We performed our first SDS-PAGE and westernblot to find positive transformants. Given that this specific construct contained the pointmutation, the absence of positive transformants was not as disappointing. This week we also generated our first level 1 parts of CYP3A4, CYP2D6, CYPCamC and the POR respectively with HA-tag and mStop. Additionally, we generated our first level 2 part of CYPCamC with HA-tag. (lab-team)*

We met up with our local radio station here in Kaiserslautern and gave a brief interview on our project. (Désirée Ross, Tobias Krauß)
Additionally, we had a little cooperation on Instagram with the iGEM team of Thrace where we said what iGEM is to us. (Christel Sakhel, Tobias Kraus, Désirée Ross)
Furthermore, we had the privilege of meeting Dr.-Ing. Michael Schäfer at our wastewater treatment plant in Kaiserslautern. We not only presented our project but also engaged in discussions about the potential implementation of our system. Impressively, he provided us with an in-depth tour of the treatment plant, concluding a valuable and informative experience. (Johanna Haas-Fickinger, Désirée Ross, Luca Langenberg)