Upholding our core values of community contribution and internal education, Genehackers focuses on creating detailed, reproducible, and useful protocols to educate members and benefit other teams who may conduct similar analysis to us. You can find all of our protocols below!

iGEM Parts

We added 3 basic parts to the registry, one for each of our transaminases and documented relevant results. Links are below:

Dry Lab Protocols

Docking Simulations

When setting out to conduct docking simulations, the dry lab team struggled to find a reliable, up-to-date docking protocol using a free application. Upon finding a guide to docking within PyMol, we knew that we had to document every step of the process to avoid any future confusion over what program to use and how to use it. As this was the foundational result from our dry lab work, we also sought to provide a guide to general members who wanted to conduct the docking simulations for themselves.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Similarly, we didn’t quite know where to start with MD simulations! There were tons of troubleshooting steps that our protocol should help other teams to avoid in the future. The molecular dynamics simulations can be run independently from the docking simulations.