A.Daily rules

(1)Keep in daily suits in living areas

(2)Do not drink or eat in the laboratory

(3)Do not run or shout in common areas

(4)Do not sit on the table

(5)No horseplay will be tolerated

B. Laboratory rules

(1) Please wear gloves and protective clothing.

(2) If the skin is contaminated with hazardous materials, please dilute it with water immediately.

(3) Please ensure that the experimental environment is clean and free of debris.

(4)If the apparatus is broken, please do not touch the glass shards with your hands.

(5)If there is a large area of liquid leakage, please open the window for ventilation and clean up in time.

(6)Use proper storage containers.

(7)After the experiment, please pour the waste liquid into the waste liquid container.

(8)Put all the experiment materials back in their original place and adjust the pipette to its maximum volume.

(9)Put the gloves and masks in the biohazard trash can.

(10)Know emergency exits.

(11)Minimize all chemical exposures.

(12)Assume that all the chemicals are toxic.

C. Laboratory information

(1)Our lab is bio-safety level 1 as a standard microbiological lab.

(2)We only use Escherichia coli strains, including DH5-alpha and BL21.

(3)We ordered our DNA materials from the company Genscript, member of the IGSC.

(4)Our experiments were conducted under the supervision of our instructors.