Arabinose was considered as a safe food ingredient. Therefore, this year we still choose it to be our inducer of self-lysis system. The patient can take a pill of arabinose to start the system and eliminate the engineered bacteria in their intestine. The original design came from team SZ-SHD in 2020 (arabinose induced self- lysis system) and registered as part BBa_K112000. Hence, we add new document to this part.
Change in OD600 indicates the effectiveness of self lysis system.
Firstly, according to the protocol suggested by team SZ-SHD in 2020, we use a constant concentration(2g/L) of arabinose to induce the self-lysis system.

The OD600 was measured in a 96 well plate using a plate reader, the mean value was the caculated and draw a graph.

We successfully repeated their result and confirmed that this system can worked in our product.
Measure of life cell (CFU) using dilution and plate spraying method
Although OD 600 can indicate the change in cell number, it could not differentiate live cell and dead cells, therefore, we also tried to use dilution and plate spraying method to measure the Colony forming unit (CFU).

The change in CFU also provides a solidary evidence of the effectiveness of lysis system.