for better public engagement and education


In recent years, advances in synthetic biology and artificial intelligence have brought about significant changes in people's lives, which arouses great public interest. However, due to the high threshold of professional knowledge and the lack of access to learning resources, it is difficult for people to learn more about the crossing field of synthetic biology and AI. Therefore, we carry out a series of science popularization activities to impart related knowledge to the public. In order to maximize the influence of our activities, we deeply reflected on the target audience, form and content of the activities before conducting communication and education, aiming to convey the messages to various groups in the most appropriate way. To use an ancient Chinese saying, we hope to spread knowledge according to individual's characteristics. Therefore, we designed a series of online and offline popular science activities after brainstorming, with a wide range of diverse forms including forms, with a wide range of lectures, teaching, debate competitions, stage plays, booth displays, hand drawn and so on.

To achieve the above objectives, we have created the following table to show our offline activity plan:

In addition, we have also utilized WeChat official account to publish a series of popular science posts, with the intention of broadening the reach of our publicity efforts and introducing synthetic biology to a wider audience.

Concurrently, we have established the following process to serve as a guide for all our educational activities:

School Fair Booth at Nanjing University

Target group

Nanjing University students


Booth is a platform that enables interactive education, actively engaging participants in the dissemination of knowledge and making complex topics such as synthetic biology and AI more accessible. By engaging in gaming activities, participants gain practical experience with these concepts, which in turn enhances their comprehension and retention. Games serve as stimuli for creativity and imagination, prompting participants to apply their knowledge practically and engage in problem-solving activities. This approach has the potential to attract younger audiences, fostering interest and nurturing potential talent in the fields of synthetic biology and AI. The provision of real-time feedback during gaming activities contributes to participants' learning and improvement process. Simultaneously, the entertainment value of the games enhances participant engagement, making it an enjoyable and effective method of promoting synthetic biology and AI.


On the evening of May 19, 2023, as a part of Nanjing University's 121st anniversary celebration, the Anniversary School Fair took place on the campus. NJU-China organized a diverse range of activities at our booth, focused on AI and synthetic biologyto encourage participation from students of all grades and disciplines.

The activities for the event comprised several components aimed at educating students about synthetic biology and generating interest in the field. These components included:

1) Award-winning Quiz: This activity involves a quiz that tested students' knowledge of the basics of synthetic biology and artificial intelligence, providing an interactive learning experience.

2) Creative Merchandise and Exquisite Posters: Pre-designed merchandise with creative features related to synthetic biology, iGEM, and NJU-China were prepared for distribution at the event. These items, along with promotional posters, help create a visual representation of the concepts and generate interest in the field.

3) Imagination Doodles: This activity encourages students to express their creativity by drawing patterns representing biology in a graffiti book.It allows students to engage with the subject in a creative and interactive way.

After the activities, we conducted questionnaire survey to gauge public awareness, interest, and opinions about synthetic biology, iGEM, and our project, as well as get feedback on our science popularization activities from participants. A total of 121 valid questionnaires were collected, with 14.88% of the survey group majoring in life sciences, 19.83% related to AI and computer science. It can be seen that most students had little knowledge of synthetic biology before participating in our activities, with more than half of the population completely unaware and only 12.4% of the population relatively aware. As for the iGEM Competition, there was even less awareness of it among students.

Figure 1 Overall Cognitive Degree of Synthetic Biology

Figure 2 whether heard of iGEM Competition or not

We were delighted to find that after our promotion, most of the participants were very interested in learning more about synthetic biology, and has high expectations for the future of synthetic biology combined with AI, scoring a high average of 4.23. It is believed that AI will bring changes to synthetic biology in many aspects, such as improving efficiency, shortening research cycles, and enhancing product quality.

Figure 3 Willingness to learn more about synthetic biology

Figure 4 Opinions about the prospect of Synthetic Biology×AI(full score is 5)

Through our publicity, many students expressed their willingness to participate in IGEM and contribute to the solution of global issues such as the environment and healthcare.

Figure 5 The convenience AI brings to synthetic biology

Figure 6 Reasons to participate in the competition if possible


At our booth, we not only serve as ambassadors but also offer detailed explanations and introductions to classmates who may not be well-versed in these fields. We have observed that the majority of students display strong interest and curiosity towards the emerging technologies of synthetic biology and AI that we have introduced. They have expressed the view that opportunities to access relevant knowledge often require a high level of professional expertise, such as attending professional lectures, with limited availability of science popularization materials covering basic concepts and principles. We are pleased to see that our award-winning quiz, doodle, and creative merchandise have proven to be effective methods, and moving forward, we aim to incorporate more interactive and interesting formats in our follow-up activities to further increase public acceptance.

Publicity Lecture at Nanjing University
Target group
Volunteer Teaching in Shuangbai County, Yunnan province

Target group

First and third year students of Tuodian Middle School in Shuangbai County, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province


Teaching provides us with the opportunity to visit impoverished regions and gain insights into the lives of our classmates. Moreover, it allows us to develop a deeper understanding of the specific knowledge they seek. Volunteer teaching encompasses a wide range of formats, enabling us to not only provide indoor instruction but also engage in outdoor experiential learning.


From July 27th to July 31st, NJU China collaborated with the Nanyue Rural Teaching Team of Nanjing University to carry out teaching support activities at Tuodian Middle School in Shuangbai County, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province. After interacting with the children, we found that their understanding of biology and artificial intelligence was limited, and many children had never heard of synthetic biology. In view of this, we have launched a series of scientific courses to popularize the benefits of artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and the combination of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology in our daily lives. We hope to open up new knowledge and fields for them, and stimulate their independent thinking, interest, and creativity.

Our team's teaching in this program primarily targeted first-year and third-year junior high school students and was divided into three sessions. Inthe first session, we provided a brief introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and allowed students to experience AI drawing and ChatGPT. In the second session, we discussed "AI and Phenological Observation" and led students to identify various plants on campus with the help of AI.Finally, we shared basic knowledge and application of synthetic biology and its intersection with AI.

We got cheerful feedback of our courses from students. The children were still excited and wanted to continue experimenting with AI tools after class. They were also very involved in participating in phenological observation and offered to go to the lusher parts of the campus for further observation and identification. We were surprised to receive dandelions from them, which symbolized their yearning for the wider world and a better life. During the interactions, we also presented various cultural and creative products we designed about synthetic biology to the students.


In the process of teaching support, not only do we bring some new knowledge to our classmates, but it is also the process of students giving us feedback on their ideas. After introducing our project, we were amazed by the students' talents. They not only raised pertinent questions related to the project itself but also highlighted ethical and safety concerns associated with it. Prior to this, we had not extensively explored the intersection between AI and synthetic biology. Consequently, we have now paid more attention towards addressing these safety and ethical issues.

"SynbioRainbow" Picture book popular science activity

Target group

Children aged 6-12 with Asperger's Syndrome Asperger's Syndrome (AS) falls under the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PPD) umbrella, characterized by social interaction difficulties, restricted interests, repetitive behaviors, and attention deficits similar to autism. AS children are like free spirits, wandering in their own imaginative worlds.


The utilization of picture books for disseminating knowledge to AS children offers numerous distinctive benefits and advantages. Precisely, picture books present information through visuals, such as images and illustrations, thus assisting AS children in better comprehending knowledge due to their heightened visual sensitivity. Moreover, pictures often possess well-defined narrative structures, contributing to the effective organization and comprehension of information for them.


Content: Introduction to Biology and Synthetic Biology Considering the young age, limited prior knowledge, and challenges in maintaining focus among the target audience, we adopted a logical progression, starting from simpler concepts and gradually delving into biology, then synthetic biology. We adjusted the content based on feedback from AS children.

Approach: telling stories + Coloring picture books We prepared two engaging and visually appealing synthetic biology cartoon stories to captivate the attention of AS children during the lessons. After the knowledge presentation, black-and-white line drawings of the cartoon stories were distributed, and the children were encouraged to color them according to their preferences.

These "children from the stars" displayed varying levels of receptivity to different subjects. During the activity, we observed some children who had a keen interest in biology and possessed excellent prior knowledge. Others, surprisingly, maintained high levels of concentration during coloring. Their feedback highlighted the significance of this science outreach activity: (1) We effectively used the engaging synthetic biology cartoon stories to help AS children improve their ability to focus, potentially aiding their integration into society. (2) Based on the feedback from different AS children, we planted the seeds of synthetic biology in the hearts of those with a great interest in biology. In their small worlds, biology might become their guiding light.

Furthermore, during the promotion of this activity, NJU-China collaborated with over ten iGEM teams, including OUC-China and SZU-China, in knowledge exchange and sharing of coloring storybooks.


During the picture book science outreach event, we acquired a fresh perspective on children with AS, debunking common misconceptions that they are difficult to interact with or understand. On the contrary, we discovered that they are open to sharing their thoughts, expressing their emotions, and attentively listening to our messages. Moreover, their distinctive viewpoint as children may even offer novel insights into our comprehension of synthetic biology. This experience highlighted the importance of not overlooking these children in educational settings. Moving forward, we aspire for more collective efforts to prioritize their needs and enrich their lives.

Ethics and safety promotion: Debate Competition

Target group

the general public


Debate competition has a significant potential to stimulate critical thinking and create a resonance among the public. The competition represents a relatively new and captivating form of popular science that is readily embraced by the general population.


In order to disseminate knowledge about generative AI to the public and help university students form relatively accurate and objective views on generative AI, the NJU-China group has organized and hosted a debate with the theme "Is Generative AI a Friend or Foe in Research and Education?"

The affirmative side argues that "we should base our attitude towards AI on its current state in order to promote social progress." The first speaker for the affirmative side primarily argues from three perspectives: the imperfection of AI itself, the questionable reliability of its data sources, and the detrimental effects of excessive reliance on AI on creativity development and academic progress. They express the viewpoint that caution should be exercised when dealing with AI.

The negative side provides a more objective interpretation of AI applications. As a technology, artificial intelligence is undoubtedly successful and beneficial. The purpose of research and education is not solely to acquire specific knowledge because knowledge is always evolving. What's important in research and education is the subjective experience and self-fulfillment of individuals. If we divide research and education into basic tasks and exploratory, creative work, we will find that AI can be highly beneficial for both. Firstly, in the field of educational research, there is a significant amount of repetitive mechanical work, such as translating PPTs and creating lesson plans. Using generative AI can eliminate much of the preparatory work, providing basic support services and improving scholars' learning efficiency. In more exploratory fields, AI can complement the shortcomings of human exploration. Artificial intelligence, combined with high-performance computing, can validate scientists' hypotheses in areas with high experimental costs and difficulties, speeding up research output, such as digital simulations of nuclear experiments, which can reduce costs and increase safety.

Our approach to technology should always be one of not being afraid. Throughout human history, technology has always had slightly more benefits than drawbacks because people always have the ability to refine and correct it as they develop alongside technology. While the application of artificial intelligence is still in its early stages, it undoubtedly shows tremendous potential and future development. Why not attempt to use AI to address the various challenges facing synthetic biology and empower its rapid development? It is worth mentioning that we should always pay attention to and continuously consider the ethical and safety issues of AI in its use, and use it in a responsible and appropriate manner.


Throughout this debate competition, we have acquired valuable insights into the safety and ethical considerations surrounding our project. Initially, we viewed artificial intelligence (AI) solely as a means to advance synthetic biology. However, engaging in debates and listening to different perspectives has broadened our comprehension of AI. We now recognize that our stance should not merely be in favor of or against AI, but rather advocating for its responsible and mindful implementation. We understand the significance of using AI cautiously and appropriately, prioritizing the control and containment of its impact within our project to avert potential adverse consequences.

Stage Playabout the discovery of DNA

Target group

well-educated high school students


Utilizing a stage play as a medium for introducing the life and scientific journey of Rosalind Franklin to high school students provides a dynamic and captivating approach to fostering scientific literacy, inspiring budding scientists, and delving into pertinent themes concerning science and society. Compared to other storytelling methods, stage theater offers a vivid and emotionally resonant experience.


"Franklin, the Scientific Rose"

Synopsis: The stage play focuses on the brief yet thrilling life of Rosalind Franklin. Female scientist Rosalind Franklin, who suffered from ovarian cancer due to excessive exposure to radiation, left this world prematurely at the age of 38. However, the clear photograph she took, known as Photograph 51, has circulated widely and is printed in every genetics or biology textbook, silently recounting the hardships and quests of the unknown photographer. Without the data support it provided, Watson and Crick's double helix model might have remained a castle in the air.To introduce the discovery history hidden behind the DNA double helix structure to high school students and commemorate the 70th anniversary of the unveiling of the DNA double helix structure while honoring the female scientist Rosalind Franklin, we planned this stage play activity.
This stage play is aimed at high school students with a significant level of biological knowledge. We held a stage performance in the School of Science of Nanjing University, and invited visiting students from Nanjing Foreign Languages University to come and watch. After the play's exhibition, it received a great response, and many high school students expressed a deeper understanding of the history of the discovery of the DNA double helix.


Through the process of preparing the play, we gained a deeper understanding of the historical context surrounding DNA discovery, including the dedicated efforts and inevitable setbacks encountered along the way. Crucially, our current project resides on the cutting edge of synthetic biology research, and the stories we encountered throughout this endeavor have fueled our determination to strive for excellence in our own endeavors. We also took the opportunity to share our experiences and harvests with the high school students who attended the performance, aiming to inspire and encourage them to contribute to the future development of synthetic biology.

Spread ideas to public: Popular Science Posts in WeChat Official Account

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Target group