Primary Instructor
你说得对,但他是一个会被绿光牵鼻子走的intp. One of the endless form most beautiful.
阿呆死忠粉,收集癖,日漫达人,喜欢念旧+多愁善感,ESFP,是喜爱美术+小提琴的生物猫猫一枚呀~ No pain, no gain; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.
间歇性活着的intp. Boochi et Kageyama!
自由诗 迷惘思 在做梦的infp生物狸狸 Or has it feathers like a bird, Or billows like a shore?
ESFJ 内娱潜水员 生活区up主 DrUracil When something bad happens, we have to remember we are not defined by any one thing.
花滑人 喜欢生物喜欢写作 蓝脚鸭 “It's written in acid”
用音乐逃避显示的伪理想主义疯子 A pseudo-idealistic lunatic who uses music to escape reality
合成生物技术造出的品种特殊的渡鸦 “The fact that metabolism as a whole is never at equilibrium is one of the defining features of life”
沿着规则的边界行走,与界内和界外遥遥相望。 The darker the moment, the more to seek light wholeheartedly
靠旅游和蓝天活着的ESTP April showers do not bring May flowers
ESTP生物猫猫 摸鱼小能手 梦想是吃遍天下 “When nothing goes right, go left.”
喜欢发呆做梦的懒癌晚期患者 From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
理性创造科学,而非理性创造历史 We shall meet in the place where is no darkness.
INFJ人,不求事事皆精,但求一事精且知万事 The whole meaning of life is costantly adding more knowledge, not for bragging,but for shaping one's value
时飘时忽,徜徉在科学与文学的暖洋里,徘徊在理性和感性的边界上 Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
人生四件事:喜欢MJ、喜欢生物、喜欢排球、喜欢旅行 ”After all, tomorrow is another day.”
乱入生物竞赛的艺术/文学生一枚呀 love, light, and eternity
ddl焦虑症晚期的gpa受害者 When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
ENFJ,懒惰却有强迫症,且正在努力克服拖延症的属猪人士 "Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt."