| NDSU - iGEM 2023


Our project had two genetic approaches: the purR Purine Sensor and the Guanine-II Riboswitch. We went through one full engineering cycle and started on a second for both approaches.

purR Purine Sensor


The problem with current methods of measuring varroa mite infestation is their qualitative nature. Our method should be more accurate than current methods like the “sugar shake”.

By creating a biosensor that produces an increasing amount of reporter pigment that correlates to the infestation level of the beehive, we can reliably determine infestation levels and intervene accordingly to save the hive.

Pre-existing natural genetic circuits have been studied and published in peer review articles. Some of these such as the tetR gene have been used and studied so extensively to the point that it is a well established tool used by genetic engineers. By combining documented sequences centered around guanine sensing and genetic tools like the tetR system, we can create a biosensor based on the extra guanine in a varroa mite infested beehive.

The CIDAR MoClo Parts Kit has a wide array of established modular components designed to create tailor made expression vectors through Golden Gate cloning. Designed gene blocks need to be compatible with Golden Gate cloning in the MoClo scheme to fit the parts available in the CIDAR MoClo Parts Kit.

Our bacterial strain should be easily manipulated for many iterative genetic experiments and is low maintenance. DH5-α E. coli will suffice for early experimentation.

Software for building gene blocks and testing their cloning digitally is necessary. We will use the Geneious software.


The construction of our build will revolve around Golden Gate cloning in the MoClo scheme.

Two parts related to the purR system were identified from literature. The first is a purR gene sequence derived from E. coli K12 including a Promoter+RBS+CDS to serve as the guanine sensor and PurR repressor protein producer (1). Additionally a promoter sequence regulated by the PurR repressor protein from the same E. coli K12 was also identified (2)(3).

These sequences were then integrated into the MoClo cloning scheme by adding BsaI recognition sites and adding _AD overhangs to the guanine sensor sequence and _AC overhangs to the purR repressor protein regulated sequence. Additionally, seven extra adenine bases were added to each end of both synthetic sequences to increase cleaving efficiency (4).

Additionally, a variety of terminators with a range of strengths were chosen from the CIDAR MoClo Extension, Volume I and modified slightly to have _DF overhangs instead of _DE overhangs.

A number of sequences were taken directly and without modification from the CIDAR MoClo Parts kit or CIDAR MoClo Extension, Volume I. These are parts such as pTet_AB, BCD2_BC, c99m (mScarlet-I), and tetR_CD.

These parts were combined using a BsaI Golden Gate cloning to produce a single expression vector plasmid. This plasmid was transformed into competent DH5-α E. coli cells.


In order to determine if our purR final construct would successfully produce mScarlet protein in response to guanine concentration, we transformed the construct into competent E. coli cells and inoculated different types of media with 3 isolates of the purR final construct. Each isolate was inoculated into LB, LB+1nM guanine, M9, and M9+1nM guanine. Additionally, all of the M9 media included 1% thiamine, as DH5-α is auxotrophic for thiamine.


Our purR construct produces the mScarlet reporter protein in LB media but not in M9 media or M9 media supplemented with guanine. This could mean a few things:

  1. The guanine we are using is not the correct form of guanine needed to trigger the purR guanine sensor and the correct form is found within the more complex LB media.
  2. The purR-tetR-mScarlet pathway needs at least trace amounts of some nutrient found in the LB media and absent in the M9 media in order to fully carry out the pathway from sensing the guanine to expressing the mScarlet reporter.
  3. The purR pathway could be sensing and reacting to the concentration of a substrate other than guanine that is found in LB media and not the M9 media.


Before completely re-designing the purR construct, we need to carry out further testing to determine what is wrong with the first iteration.

  1. To address the first potential issue, we could order different forms of guanine and repeat testing with a different supplemental guanine.
  2. To address the second potential issue, we could try:
    • Growing our construct in 5ml of M9 media supplemented with 50ul of LB media.
    • Growing our construct in 5ml of M9 media supplemented with 50ul of LB media and 1mM of guanine.
    • If a clear difference in the saturation of red color in the broth is observed, then the issue is likely that M9 is too minimal of a media to support at least one part of the purR-tetR-mScarlet pathway.
  3. To address the third potential issue, we could try a similar experiment to issue 2:
    • Growing our construct in 5.0ml of M9 media supplemented with 1nM of guanine.
    • Growing our construct in 4.995ml of M9 media supplemented with 5ul of LB media and 1nM of guanine.
    • Growing our construct in 4.95ml of M9 media supplemented with 50ul of LB media and 1nM of guanine.
    • Growing our construct in 4.5ml of M9 media supplemented with 500ul of LB media and 1nM of guanine.
    • Growing our construct in 0.5ml of M9 media supplemented with 4.5ml of LB media and 1nM of guanine.
    • Growing our construct in 5.0ml of LB media and 1nM of guanine.
    • If the sensor is sensing something other than guanine, then we would expect to see that the red color of the broth increases in parallel with the increasing concentration of the LB broth.
    • If the sensor is truly sensing guanine, then we would expect to see a large increase in the red color of the broth as soon as it reaches the amount LB needed to activate the part(s) of the purR-tetR-mScarlet pathway.

Guanine-II Riboswitch


The problem with current methods of measuring varroa mite infestation is the qualitative nature of the current methods. Our method should be more accurate than current methods like the Sugar Shake.

By creating a biosensor that produces reporter pigment when varroa mite infestation reaches a certain threshold, we can reliably determine when the infestation level becomes severe enough and intervene to save the hive before it is too late.

Pre-existing natural genetic circuits have been studied and published in peer review articles. Some of these such as the tetR gene have been used and studied so extensively to the point that it is a well established tool used by genetic engineers. By combining documented sequences centered around guanine sensing and genetic tools like the tetR system, we can create a biosensor based on the extra guanine in a varroa mite infested beehive.

The CIDAR MoClo Parts Kit has a wide array of established modular components designed to create tailor made expression vectors through Golden Gate cloning. Designed gene blocks need to be compatible with Golden Gate cloning in the MoClo scheme to fit the parts available in the CIDAR MoClo Parts Kit.

Our bacterial strain should be easily manipulated for many iterative genetic experiments and is low maintenance. DH5-α E. coli will suffice for early experimentation.

Software for building gene blocks and testing their cloning digitally is necessary. We will use Geneious software.


The construction of our build will revolve around Golden Gate cloning in the MoClo scheme.

  • Fast and efficient method of cloning that relies on type two restriction sites that are excised after ligation which prevents backwards reactions (Golden Gate cloning).
  • Genetic segments for all parts can be obtained from online databases and sequences can be edited to contain Golden Gate cloning restriction and recognition sites.

A Guanine-II Riboswitch gene sequence was derived from Paenibacillus Sp. HW567 (5). Searching through the genome of the Paenibacillus Sp. HW567, we were not able to find a 100% match to the gene sequences provided in the publication and the only sequence we could find was incomplete. In an attempt to preserve the sequence cited in the paper, we used the exact sequences from the paper, then used code from another Paenibacillus Sp. (FSL R7-0331) with a homologous riboswitch region to fill in the gaps left unstated in the paper. The sequence starts with the upstream 86bp from the paper, then a 79bp intergenic region, then the 25bp downstream sequence from the paper, and finally another 28bp of sequence from FSL R7-0331 between its downstream region and the coding sequence it modifies.

This sequence was then integrated into the MoClo cloning scheme by adding BsaI recognition sites and _BC overhangs to clone it into the RBS slot of a typical Golden Gate design. Additionally, seven extra adenine bases were added to both ends of the synthetic sequence to increase cleaving efficiency (6).

A number of sequences were taken directly and without modification from the CIDAR MoClo Parts kit or CIDAR MoClo Extension, Volume I. These are parts such as J23100_AB and c99m (mScarlet-I).

Additionally, a variety of terminators with a range of strengths were chosen from the CIDAR MoClo Extension, Volume I and modified slightly to have _DF overhangs instead of _DE overhangs.

These parts were combined using a BsaI Golden Gate Cloning to produce a single expression vector plasmid. This plasmid was transformed into competent DH5-α E. coli cells.


In order to determine if our Guanine-II Riboswitch final construct would successfully produce mScarlet protein in response to guanine concentration, we transformed the construct into competent E. coli and inoculated different types of media with three isolates of the purR final construct. Each isolate was inoculated into LB, LB+1nM guanine, M9, and M9+1nM guanine. Additionally, all of the M9 media included 1% thiamine, as DH5-α is auxotrophic for thiamine.


The riboswitch seems to be completely or near completely non-functional. The constitutive promoter is producing the mScarlet protein regardless of the media type or guanine concentration in the media.


Re-design the SynRiboswitch_BC part. Instead of trying to conserve the sequence listed in the publication, just use the natural and uninterrupted sequence in the genome of the Paenibacillus Sp. HW567. It may not be exactly as listed in the publication, but maybe there is an error in the publication. The actual sequence taken from the genome should be functional– they studied that strain, after all. In other words, align the sequence from the publication to the Paenibacillus Sp. HW567 genome and find the closest match. Take that sequence up until the first stop codon encountered after the aligned region and add BsaI Golden Gate sites to give it _BC overhangs.

Another approach would involve looking further into the literature to find any other examples of guanine sensing riboswitches and attempting the same with them.

Click for Parts List

Best New Composite Part

Our team is nominating ourselves for the Best New Composite Part. The part we are nominating is BBa_K4753012. Ideally we would like to nominate BBa_K4753011, BBa_K4753012, and BBa_K4753013 as they are a trio of pathways that are intended to work together, but just BBa_K4753012 is one we chooses to nominate.

This composite part promotes the TetR repressor protein based on the amount of PurR repressor in the system. It works as a genetic expression flip to turn the down regulation from the purR circuit into increased expression of our reporter mScarlet.

BBa_K4753012 is a composite part made up of the basic parts BBa_K4753003, BBa_C0040, and BBa_K4753005. BBa_K4753003 is PurMN_AC, which is a PurR regulated promoter and RBS. Depending on the concentration of environmental PurR, PurMN_AC changes the expression of a downstream coding sequence. High guanine concentration results in high expression. Low guanine concentration results in low expression. In this scenario, the downstream coding sequence is BBa_C0040, a region encoding the TetR repressor protein. The final basic part is BBa_K4753005, A 313x-strength natural terminator. This terminator was only minorly adapted from an existing part from the CIDAR MoClo Extension Vol I.