
We believe that biopesticides should be used to solve the health and ecological problems caused by chemical pesticides, but existing biopesticides are not good enough. So, we decided to improve the virulence of a fungal biopesticide. To evaluate the viability and to improve our project, we communicated with stakeholders, including small-scale farmers, agricultural companies, genetic engineering experts, biosafety experts, and policymakers. We collected feedback from multiple perspectives such as market demand, technical solutions, safety considerations, legal viability, etc. All of this allows us to optimize our designs and make them more realistic. As a result, we decided to improve the virulence of a biopesticide and include a suicide switch to ensure safety. The biosafety risks of engineered biopesticides are our key concern, and we are still in the process of prudent research. Click to see our mind map.



1. Introduction

Chemical pesticides are overused around the world in agriculture and horticulture, which pose risks to the farmers, the customers, and the non-target animals. Yearly, more than 26 million people suffer from pesticide poisoning with nearly 220,000 deaths around the world (Ansari, Moraiet, and Ahmad, 2013). In China, more than two million tons of insecticides were disseminated in the environment in 2020, killing native species and resulting in an ecological disaster.



Pesticide use by each country in 2020 from Our World in Data.


Biopesticides are safer for human beings and other non-target animals. They are relatively more eco-friendly. And they cause little or no problem with post-harvest contamination (Fenibo et al., 2021). However, certain limitations including low effectiveness and limited availability make biopesticides unpopular compared to chemical pesticides for farmers. To overcome the limitations, genetic modification has become one promising method to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of biopesticides.


Our project aimed to create a more eco-friendly, safer biopesticide for farmers and growers to achieve sustainable development. Before beginning, we first investigated the current use of biopesticides and the potential commands of current users.


2. Biopesticide Market Research

To understand the current use and demand for biopesticides in the market, we conducted interviews and surveys with pesticide users. We found that pesticide users could be divided into two categories: the small-scale farmers, and the agricultural companies, and interviewed both groups. The feedback showed that small-scale farmers were more concerned about cost and effectiveness and therefore mostly used chemical pesticides. On the other hand, fruit growers and agricultural companies preferred to use biopesticides. However, they were concerned about the efficiency and safety of biopesticides. According to the feedback, it was clear that there is a market demand for biopesticides, and that fruit growers and agricultural companies would be our main target users. It was also clear that the goals of our project were to improve insecticidal efficiency and ensure safety. During the interviews, we found Metarhizium, which became the fungus of our choice.


2.1 Small-scale farmers

To find out the current pesticide use of small-scale farmers, we surveyed 69 farmers. The results showed that small-scale rice growers preferred chemical pesticides due to concerns about cost and insecticidal efficiency. Fruit growers, on the other hand, were less price-sensitive and would be more willing to use biopesticides. However, efficiency is still the core concern. During the interviews, we also found that the widely used Metarhizium pesticide had a problem with efficiency.




68 villagers (37 males and 31 females, ages ranging from 15 to 72 years old) from Yaojia Village, Haining, Zhejiang, China. Most of them are smallholders whose household land is smaller than one acre. Most of them are rice farmers.

Results and takeaways:

1) All 68 participants used pesticides in agriculture, and only 9% used biopesticides.


2) One-third of the participants knew what biopesticides were.

3) Beauveria bassiana and Bacillus thuringiensis were the most famous biopesticides and one-fifth of respondents also had heard of Materhizium before.


4) The participants believed that effect (81%) and cost (69%) were the two most important factors of pesticides, which showed that our choice to increase the virulence of M. anisopliae was correct.


5) 88% of the respondents agreed that biopesticides could be good substitutes for chemical counterparts.




Yanfang Wang

Yaojia Village, Haining, Zhejiang, China

Strawberry farmer who owned five plastic greenhouses


Suggestions and takeaways:

1) Compared to staple crops, fruits are more susceptible to pests.

2) Compared to the effectiveness of the pesticides, the cost is not of the first concern because strawberries were profitable. Paying for a better pesticide could increase the total profit for her.

3) Yanfang would try to use our product if it was very effective and got approved.


2.2 Agricultural Companies

We then turned to the agricultural companies, which were bigger customers and represented a broader market. Compared to smallholders, agricultural companies were more cautious in decision-making and we were eager to hear their voices. We interviewed the managers of Shuangma and Shouguang Agricultural. Both Shuangma and Shouguang Agricultural showed interest in our engineered fungal biopesticide, which indicated a bright perspective of our project. We concluded that large agricultural companies were more likely to use our product compared with smallholders because the companies were less sensitive to cost and had more concerns about ecological safety, employee health, export, etc. Moreover, concerns by Shuoyang about biosafety revealed the flaw of our project. We realized that since our product's intended use was in agriculture, our engineered fungus would inevitably be released into the environment. We needed to develop a method to restrain the reproduction and spread of the fungus without influencing its killing ability against pests. After literature research, we decided to incorporate a suicide switch into M. anisopliae. We found that the 2016 NYMU_Taipei iGEM Team designed a light-induced suicide switch for M. anisopliae and we decided to improve it.




Shuoyang Zhu

General Manager of Shuangma Agricultural Co., Ltd., Hefei, Anhui, China. Shuangma holds over 100 acres of land.


Suggestions and takeaways:

1) They were already using M. anisopliae, and therefore would definitely try our improved version.

2) One disadvantage of fungal and bacterial biopesticides is that they can reproduce in the environment and it is difficult to control.  

3) We should evaluate the ecological safety of our engineered fungus, especially its potential impacts on native species.




Hongfeng Xu

Manager of Shandong Shouguang Agricultural Group. Shouguang has the largest vegetable-producing base in China.


Suggestions and takeaways:

1) They had used M. anisopliae before but were not satisfied with its efficiency. They hoped that our project could improve it.

2) He believed that the most important advantage of biopesticide was its safety for humans. The health of the employees is the company's top concern.

3) Biopesticides are especially suitable for exporting vegetables because vegetable-importing countries may have strict regulations on chemical pesticide residuals.


3. Safety Considerations

Through the surveys and interviews, we determined the goal of our project, which was to develop a more efficient and safer biopesticide. We identified a safe insect-specific toxin, which is harmless to mammals, as the key to increasing the virulence of fungal biopesticides against pests. When talking to some of the interviewees and the iGEM Safety and Security Committee, we received feedback on concerns about biosafety, especially about the toxin, and the potential impacts on native insects and ecosystems. To ensure safety, we decided to include a suicide switch. We also planned future biosafety tests including the survival and competitive ability tests, horizontal gene transfer tests, etc.


3.1 LqhIT2 property and toxicity

When trying to find a toxin to increase the virulence of M. anisopliae, we realized that we needed to find a toxin that is only toxic to insects but not mammals. We looked at the natural predators of insects. The Israeli yellow scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus) feeds on insects and produces potent venom against its prey. Some ingredients of the venom are insect-specific, including LqhIT2.


LqhIT2 is a 61 amino acid-long depressant toxin. Researchers have proven that LqhIT2 is only toxic to insects. LqhIT2 has been studied since the 1990s. Many experiments and dozens of papers have confirmed that it is an insect-specific toxin. One of the most convincing experiments was done by Zlotkin et al. in 1991. They injected purified LqhIT2 into live mice, and it showed no toxicity. This experiment was repeated by Herrmann et al. in 1995, and their results are consistent. The most recent research on LqhIT2 was published by Zhu et al in 2023. They analyzed the molecular structure of LqhIT2 and compared it with other toxins. They concluded that the channel residue and cavity shape of LqhIT2 determine its species selectivity of insects.


When submitting the check-in forms, the iGEM Safety and Security Committee raised concerns about LqhIT2. For our project to proceed safely, we sought instruction from The Center of Biosafety Research and Strategy at Tianjin University. This Center is the only research institution specializing in biosafety in China. Prof. Wang from the Center helped to assess the biosafety of our project, especially the toxin.  



Professor Fangzhong Wang

Center of Biosafety Research and Strategy, Tianjin University

Field of research: Biosafety evaluations


Suggestions and takeaways:

1) We should make sure LqhIT2 is not toxic for humans if it mutates.

2) We should test or at least plan to test the survival and competitive ability of the engineered fungus.

3) We should test or at least plan to test the efficiency of the suicide switch under different weather conditions.

4) We should test or at least plan to test the horizontal gene transfer rate of the engineered fungus.


To check the potential of a mutated LqhIT2 becoming toxic to humans, we searched similar sequences of LqhIT2 by running Protein Blast on NCBI (https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE=Proteins). Results showed that genes share a similar sequence with LqhIT2 all encode for insect-specific toxins, which showed the safety of LqhIT2 in our project. We showed the results to Prof. Wang, and he agreed with us.



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(Moskowitz et al., 1998; Li et al., 2000; Ali et al., 2001; Goudetet al., 2002; Peng et al., 2002)


3.2 Impacts on native insects

As mentioned by Shuoyang and the Safety and Security Committee, our engineered biopesticide could kill native insects and thereby influence the ecosystem. After discussing with our instructors and advisors, we had to admit that ecological risk will always exist. However, we believe that our biopesticide will cause less harm to native insects and the ecosystem than chemical pesticides do.


Since our goal is to replace chemical pesticides with better biopesticides, our biopesticides should at least work as well as chemical pesticides. All the currently popular chemical pesticides are broad-spectrum pesticides (organophosphates, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids, etc.), which is understandable. If one pesticide can only kill one species of pests (in that case it would not affect non-target economically important insects), farmers would have to prepare dozens of different types of pesticides to deal with different pests. And farmers would also need to become entomologists first to know which pesticide to use. So in the real world, broad-spectrum pesticides are the only choices.


Although our fungal pesticide itself can infect native insects, it should have a lesser impact on them compared to chemical pesticides. First of all, unlike chemical pesticides, biopesticides tend to not cause resistance (Fenibo et al., 2021). As a result, it should require a lower pesticide dose. Secondly, some chemical pesticides can remain in the environment for a year or more, accumulate in animal bodies, and cause long-term harm to native insects (Ansari, Moraiet, and Ahmad, 2013). Biopesticides, on the other hand, do not accumulate. And finally, we plan to include a suicide switch into our fungal pesticide. Our fungi will contain a photosensor that leads to the inactivation of new-forming spores under the sunlight. So our biopesticide will not have a long-term impact on native insects.


Before commercialization, we will re-evaluate the impact of the engineered biopesticide on the ecosystem by field trials.


3.3 Light-controlled suicide switch

To deal with the concerns of biosafety and to stop fungus spread in the environment, we tried to find a proper mechanism for the fungus to commit suicide after use. We found that the 2016 NYMU_Taipei iGEM Team designed a suicide switch for M. anisopliae by ligating a KillerRed gene after a full-length Pmcl1 promoter. KillerRed is a red fluorescent protein that produces lethal reactive oxygen species (ROS) upon exposure to light (Onukwufor et al., 2020). When the fungi invade the insect body, the hemolymph-inducible Pmcl1 promoter will start to express KillerRed. And when the fungi grow out of the insect body and try to spread spores, their tissues are killed by sunlight. To improve the effectiveness of SuperNova and ROS, a nuclear localization signal (NLS) derived from the SV40 T antigen should be connected to the 3' end of the KillerRed sequence (Lu et al., 2021). The SV40 NLS should guide the protein to be transported into the cell nucleus, and let ROS attack the most vulnerable genomic DNA (Paardekooper et al., 2019).


We planned to improve the suicide switch designed by the 2016 NYMU_Taipei iGEM Team. We found that compared to the full-length Pmcl1 (2764bp), a truncated, shorter version of Pmcl1 (1586bp) can lead to a twofold increase in downstream gene expression (Kanjo et al., 2019). And Onukwufor et al. have proven that SuperNova can produce three times as much ROS as KillerRed. As a result, theoretically, a Pmcl1 (short) combined with SuperNova should be a stronger suicide switch than the 2016 NYMU_Taipei iGEM Team's. To verify our hypothesis and to find the strongest suicide switch, we planned to test Pmcl1-SuperNova, Pmcl1(short)-SuperNova, Pmcl1-KillerRed, and Pmcl1(short)-KillerRed.


3.4 Safety in labs

To minimize the risks of the experiments, we held a seminar with The Laboratory and Equipment Management Department of Zhejiang University. To protect team members and the environment, we made strict rules and adjustments to our experiment design.


As a filamentous fungus, M. anisolpliae produces spores. Spores are harmful to humans and are prone to accidental leakage. We take measures to prevent spore spread. The containers will only be opened in biosafety cabinets. When working on our fungi, all the members will be required to wear nitrile gloves and N95 masks. After each experiment, all the disposables (gloves, pipette tips, etc.) will be autoclaved before disposal. UV lamps in the biosafety cabinets will be turned on for at least 40 minutes after use.


To make sure no one is in direct contact with the toxin, we chose not to extract or purify LqhIT2. And we will only insert the LqhIT2 gene downstream of an insect hemolymph-specific promoter (Pmcl1). So LqhIT2 will only be synthesized by our fungi in the insect bodies. Even if LqhIT2 leaked from insect corpses, as a 61-amino acid peptide, it will be degraded rapidly in the environment by microorganisms. Besides, it is reported that plants are not capable of absorbing intact peptides longer than five amino acids (Tegeder et al., 2010). As a result, it is not possible that the toxin LqhIT2 will enter the crops and be transferred to the human side.


3.5 Future biosafety tests

During the conversation, Prof. Wang mentioned the concerns about our engineered fungus impacting the environment. For our fungus to be proven safe, Prof. Wang listed the must-do tests of our project, including the survival and competitive ability tests, the suicide switch tests, and the horizontal gene transfer tests.


Although this year, we will only do experiments in the lab, and not do any field trials, we made plans for future tests. We planned two-stage tests. Stage one happens in artificial climate chambers. We will introduce soil, Arabidopsis thaliana, and larvae of Galleria mellonella into the chambers. Stage two happens in experimental fields. We will measure each factor and evaluate the biosafety.


4. Technical viability

As confirmed by literature research, we wanted to introduce exogenous genes to the filamentous fungus. According to Peng & Xia, 2014, pBARGPE1 containing the bialaphos resistance gene (BarR) was the appropriate vector. As for the transformation method, Peng and Xia used microparticle bombardment. However, we were unable to follow their path due to lack of equipment. Then, we found that Agrobacterium-mediated transformation worked for M. anisopliae (Duarte et al., 2007). So, our first instinct was to use Agrobacterium tumefaciens to transfer pBARGPE1 in our fungus. However, as high school students, we were not experienced with molecular cloning, and we were not sure about our design. So, we interviewed Prof. Zhu for suggestions. Prof. Zhu pointed out that Agrobacterium-mediated transformation does not work with our plasmid, and we should use protoplast transformation instead. To conclude, we could use pBARGPE1 as the plasmid backbone and perform the protoplast transformation to transform M. anisopliae. Our project's technical viability was confirmed and we were able to proceed.




Professor Xufen Zhu

Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University

Field of research: Microbiology and molecular biology


Suggestions and takeaways:

1) Our primary design was meant to fail because Agrobacterium-mediated transformation requires special shutter vectors.

2) We could switch to protoplast transformation instead without changing our original vector choice.

3) The length of the inserted fragment should be taken into account since a very long one would lower the efficiency of vector construction, the rate of transformation, and the genetic stability.


5. Legal viability

We plan to produce a genetically engineered fungal product, which is strictly regulated in China. Therefore, we wanted to make sure that our product at least has theoretical possibilities of entering the market. And we wanted to know what regulations we needed to comply with. After literature research, we discovered that the genetically modified fungus has to undergo complicated tests before entering the market, but it is possible. In 2023, 113 genetically modified organisms received the Safety Certificate, and our M. anisopliae could be one in the future.

According to these regulations, we carefully tested the toxicity and spreading capacity of the engineered M. anisopliae in our experiment. For detailed information, see Engineering Success.


Literature research

Results and takeaways:

1. According to the Measures for the Administration of the Safety Evaluation of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms (2016 Revision, Article 13), our engineered fungus must go through three stages of trials: intermediate test, environmental release test, and production test.

2. During each stage, factors including genetic stability, potential toxicity, spreading capacity, impacts on non-target organisms, etc. will be evaluated (Appendix III. 1).

3. We should submit the Application for the Safety Evaluation of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms to the State Commission for the Safety of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms and the Office for the Safety Management of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms to start the evaluation process.

4. If approved, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China will issue the Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms Safety Certificate.



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