
First of all, what is HP? And what does HP need to do?

In our opinion, the work of HP needs to be carried out throughout the IGEM project, with hp group members being the architect of the team's story.

First, we are influenced by the world. Through observation and practice, we were able to identify global/local problems and think about how to bring about change through synthetic biology knowledge, i.e., -We are identifying problems and thinking about solutions.

Secondly, it is trying to influence the world and in turn influencing ourselves in the process of influencing the world, i.e., adapting our projects through the feedback we get from HP as we implement them. In this period, we change ourselves while impacting the world, focusing on all stakeholders and trying to maximize the social impact of the project - We are exploring and Improving.

Finally, after being influenced by the world, we continue to try to influence the world. After completing the experiment and obtaining the experimental results, we use the experimental results to further bring about changes to the target problem and evaluate the impact we have brought about - utilizing and accepting the results.

We, then, expect that through our exploration and efforts, constantly adjusting our project, constantly reflecting and moving forward, to make our project not only stay in the laboratory, but actually go to the people. We hope to contribute to the prevention and treatment of hypercholesterolemia and to reduce the health risk of the general public.