Microplastics are in your blood

They negatively affect your lungs, heart, and neurological health.

The long-term effects are unknown.

How do they get in your body?

Microplastics can get in your body via the food you eat

But how does it get into your food?

Part of the problem is the use of plastic in agriculture.

Non-degradable plastic mulch films and plastic-coated fertilizer pellets are used to increase crop growth and yield.

These plastics break down partially or incompletely and cause microplastic pollution

But we need these plastics to safeguard our food supply, so what can we do?

Biodegradable plastics are a promising alternative.

The European Commission has issued that all fertilizer coatings have to be biodegradable within 5 years

But there is a problem: They are too expensive

and the production is unsustainable.

This is where PHAse Out comes in!

We are using SynBio to make biodegradable plastic using bacteria.

We are optimizing a non-model organism to increase its biodegradable plastic production in order to bring the cost down.

To make the whole process sustainable, we are using green methanol as a feedstock for the production.

Green methanol can be produced by combining hydrogen made from renewable energy with CO2.

This can be easily stored and transported, and works well in most industry infrastructures.

We are using SynBio to harness the sustainability of green methanol for biodegradable plastic!