


Safety is always the first to be concerned with in a project. To ensure individual and societal safety, and to minimize risks during experiments, our team are equipped with necessary safety equipments and follow safety measures as follow:

Prevention and Safety Measures:

  • Every member was equipped with lab coats, protective goggles, and disposable gloves
  • Works for underaged members are carried out under supervisions of laboratory personnel
  • No eating and drinking in laboratories
  • Hazardous works were done under a fumehood, DNA work was done at an open bench, whereas cell work was done under aseptic conditions with a Bunsen flame.
  • Every member was familiar with the emergency evacuation procedures
  • Washing our hand with soap before entering and leaving the laboratory
  • All workbenches were cleaned and disinfected with ethanol regularly

Lab Safety Facilities

Figure 1: fume cupboard
Figure 2: first aid kit
Figure 3: fire extinguisher
Figure 4: emergency eye wash station
Figure 5: emergency exit