
Bye-o-film tackles the pressing issue of implant-related infections, especially in prosthetic joint surgeries, while acknowledging the significant benefits of medical implants in modern healthcare. With a rising number of joint replacement surgeries due to factors like obesity and an aging population, implant-related infections have become a substantial concern.

We propose an innovative E. coli-based biosensor for early detection of biofilm formation on medical implants, such as prosthetic joints. Additionally, we explore the use of modified bacteriophages to disrupt these biofilms, reducing reliance on antibiotics and improving patient outcomes. Our inspiration stems from the increasing concern over biofilm-related infections and the growing interest in phage-related therapies. Beyond technical innovation, our mission includes raising awareness about infection-related complications, advancing biosensor technology, and promoting the resurgence of phage therapy.

By providing a modular approach to biofilm treatment, the project aims to minimize antibiotic usage and enhance patient care. In summary, this project addresses a critical healthcare challenge with global implications, combining innovative technology, patient-centricity, and a broader mission to advance research and awareness regarding implant-related infections. This multifaceted approach holds the potential to change biofilm management across diverse healthcare settings, ultimately ensuring safer and more comfortable experiences for individuals with medical implants.