- Team Members -
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Hi, this is Robbie, curretnly an A1 student from Greatbay-SCIE team 2023. Besides enhancing my knowledge in various fields of Biology, iGEM offers me the opportunity of actually working in bioengineering labs and exploring the creativity of cross-curriculum studies. Apart from schoolwork, I occasionally fold paper and compose music. Hope our project can adequately benefit the environment and people in need.

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Hey guys! I'm Sabrina Li, an A1 this year in SCIE. I mainly take part in experiments, project flowchart production, hardware modeling and other related work. Synthetic biology is not a new field for me, and I hope I can use my previous experience to contribute to the team!

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Hello everyone, I'm Rissy, I like painting, watching vtubers and photography, I’m very happy to join the GreatBay SCIE team gathered by the “bigwigs”, as an art student, I also experienced the great fun of biological experiments in the laboratory, I will try my best to make satisfactory design for everyone!

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Hello, I am Dennis, an A1 student from SCIE. I am glad to participate in iGEM and I really enjoy learning synthetic biology related knowledge and working with my enthusiastic teammates. Hope our team will beable to get a great result.

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Hello everyone, I am Sienna from SCIE. My hobbies are swimming and listening to music, and I do love biology. It is so fascinating that these small microorganisms could do so many things for humans. I hope that our project could achieve good results and make the world a better place!

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My name is Jacky, and I am very happy to be a member of GreatBay-SCIE. My love for natural sciences brought me to the field of synthetic biology. I realised that the understanding of natural sciences cannot only be limited to theoretical learning, as experiments are also an inevitable part. At GreatBay-SCIE, I hope to broaden my horizons and enhance my understanding of biology by completing GAStroPurifier.

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Hi! My name is Annika, currently an A1 student from SCIE. It has been a great honor for me to work with my teammates and create something that will bring great benefits to our local community.Throughout this year I have had great fun working with my teammates even under stressful conditions and hopefully in the end we will be able to achieve something that we deserved! Love you all!

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Hi, this is Nancy , a biochem enthusiast in A1 in SCIE. I'm particularly interested in neurosciences and pathology, and I'll apply for biomed/med in the future. It is also a great pleasure to meet you guys at Greatbay SCIE to discuss and advance our synbio project together. I hope we all enjoy our synbio excursion and make some significant achievements!

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Hello, my name is Smurf. I am a member of the 2023 Greatbay SCIE team, curretnly an A1 student in SCIE. I have already learned a lot from the iGEM project, and enjoying the process along the way. I can't wait to see the final outcomes of this competitions and what our team can produce.

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Hi I am Alice. As a dedicated biology student, I humbly joined this esteemed group. Eager to learn from experienced biologists, exploring my passion, and learn more from this scientific journey.

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Hey guys, my name is Thomas and I am one of the members of the SCIE igem team. I hope to communicate and study from this competition.

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Hi, guys! I'm Tiffany, a 10th grader at SCIE. I was born in Hainan and have lived there for the past 15 years before moving to Shenzhen. Through my previous experiences studying in different environments, I discovered a fascination for science, particularly biology. The desire to delve deeper into this field has driven me to join iGEM, where I can collaborate with all the talented biologists in GreatBay-SCIE 2023.

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Hi my name is Oscar, A future lab rat but yet still endorses sports and reading proses and stories. My interest in the field of biochemistry has led me to encounter iGEM in middle school but now I am able to fully participate as a member. Really exciting! Being in GreatBay-SCIE, I experienced great fun and become more insightful both academically and socially. Hope our hardworking and effort will let our project truly reduce the impact of those evil invasive snails!

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Hi my name is David. I'm a A1 student SCIE, and a member in Greatbay_SCIE. Biology has always been my enthusiasm, and that’s the reason I take part in IGEM competition. My hobbies are skateboarding and watching movies. Looking forward to a great result!

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Hi everyone, my name is Selina. I'm a team member of GreatBaySCIE 2023. I'm currently an A1 student in SCIE. It has been an excellent opportunity to work in such a great team. Due to my passion in genetics I immediatley became very interested in Synthetic Biology. My hobby of drawing also provided me with the chance to participate in the art designer group of the team. I hope that we can have a nice journey and our team can contribute to both ecology and society!

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Hi! I'm Naomi, a G2 student in SCIE. During my time here, I've not only learnt a lot about synthethic biology, but also as a biology student firsthandedly recognized just how different knowing the theory basis of a procedure and actually doing the labwork is. Despite only joining the group in late summer, it's already evident to me how helpful my teammates are. I can't wait till weeks before wiki freeze when everyone stops sleeping so I can purchase loads of discount instant coffee.

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Hey! I'm Lucy, who is devoted to biochemistry with profound motivation. For me, contentment is not only getting thrilled or crazy with everyone in our lab, but also working under any possible circumstances to contribute to our project. As the administrative leader, it is my great honor to share the same name with the charismatic and knowledgeable members, GreatBay-SCIE. Looking forward to dedicating myself with all diligent teammates to the most valuable GAStroPurifer.

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Hi! I'm Annie and my role in the team is to be a "brick" - where there is a shortage of people I can fill up the space. Actively following the footsteps of the team, in the efforts to learn and catch up with the pace of our team leaders. From a non-experienced lab person to learn basic operating skills, now actively cooperating with the team, and do what I can.

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Hi, I'm Aisy, a student from SCIE. I am passionate about biochemistry, but I still need to strengthen my biological knowledge. It's a great chance for me to be a member of GreatBay SCIE. I believe that through this opportunity, I will gain more knowledge about synthetic biology and most importantly, I can get to know my teammates and learn from them. Apart from learning, I usually watch anime and listen to music. Lastly, I hope everyone enjoys their trip to iGEM Jamboree!

Hi, I'm SCIYeast, the official mascot of GreatBay-SCIE2023, and one of the group's most vital members! I'm so grateful to be here and have the best time ever with you🫶Let's continue to work together in the future . Last but not least, I'm the dog of GreatBay-SCIE 2023 :)
- PI & Instructor -
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Yih Woon Peh

I am Sonia Peh, currently serving as the Head of Biology at SCIE and proud to be the PI for the GreatBay-SCIE team. With a background in teaching Biology and Chemistry since 2015 and a Masters in Biochemistry from Oxford University, my passion lies in molecular biology and genetic engineering. I am excited to be part of the iGEM community, where we can collaborate and innovate to address real-world challenges through synthetic biology. Together, let's explore the limitless possibilities and drive positive change for a brighter future. Feel free to connect with me if you share my passion or want to engage in discussions about these fascinating fields.

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Sha Zhou

Hi everyone, I am GreatBay-SCIE's instructor Levi !!! I hope everyone can enjoy the journey of iGEM!

- Advisor -
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Xiaoyou Zheng

As a team member of GreatBay_SCIE who previously participated in iGEM 2022, I collected valuable experience relating to DNA sequence and protein design. These priceless experiences I learned will facilitate the design and improvement of novel biological parts by our new-generation GreatBay_SCIErs, especially regarding ligand-inducible yeast promoters and recombinant proteins. Furthermore, as a co-founder of our school's iGEM lab, I am responsible for maintaining the necessary equipment and transferring this duty to our 2023 iGEMers.

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Yunyue Wang

It's a great pleasure to be able to work alongside the members of GB_SCIE as the advisor this year! I hope what I learned and experienced last year can help everyone~

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Danni Huo

Hi I'm Danni, an A1 student in SCIE. Different from being a member last year, I’m glad to participate in iGEM as an advisor of GreatBay-SCIE and provide my advice as much as I can. Wish their GAStroPurifier to be a great success!