With new technologies, there come new forms of control and power, along with which come the unavoidable associated new ethical implications and risks in different aspects-- in the field of biotechnology, specifically synthetic biology, it is especially a recurring theme. Thus, under the guidance of the iGEM Responsibility Program, we took our project beyond the laboratory and computer and explored all types of risks and impacts that our project may bring to the world.
Honouring the iGEM Safety Policy on Human Subject Research, our team is committed to responsible and ethical conduct in our Integrated Human Practice [link: https://2023.igem.wiki/oxford/human-practices], including interviews and public engagement. By reading over the relevant sections in iGEM Responsibility, such as Guidance::Responsible Design, Informed Consent, Surveys & Interviews, before finalising the Human Practice procedures, we are confident that the rights and safety of all the parties/individuals that we would be interacting with would be ensured.
Regulations and Guidelines
We explored the related United Kingdom laws and regulations and institutional rules or guidance of the University of Oxford. These include The Data Protection Act 2018 [link: https://www.gov.uk/data-protection], which is
the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the University of Oxford Research Integrity and Ethics Policy [link: https://researchsupport.admin.ox.ac.uk/governance/integrity/policy]. We have obtained institutional approval from the University’s Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC) for carrying out our work. Additionally, we also utilised The iGEMer’s Guide to the Future tool [link: https://live.flatland.agency/12290417/rathenau-igem/] to explore the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles, which are shown in our Ethical and Responsible Considerations here, as well as Integrated Human Practice [link: https://2023.igem.wiki/oxford/human-practices].
Informed Consent With the guidance of the Research Service of the University of Oxford, we prepared a participant information sheet, which details the “why,” “how,” and “what” of our Human Practice research, information collection and handling, and our responsibilities upon their participation, and a participant consent form, which asks for their written informed consent and signatures. All the required key points were plainly and sufficiently addressed. These two forms were provided to the relevant parties/individuals before any form of information collection initiates. We also ensured that we complied with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) during and after the consent process.
As interviewing is the major form of our Human Practice, we had carefully planned and designed each interview in order to better take care of the needs and rights of our interviewees, while maximising the quality of information we obtained. For example, we would lay out the rough structure of the interview, prepare a list of questions in the order of priority, and check the wording for jargon and potential bias-leading hints. A formal thank you letter would be sent afterwards to express our gratitude for the time the interviewees have devoted and the information they have given out.
For many key stakeholders whom we have held an interview with, we kept the line of communication and maintained a good relationship, keeping them updated with the progress of our project, showing them our passion and commitment to solving their problems, and including them as a part of the engineering process. This practice did not only shine a beam of light on the humanitarian approach our team has adopted but also helped us on the journey by making trusted friends and partners.
Consultative Public Engagement
Consultative public engagement is the supplementary form of our Human Practice, via which we aimed to induce public dialogue on both the problem and the solutions of our project, listen and learn from the public participants’ views and insights, and lead to a tangible change on our project. To obtain the most honest, unbiased, and constructive information from the engagement and to respect all the participants, we made meticulous plans for different target groups that ensured openness, inclusivity, transparency, and freedom of exchange. The public dialogues we hosted/participated in include Creator Fund Oxford Founders Open Mic Night, SynBio UK iGEM Spotlights, and Prototype for Humanity. Additionally, we used social media platforms to record our progress and promote our team, our project, our cause, and synthetic biology to a wide variety of audiences, which are mainly other iGEM teams, university students, industrial partners and other interested parties in the field of life sciences.
While all of the iGEM teams want to use their synthetic biology tools/systems for the goodness of the world, we have to admit that, as the master engineers behind our projects, we sometimes tend to only see the positives and be blind to the negatives. Thus, we believe that it is absolutely necessary to investigate the ethical implications of our project, thus ensuring responsible and thoughtful research, addressing societal concerns, and facilitating the development of technology that aligns with ethical principles and societal values. To do so, we talked with other teams and explored how diagnostics tools can lead to some ethical dilemmas.
Additionally, to put what we learned into context and to understand better the process and importance of ethical judgement, we followed the Practical Guidelines for Ethics in iGEM developed by the University of Copenhagen iGEM 2020 team and SynthEthics [link: https://2020.igem.org/Team:UCopenhagen/Contribution] and conducted a thorough analysis of the ethics of our project using the moral reasoning method Casuistry.
Scenario 1: Field Researchers/Volunteers (Data Collection and Bulk Water Treatment)
A group of field researchers are using our water testing kits to collect data on water quality at various water sources in a region with limited resources. They use the kits to determine the presence of E. coli and other indicator species in order to assess contamination levels. Because of the apparent advantage of our testing kits in speed and convenience, gradually almost all of the testing done in the region and the data collected are by our kits. However, this group of researchers also wants to confirm the result with conventional methods like culturing, yet the result seems to suggest an incongruence between the results of our kits and culturing methods. Nonetheless, because there are almost no other data points collected using the other methods in the same region, it is almost impossible to correct the data unless a complete redo using the conventional methods.
Maxim 1.1: One should choose the most efficient methods, especially with limited resources.
Maxim 1.2: One should avoid being overly reliant on a single method and causing data/technology monopoly.
Scenario 2: General Public (Household Water Testing)
A family in a community affected by water contamination use our water testing kits to assess the quality of water in their households before consuming it and allow them to make informed decisions about drinking water safety. However, after testing, they realised that all the available water in their household right now is contaminated. Getting some new water is difficult because they live far away from the water source. All the members of the family thus get anxious and depressed as they know they either stay thirsty and dehydrated or they have to take the risk and knowingly drink the contaminated water.
Maxim 1.1: One should respect the autonomy and empowerment of people, allowing them to make informed decisions.
Maxim 1.2: One should minimize causing unnecessary stress and anxiety to already vulnerable individuals.
AI and De Novo Proteins
De novo proteins, like our biosensor in the project, are proteins that are designed and engineered from scratch rather than naturally occurring. They have the potential to be used in various applications, including therapeutics, industrial enzymes, and more and are anticipated to show an exponential growth rate with the enhancement of AI in biotechnology research. However, as of now, there isn't a specific regulatory framework solely dedicated to the safe application of de novo proteins. We began our regulatory research with existing regulatory frameworks for biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and other related fields. These frameworks are set forth by governmental agencies like Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (medical uses), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (industrial uses), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (workplace safety risks). In these regulatory frameworks, we found that there are no regulations or terms related to de novo proteins at all.
Seeing the blank in the regulatory space on de novo proteins, we decided to explore the diverse opinions and establish preliminary guidelines to help ensure that the development and application of these proteins are conducted responsibly and safely, with due consideration for potential risks and benefits. We collaborated with Sun Yet-Sen University team and shared our opinions on the implications of AI in synthetic biology, particularly in designing new proteins and new nucleic acid sequences that do not previously exist in nature. To better suit the shared element of the two teams in AI application in synthetic biology (their project is more focused on predictive models and algorithms, rather than de novo in silico designing), we focused our discussion on the regulatory perspectives of AI in synthetic biology in general. However, de novo proteins are certainly a (major) part playing in the ethical and regulatory dilemma, if such a framework is to be proposed.
Lastly, we reached out to the Safety and Security Committee of iGEM to inquire about de novo protein uses, as in our project. Taking the advice from Alonso, we ran protein BLAST of our de novo protein sequences and found no similarity to other naturally existing proteins, let alone naturally existing proteins that have the potential to pose harm. Oligo synthesis companies we have ordered the genes from also have indicated no issue with the sequences we submitted and tried to express, which indirectly reflects a relatively low possibility of risks.
We have also tried to reach Baker Lab to inquire about their safety consideration and measurements on de novo proteins.
In the optimal case, we would like to fully develop our project into a real product with real-world application, which would involve releasing the protein-based biosensors as a part of a small-enclosed device. If we are lucky enough to bring this forward to that stage, while all shall celebrate the success and anticipate a huge improvement in water testing efficiency and safety, many other risk considerations should also not be ignored to ensure responsible application. We have discussed the future application from the perspectives of ethical permissivity and regulatory compliance, but there are more possible associated hazards/risks to be considered and have a respective management plan devised.
Further Laboratory Experiments
1. Pathological Bacteria Testing – We may use pathological bacteria cultures, instead of only the surface proteins from less pathological strains, to make our in-lab characterisation and calibration more accurate.
2. Environmental Samples – We may need to test our products directly on the unprocessed samples collected from the real world, which would pose a high risk of contamination.
Risk Management:
To minimise the risks and alleviate the biosafety concerns in future experiments, we believe the most crucial management strategy is sufficient preparation and careful planning, thus allowing us to take any precautionary measures. At each stage, we should be doing the same things as we have done for these months of proof of concepts – thinking about and assessing all the possible risks of the procedures, parts, and organisms involved beforehand, minimising the risks by using alternative methods or materials, obtaining approval from the institutions, selecting the laboratories and equipment with the appropriate biosafety level, and practising all safety measures.
Human Health
1. Biological Hazards -- The biosensor involves the use of engineered proteins. If not handled properly, there's a potential risk of exposure to these proteins which could pose health risks to end users. During the production stage, genetically-engineered E.coli cells are also used, posing a risk to the health of production line workers upon unprotected exposure.
2. Toxicity and Allergenicity -- Any new proteins, de novo or naturally occurring, introduced into the surroundings could potentially have toxic effects on humans. It's crucial to assess the toxicity and allergenicity of the designed protein before deployment.
3. Testing Misinterpretation and False Results -- The test may have worsened accuracy and reliability during extreme storage and/or transportation condition. If the test is rendered ineffective, it may give a false negative result and mislead the end users to believe that the water tested is safe to drink. Alternatively, if the luminescent signal is not strong enough or somehow the guide is not clear, the users can misinterpret the result and be mistaken about the safety of their water.
Risk Management:
We should conduct experiments to confirm that the biosensor poses no immediate hazards, toxicity or allergenicity to humans – though this is indicated by the Baker Lab paper, we should ensure that our manipulation of the sequences and the bacteriocin-derived binding motifs do not add additional risks or are incompatible with the original structures. The test kit should also be designed to minimise the chance of exposure and leakage. The reliability and stability of the test kit should also be tested under different circumstances and optimised by further polishing the molecular components and hardware components. Sensitivity and specificity should be tuned to be in a reasonable range. Finally, we should also get approved as medical devices by the official institutions.
Environment and Ecosystem
1. Ecological Hazards -- If the engineered proteins are released into the environment, unintended ecological impacts could occur. For instance, the modified proteins could interact with other organisms in ways that were not anticipated, potentially disrupting natural ecosystems. During the production stage, genetically-engineered E.coli cells are also used, posing a risk of accidental release and exposure.
2. Spread of Modified Organisms -- If the genetically-modified E.coli cells used during the production stage are not well-contained, there is a risk of them spreading beyond the intended experimental environment. This could lead to the introduction of novel traits into the environment, with potential consequences for ecosystems.
3. Waste Disposal – Considering that the biosensor kits are most likely very cheap and that the low-resource regions would have a limited capability (financial and human resources) on managing the collection of waste/used kits, the discarded kits can very easily come to direct contact with the environment. Thus, if the kits release toxic by-products when decomposing or cannot be decomposed at all, it will introduce a huge environmental problem.
Risk Management:
We should conduct experiments to confirm that the biosensor poses no immediate hazards, toxicity or allergenicity to the environment. The test kit should also be designed to minimise the chance of exposure and leakage. Safe disposal practices should be clearly written in the package of the test kit with required items (e.g. medical-level resealable bags) included.
1. Misuse Potential -- Depending on the sensitivity and specificity of the biosensor, there's a possibility that it could be used for purposes other than water testing, such as detecting pathogens for harmful intent. For example, in the wrong hands, biosensors could be used to develop bioweapons capable of detecting specific individuals or sub-populations, thus enabling precision targeting and attacking.
Risk Management:
We should consult with experts in biosecurity to discuss the possibility of dual-use or misuse. The information of our design should be published with care, and the sensitive parts protected by limiting technology/information/data/physical/laboratory/stock/communication access. We should ensure monitoring along the value chain and confirm correct delivery and usage.
1. Stigmatisation of Certain Regions – Regions that have high water contamination detected may be stigmatised nationally and internationally, which may hinder their economic development due to reduced private investment and population influx. As exact locations can be recorded, households with contaminated water may be socially stigmatised and bring isolation and social anxiety to the members of the families.
2. Informed Consent – The collection of data points and automatic uploading to the global database cloud may infringe on the privacy of the general public and/or the local communities, unintendedly releasing personal/community information that can be taken advantage of for ill intentions.
3. Equity and Access -- The technology should be designed and deployed in a way that ensures equitable access to its benefits and avoids exacerbating existing social or economic disparities. Policy and/or political issues in certain states/regions, or, in some cases, geographical difficulty, may cause unequal access to this water testing tool. Additionally, this unequal access to water testing can be self-reinforcing by highlighting the regions with existing data points and concentrating resources on those regions, while leaving the originally missed regions even less likely to gain access.
4. Conflicts over Water Scarcity – With the water testing tool, it is likely that less water would be identified as drinkable. If no sufficient action is taken to decontaminate the unsafe water and reduce the sources of contamination, there will be a heightened tension over more alarming water scarcity, which may lead to more violence and conflicts in the regions with contaminated water.
Risk Management:
We should consult experts in ethics and social sciences to devise a plan to minimise these risks. By cooperating with charity organisations and global institutes, we should ensure the appropriate division of available resources. Moreover, as scientists, we carry the responsibility of doing public engagement and public education on water contamination and decontamination, stimulating communication in a transparent, honest, objective, and accessible way to all different population groups. We can also collaborate with water-cleaning organisations.
Lastly, we reached out to the Safety and Security Committee of iGEM to inquire about de novo protein uses, as in our project. Taking the advice from Alonso, we ran protein BLAST of our de novo protein sequences and found no similarity to other naturally existing proteins, let alone naturally existing proteins that have the potential to pose harm. Oligo synthesis companies we have ordered the genes from also have indicated no issue with the sequences we submitted and tried to express, which indirectly reflects a relatively low possibility of risks.
We have also tried to reach Baker Lab to inquire about their safety consideration and measurements on de novo proteins.
We believe that, after so much work and thought putting into the relevant aspects in regard to our project, education on biosafety and biosecurity, as well as ethics in synthetic biology, holds paramount importance for science students. In an era characterized by remarkable advancements in biotechnology, students must grasp the significance of responsible scientific practices. Understanding biosafety and biosecurity protocols equips them with the knowledge needed to prevent accidents, mitigate risks, and protect the environment and public health. Moreover, ethical considerations in synthetic biology are essential to guide students in making morally sound decisions when manipulating living organisms. By instilling these principles early on, we empower the next generation of scientists to harness the potential of synthetic biology while ensuring that their innovations uphold ethical standards and prioritize safety, thus contributing to a brighter and more responsible future in the field of biotechnology. Holding these beliefs in mind, we create a 3-part learning packet on the topic of biosafety, biosecurity, as well as ethics in synthetic biology, suitable for students from secondary school to first years of university.