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Historically, access to information has never been as accessible as today. Social media allows people from all over the globe to swiftly connect to each other and share their thoughts and projects online, something that previously was only possible in the local newspaper and through personal letters. We decided to use our team’s social media platform to help spread bit(e)-size information, specifically information related to dental hygiene and lab science that we apply in our project. To make it accessible to a wider audience, fun imagery, as well as simplified language was utilized. We had fun creating very funny memes that uplifted our and other teams spirits during stressful times.

social media
Screenshot from our social media page!

Research had to be conducted regularly to collect and simplify information about a chosen topic. We focused on making sure that the posts were stylistically coherent. Working on regular social media posts not only helped the younger, less experiences team members to become more well-versed in the topics applied in our project, but also helped us practice our skills in graphic design and communication in preparation of the grand finale presentation in Paris.