Xi'an Jiangtong-Liverpool University is a big institute locates same in Suzhou city. Our team,DKU and their team, XJTLU_CHINA, possess a profound history of collaboration. This season, we formed partnership with their team XJTLU_CHINA and collaborated in diverse aspects including brainstorm, modeling, and human practice.
In the process of brainstorm, ideas and critiques from diverse backgrounds are essential for the scientific and logical construction of the whole project. In April 2023, members of two teams met up in XJTLU campus and discussed the project design and idea shapes. We listened carefully to each other's ideas and approaches and exchanged constructive suggestions. Through collaboration in brainstorm stage, shaped our projects in a more scientific and logical way, as well as learned amazing points or methods used.
This season, the project of XJTLU_CHINA involves peptide optimization for better heavy metal ions chelation. Interestingly, the peptide optimization is also one of the steps in our projects for AMP quality elevation. With the similar tasks to be accomplished, we discussed the principles and designs of our software tools for peptide optimization. In the two distinct application contexts, we identified different approaches for the best performance in their circumstances. The collaboration with XJTLU_CHINA in modeling helped shaped our protein optimization tool ProteinOpti to a better one.
In order to increase the impact of our project, we, together with XJTLU_CHINA, organized the education program that introduced the severity of plant diseases and water pollution, as well as synthetic biology's application in these contexts (See Human Practice > Education). Our collaboration in education increased the impact of our human practice program for larger amount of audiences and engagement with more depth.