expert we consulted, he did as well bring up the cost and technical expertise drawbacks of existing detection systems, but seemed hesitant as regards the willingness of farmers to invest out of solely environmental reasoning in DeltaSense. Prof. Alyssandrakis suggested that there might be greater interest in utilizing it to detect deltamethrin residues in olive oil than field samples, given the global demand for certified organic products. At the end of our discussion, he kindly pointed out that his assessments were based on personal speculations, and a more comprehensive market study in means of direct interaction with the stakeholders would yield clearer insights.
Mr. Karepidis Marinos
Owner of KAREPIDIS OLIVE MILL, Heraklion, Crete
Dedicated to spearheading a project with tangible impact and heeding Prof. Alyssandrakis's insightful advice, we intensified our efforts to engage industry members in the integration of DeltaSense. This led us to reach out to Mr. Karepidis. During our discussion, the experienced olive cultivator explained the key stages of olive oil production, stressing the importance of precision. He also embraced the idea of our innovation and immediately suggested using DeltaSense in olive paste, encouraging us to futurely create a combination kit with another biosensor to measure olive oil's acidity. He pointed out that such a kit is currently unavailable in the market, presenting a promising opportunity for our project, DeltaSense. This valuable input positions us for success in the field of agricultural entrepreneurship.
Mr. Manikis Ioannis
General Manager at MOLON LAVE SA, Laconia, Greece
Reaching out to Mr. Manikis once more, this time we aimed to define the realistic application framework of our cell-free aptamer biosensor. Having already grasped the essence of our endeavor, he further stressed the practical and commercial value of detecting deltamethrin in olive paste. He explained how timely identification, prior to the oil extraction phase could effectively prevent tank contamination and ensure oil safety. This insight allowed us to not only view our idea as a tool for regulation institutions but also as a tangible asset for the agricultural sector, keen on protecting the environment and human health.
Prof. Garinis Georgios
Professor of Genetics at Department of Biology, University of Crete and Group Leader, IMBB-FORTH

Taking into consideration Prof. Garinis’s entrepreneurial achievements, in addition to his ease and competence in imparting valuable knowledge, we were honored to engage in an online conference with him in pursuit of acquisition of our system’s implementation. According to his perspective, DeltaSense is an interesting approach in the environmental sector, a notion we share as a team unit. However, he emphasized that if the method could go beyond detecting just deltamethrin and be adapted to identify a wider range of active substances, it could revolutionize the way audiences engage with it, turning it into a potentially powerful business tool. Specifically, he recommended utilizing deltamethrin as a proof of concept. Lastly, he insisted on the statement that making DeltaSense portable is essential for it to gain a competitive edge over the existing detection systems.
Prof. Gizeli Electra
At the end of this journey, we considered it prudent and definitely symbolic to extensively discuss our project’s outcome with the person who stood by us along with Prof. Filippidi during each part : our PI, Prof. Gizeli. This time, however, we consulted her not by her attribute as our mentor, but as a Co-Founder of BIOPIX DNA TECHNOLOGY P.C., a biosensor company, considering her ideal to evaluate DeltaSense as a product. Prof. Gizeli acknowledged the innovation of our system and overstated the necessity of portability, as also highlighted by Prof. Garinis. As Prof. Gizeli claimed, our goal is the creation of a simple and accessible as possible for the end-user detection method. To fulfill the objectives of these features, the biosensor should be also economically accessible to potential buyers.That is why, with her thorough orientation, given her market experience, we proceeded to determine the potential cost of DeltaSense.
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- Jung JK, Alam KK, Lucks JB. ROSALIND: Rapid Detection of Chemical Contaminants with In Vitro Transcription Factor-Based Biosensors. Methods Mol Biol. 2022;2433:325-342. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1998-8_20. PMID: 34985754.
- Chen J, Shi G, Yan C. Portable biosensor for on-site detection of kanamycin in water samples based on CRISPR-Cas12a and an off-the-shelf glucometer. Sci Total Environ. 2023 May 10;872:162279. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162279. Epub 2023 Feb 16. PMID: 36801336.
- Yuangen W. (2021). Selection and identification of a DNA aptamer for ultrasensitive and selective detection of λ-cyhalothrin residue in food. Analytica Chimica Acta,
Leveraging Social Media for Synthetic Biology Education
In today's interconnected world, the influence of social media cannot be overstated. It has fundamentally transformed the way we connect, share knowledge, and collaborate. Within our team, we recognize the profound impact platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok have on our mission to bridge the knowledge gap in Synthetic Biology education. Our journey into the world of social media has been extraordinary, weaving together threads of engagement, education, and outreach to enhance the human experience and further our mission. Even though it was the first year that iGEM uniCRETE became part of iGEM’s family, we were eager to share every milestone, news update, and event with the world, reflecting the collaborative and communicative spirit that defines an iGEM experience. We have shared a diverse range of content, from revealing what a day in the life of an iGEMer seems like to delving into the details of our innovative project, "DeltaSense". These efforts have opened a door for the public to explore the world of iGEM, letting our scientific enthusiasm reach beyond the lab’s walls
Collaborations with fellow iGEM teams on various educational subjects, from projects related to World Biodiversity Day to creative videos offering a glimpse into a day in the life of an iGEMer, have brought us closer to a worldwide scientific community. Engaging biology-themed quizzes on topics like health, wildlife, DNA, and pesticides have connected us with our audience while surveys on ethical matters surrounding inclusivity reflect our dedication to building a diverse and welcoming scientific community. Leveraging technology, we've transcended geographical boundaries, establishing global connections and partnerships.
In terms of aesthetics, we've embraced vibrant and playful elements in our social media presence. Captivating hand-drawn posts, lively colors, and a modern visual style aim to challenge the misconception of science as dry and inaccessible. Instead, we strive to convey that science is a source of wonder and delight for all. Through carefully curated content and aesthetics, we aspire to inspire a new generation of thinkers and innovators.
Fostering Global Connections for Synthetic Biology Education
As an integral part of the iGEM competition, we understand the importance of creating global connections and participating in the worldwide scientific knowledge exchange. Even though the medal criteria have changed this year and the collaborative events with the rest of the iGEM team are not prerequisite, we still wanted to join forces with other iGEM members in order to broadcast science all over the world. Through our proactive and dynamic approach, we are confident enough to claim that we both expanded our project and enriched the iGEM community by means of international teamwork.