The objective of this wet lab experiment is to synthesize the EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) cyclic peptide using the designed BioBrick parts. This synthesis will enable the subsequent bispecific antibody production.
Plasmid preparation
Plasmid synthesis was carried out by using Xbal and HindIII restriction sites. Initially, the pET-24d(+) vector and Ebp-intein vector were individually digested with restriction enzymes, and the resulting fragments were subsequently purified using gel electrophoresis. DNA fragments were extracted using a mini column. The desired product was obtained by ligating the two vectors together using T4 DNA Ligase. This stage involved the following experiments:
Restriction digestion of pET-24d(+) vector and cloning vectors carrying synthesized inserts with XbaI and HindIII to generate inserts with compatible ends
DNA gel electrophoresis of restriction digested inserts
Gel purification of restriction digested insert
Ligation of inserts and pET-24d(+)
Plasmid amplification and sequencing
Plasmid amplification was done using TOP10 competent cells. Initially, the intact plasmid was introduced into the TOP10 cells via heat shock method, followed by plating on agar plates to allow colony growth. Multiple colonies were randomly selected, and the obtained products were subjected to sequencing to verify the successful insertion of the target fragment and to identify any potential mutational events within the plasmid. This process aimed to confirm the availability and reliability of the plasmid. This stage involved the following experiments:
Transformation of ligation product into TOP10 or BL21(DE3) competent cells
Colony PCR
Recombinant plasmid purification by miniprep
Peptide/protein expression
BL21(DE3) competent cells were chosen as the host for protein expression. Initially, the purified plasmid was transformed into BL21(DE3) cells and spread onto an agar plate. Selected colonies were subsequently transferred to LB broth and cultured overnight. Upon reaching an optical density (O.D.) of 0.6, protein expression was induced by adding 0.2 mM of IPTG (isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside). The target protein was subsequently extracted using a lysis buffer together with sonication. Protein expression levels were evaluated using SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis (SDS-PAGE).
Protein expression
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis analysis to check expression level
Peptide/protein purification
The expressed proteins were made up of CBD and intein, so a chitin column was used for purification. The purification intermediates (EGFR peptide with chitin) were extracted from cell lysates and subjected to purification using the chitin column. Through elution, the intein1 portion was detached after incubation overnight in B2 solution. Subsequently, after incubation overnight in B4 solution, the target cyclic peptide chain was selectively released from the chitin column and cyclized.
Protein purification by Chitin column
Liquid Chromatography Mass spectrometry analysis
Conjugation of chemically synthesized cyclic peptide to antibody
Bifunctional linker was used to cyclize and conjugate cyclic EGFR-targeting peptides via phthalaldehyde-amine capture reaction onto anti-c-MET monoclonal antibody to generate the c-MET x EGFR peptidic bispecific antibody, Polyneerab.
Conjugation of chemically synthesized cyclic peptide to antibody
Functional assays of the BsAb
The Osimertinib resistance of HCC827 cells was confirmed by MTT cytotoxicity assay. The BsAb binding affinity against EGFR and c-MET targets was evaluated by ELISA assay, respectively. Finally, the response of Osimertinib resistant HCC827 towards the BsAb was determined by MTT cytotoxicity assay.
Enzyme linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
MTT Assay
Bliss Analysis