
Our wetlab activities could be divided into two parts: RT-qPCR and our MB-ERC2 (miRNA biomarker-based exponential RCA Cas12a/CRISPR) system. The RT-qPCR trials were performed as comparison groups for the EXTRA-CRISPR groups. Moreover, through examining the results yielded by RT-qPCR, the golden standard for miRNA detection, we selected miR-223, which gave significantly better performance, as our final target biomarker. The Cas12a-based assay trials demonstrated the efficiency and accuracy of our detection method. Through single-variable experiments, we optimised the reaction system and verified that our standard reaction system has the best reaction kinetics.


RT-qPCR (Reverse Transcription Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction), combining RT-PCR and qPCR, involves the detection and quantification of RNA. The procedure involves the enzyme reverse transcriptase converting total RNA or messenger RNA (mRNA) to complementary DNA (cDNA). This cDNA is then amplified and used in quantitative PCR (qPCR) or real-time PCR to detect specific targets. This PCR uses a number of fluorescent chemicals to quantify the amount of DNA at each cycle in real-time. Moreover, the RT-qPCR method has become an essential tool of detecting MicroRNA (miRNA), which is the key indicator for detecting the presence of COPD. Our first RT-qPCR trial starts with the miRNA biomarkers: miR-223 and miR-1274a. They are extracted from a fridge, then undergo centrifugation for 3000r 3min, and dilute with water, and pre-heated in an incubator. Then 4 PCR tubes are labelled miR-223 and miR-1274a. The next step is to add mRQ buffer and mRQ enzymes as well as miRNA samples to respective PCR tubes, all operating on ice. The tunes are then transferred to the incubator for body temperature, an hour. Lastly, they are taken out and placed in a drying oven, with addition of DEPC-treated water, and then stored in the fridge for later usage.

After preparing cDNA, RT-qPCR could then be prepared by 8 PCR tubes (4 each for miR-223 and miR-1274a), with mRQ buffer each tube, miRNA sample respectively and mRQ enzyme each tube. All the tubes are then controlled at 37ºC, 1 h in an incubator. Finally, they are sent to a driving oven, with addition of DEPC-treated water.


Padlock Design

The ends of the padlock are the miRNA binding sites. They are complementary to our target miRNAs (miR-223 and miR-1274a). The influence of mismatches was investigated with padlocks M1-14 in the Padlock Probe Optimization section below. A cas12a detection zone is also located on the padlock. The detection module contains sequences complementary to the crRNA used in the synthesis of RNP. An optimization of the location of the detection modules was performed with padlocks 2-4 in the Padlock Probe Optimization section.

SplintR Ligation

While the conventional T4 ligase also ligases DNA-RNA hybridization, SplintR is far more efficient in terms of reaction kinetics. Thus, after a comparative trial (see Reaction System Optimization section), we chose SplintR as the ligase used in the system.

RCA Process

The first step in RCA is the annealing of the miRNA to the padlock's miRNA binding sites. Then, SplintR ligase circularises the originally linear-bent padlock. Phi29 DNA polymerase binds to the padlock-miRNA duplex and initiates the amplification of a DNA chain complementary to the padlock (the amplicon).


The enzyme Cas12a is a component of the CRISPR-Cas system, a potent tool for precise genetic modification. Unlike Cas9, Cas12a locates its target DNA sequence using a single RNA guide molecule. Cas12a is used for recognizing the domain, binding to target DNA, and carrying out cleavage. In our detection method, Cas12a is coupled with CRISPR-RNA (crRNA) to form the Cas12a-crRNA ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). The role of the crRNA is to guide the cas12a enzyme to the target sequence (the RCA amplicon). The RNP ‘scans’ the DNA in order to find a match with the crane sequence, after which it undergoes a conformational change to activate its nuclease.


The trans-cleavage of Cas12a is nonspecific. Thus, it cleaves both the RCA amplicon, the padlock, and the fluorophore-quencher complex which will be explained shortly. When there is an excess of padlocks or RCA amplicon, trans-cleavage would preferentially cut these instead of reporters. When there is an excess of reporters, false positives may also occur. Therefore it is important to regulate the reporter-padlock ratio.


Cis-cleavage of cas12a is specific, thus it only cleaves the RCA amplicon. Cis-cleavage amplicons are complementary to the padlocks, and thus could serve as primers for initiating secondary RCA (i.e. the same process as described in the RCA section, only with amplicons in place of miRNAs). Digestion of longer amplicon sequences (long cuts) into shorter amplicons (short cuts) are primarily due to cis-cleavages.

Intermediary Assays

Both the three-step and two-step assays are tandem combinations of RCA and Cas12a’s fluorogenic readout. However, in the three-step method, ligation and rolling circle amplification (RCA) are separate, and the dye SYBR Green II is added (commonly used to stain RNA/ssDNA for qPCR analysis). In the two-step method, RCA and ligation steps are combined, and the fluorogenic readout is solely from the fluorophore-quencher reporting system.


Cis-cleavage of cas12a is specific, thus it only cleaves the RCA amplicon. Cis-cleavage amplicons are complementary to the padlocks, and thus could serve as primers for initiating secondary RCA (i.e. the same process as described in the RCA section, only with amplicons in place of miRNAs). Digestion of longer amplicon sequences (long cuts) into shorter amplicons (short cuts) are primarily due to cis-cleavages.



The miRNA biomarker-based exponential RCA Cas12a/CRISPR system combines rolling circle amplification with Cas12a cleavages. The overall reaction schematics are shown below.

Detection Mechanism

Our reporter is composed of a fluorophore linked to a quencher molecule. While the two are connected, the quencher absorbs energy from the fluorophore, thus preventing it from emitting fluorescence. But when cas12a trans-cleavage acts on the quencher-fluorophore and severs their link, the fluorophore would start giving out fluorescence. Thus, the fluorescence level is used to quantify the concentration of miRNA biomarkers in the sample tested.

Reaction System Optimization


Polyadenylation and Reverse Transcription

We prepared a cDNA synthesis reaction for each RNA sample that can be analysed by PCR. Also, to determine the absolute level of an miRNA using a standard curve, it’s required to generate cDNA from dilutions prepared from a known concentration of synthetic miRNA.

In an RNase-free tube, combine the following reagents:

Table: Ploy(A) / cDNA Synthesis Reaction
Reagent Volume (μl)
mRQ Buffer (2x) 5
RNA sample (0.25-8μg ) 3.75
mRQ Enzyme 1.25
Total Volume 10

In a thermal cycler, incubate the tube for 1 hour at body temperature, then terminate at 85ºC for 5 minutes.Moreover, add DEPC water to control the volume so that the cDNA would be ready for miRNA quantification protocols.

Table: U6 qPCR Reaction
Reagent Volume (μl)
ddH2O 9
TB Green Advantage Premix (2X) 12.5
ROX Dye (50X) 0.5
U6 Forward primer (10μM) 0.5
U6 Reverse Primer (10μM) 0.5
cDNA 2.0
Total Volume 25
Table: Sample qPCR Reaction
Reagent Volume (μl)
ddH2O 9
TB Green Advantage Premix (2X) 12.5
ROX Dye (50X) 0.5
miRNA-specific primer (10μM) 0.5
mRQ 3’Primer (10μM) 0.5
cDNA 2.0
Total Volume 25

The portions are then transferred into 8-row tube distribution. The remaining cDNA is stored in a -20ºC fridge.

Three Step Assay

Mix 1 2.2μl
Padlock (100 nM) 1 µl
miRNA 1 µl
SplintR buffer 0.2 µl

80 ºC 5 min, 26 ºC 1 min

Ligation System (10 µl)
Mix 2 10μl
Mix 1 2.2 µl
SplintR buffer 0.8 µl
SplintR ligase 0.25 µl
DEPC Water 6.75 µl

PCR machine, 37 ºC 2h & 65 ºC 10 min, 10 µl system

Reaction System (Mix)
Mix 20 µl total
Phi 29 buffer 2 µl
Phi 29 polymerase 0.4 µl
BSA 0.2 µl
dNTPs 0.8 µl
10x SYBR Green II 2 µl
DEPC Water 12.6 µl
Mix 2 2 µl

37 ºC 2h, 65 ºC 10 min

Add 5 µl RNP & 2 µl reporter:

Final Step
Mix 2 20 µl
RNP 5 µl
reporter 2 µl

RNP Preparation

Component Volume
Cas12a 1 µl
crRNA 1.5 µl
Buffer 2.1 0.5 µl
DEPC water 2 µl

Two Step Assay

Components Volume
miRNA 2 µl
padlock 2 µl
SplintR buffer 0.4 µl

80 ºC 5 min, 26 ºC 1 min, 5 µl system

Then transfer to ligation-RCA system (a total of 20µl system) mix 2:

Ligation-RCA System
Mix 1 4.4μl
Mix 1 4.4 µl
dNTP 0.8 µl
BSA 0.2 µl
Phi29 Polymerase 0.2 µl
SplintR ligase 0.5 µl
dd water 12.3 µl
SplintR buffer 1.6 µl

37 ºC 2h & 65 ºC 10 min, 20 µl system

Add 5 µl RNP & 2 µl reporter (10µM):

Final Step
Mix 2 20 µl
RNP 5 µl
reporter 2 µl


Components Per portion
miRNA 2 µl
padlock 2 µl
SplintR buffer 0.4 µl

80 ºC 5 min, 26 ºC 1 min

Components Per portion
dNTP 0.8 µl
RNP 0.2 µl
SplintR ligase 0.2 µl
BSA 0.2 µl
Phi29 Polymerase 0.2 µl
reporter 0.2 µl
SplintR buffer 1.6 µl
DEPC water 12.2 µl


Jin, J., Vaud, S., Zhelkovsky, A., Pósfai, J., & McReynolds, L. A. (2016). Sensitive and specific miRNA detection method using SplintR Ligase. Nucleic Acids Research, 44(13), e116. https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkw399

He, Y., Wen, Y., Tian, Z., Hart, N. T., Han, S., Hughes, S. J., & Zeng, Y. (2023b). A one-pot isothermal Cas12-based assay for the sensitive detection of microRNAs. Nature Biomedical Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01033-1