

Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA)

RCA | 2022 Protocol

DNA-RNA Hybridization

(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
1 uL SplintR buffer1 uL SplintR buffer
0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe
*1 uL 1000 pM miRNA1 uL 1000 pM miRNA
*6 uL RNase free water7.5 uL RNase free water
*changes according to the concentration of miRNA (see:miRNA Detection Limit Experimentation)
  1. Heat the solution at 65°C for 3 minutes, and slowly cool it to room temperature over 10 minutes.


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
1 uL SplintR Ligase0.5 uL RNase Inhibitor
  1. Incubate the reaction for 2 hours at 37°C.
  2. Bring the reaction up to 65°C for 20 minutes to terminate.


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
2.5 uL phi29 buffer12.5 uL RNase free water
1.25 uL phi29 DNA polymerase2.5 uL phi29 buffer
1 uL albumin
6.76 uL dNTP mix
2.99 uL RNase free water
  1. Incubate the reactions for 8 hours at 37°C.
  2. Bring the reactions up to 65°C for 10 minutes to inactivate the DNA polymerase.

miRNA Detection Limit Experimentation | 2022 Protocol

5 uL 1000 pM2 uL204 pM
1 uL 1000 pM h6 uL40.8 pM
0.5 uL 1000 pM6.5 uL20.4 pM
1 uL 100 pM h6 uL4.08 pM
0.8 uL 100 pM6.2 uL3.27 pM
0.5 uL 100 pM h6.5 uL2.04 pM
0.3 uL 100 pM6.7 uL1.22 pM
1 uL 10 pM h6 uL0.41 pM
0.5 uL 10 pM6.5 uL0.204 pM
3 uL 1 pM h4 uL0.122 pM
1 uL 1 pM6 uL40 fM

Optimized RCA

DNA-RNA Hybridization

(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
1 uL SplintR buffer1 uL SplintR buffer
0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe
*1 uL 1000 pM miRNA1 uL 1000 pM miRNA
*6 uL RNase free water7.5 uL RNase free water
*changes according to the concentration of miRNA (see:miRNA Detection Limit Experimentation)
  1. Heat the solution at 65°C for 3 minutes, and slowly cool it to room temperature over 10 minutes.


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
1 uL SplintR buffer
0.5 uL RNase Inhibitor
  1. Incubate the reaction for 30 minutes at 37°C.
  2. Bring the reaction up to 65°C for 20 minutes to terminate.


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
2.5 uL phi29 buffer12.5 uL RNase free water
1.25 uL phi29 DNA polymerase2.5 uL phi29 buffer
1 uL albumin
6.76 uL dNTP mix
2.99 uL RNase free water
  1. Incubate the reactions for 5 hours at 37°C.
  2. Bring the reactions up to 65°C for 10 minutes to inactivate the DNA polymerase.

Amplification with Phi29-XT


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
4 uL phi29-XT buffer4 uL phi29-XT buffer
2 uL dNTP mix6 uL RNase free water
2 uL RNase free water
2 uL phi29-XT DNA Polymerase
  1. Incubate the reaction for 3 minutes at 95°C with the lid set at 100°C.
  2. Incubate the reaction for 2 hours at 42°C.
  3. Bring the reactions up to 65°C for 10 minutes to inactivate the DNA polymerase

BlueGel™ with RCP | 2022 Protocol

  1. For a 2% agarose concentration, add 0.4 g of agarose to 20 mL of 1X BE buffer.
  2. Microwave gel mix for 30 seconds, or until clear.
  3. Allow the solution to cool until 65°C.
  4. Add 2 uL of SYBR™ Safe.
  5. Pour gel mixture into gel mold with combs.
  6. Let cool at room temperature and set.

Readout Reaction

  1. Add 10 μL of RCP + 2 μL of loading dye into the gel
  2. Add 12uL of the 2-log ladder into the gel
  3. Start the blueGel™ gel electrophoresis system.
  4. After 1 hour, use the UV illumination on the blueGel™ gel electrophoresis system to visualize the DNA.

Linear DNA Probes with RCP | 2022 Protocol

Add the following to an amber microcentrifuge tube to make FAM-Probe Mastermix:

FAM Dye Tagged Linear DNA Probe MastermixVolume of 1 uM FAM dye: (# of reactions) x (0.4 µL 100 uM FAM Dye Tagged Linear DNA Probe) x 1.1
Volume of TE: (# of reactions) x (29 µL TE) x 1.1

In nuclease-free PCR tubes add the following triplicates:

Tris-EDTA Buffer (Background)34 µL TE Buffer
FAM Dye Tagged Linear DNA Probe + TE29.4 µL Mastermix, 4.6 µL TE Buffer
BHQ-1 Quencher Tagged Linear DNA Probe + TE1.6 µL 100 uM BHQ-1 Quencher Tagged Probe, 32.4 µL TE Buffer
FAM Dye Tagged Linear DNA Probe + BHQ-1 Quencher Tagged Linear DNA Probe + Padlock Probe + miRNA29.4 µL Mastermix, 1.6 µL 100 uM BHQ-1 Quencher Tagged Probe, 3 µL Padlock + miRNA Solution
FAM Dye Tagged Linear DNA Probe + BHQ-1 Quencher Tagged Linear DNA Probe + Rolling Circle Product + TE29.4 µL Mastermix, 1.6 µL 100 uM BHQ-1 Quencher Tagged Probe, 3 µL Linear Probe Rolling Circle Product
  1. Flick and spin down tubes.
  2. Place tubes in the thermocycler at 41°C for 1 minute.
  3. Place tubes in thermocycler 37°C for 1 minute.
  4. Pipette all 32 μL of solution into a 384-well plate to measure fluorescence at an excitation wavelength of 480 nm and emission intensity at 518 nm using a plate reader.

Lettuce with RCP | 2022 Protocol

In nuclease-free PCR tubes add the following triplicates:

Background25 μL RNase-free water, 1 μL 10X Splint R Ligase Buffer, 2.5 μL 10X phi29 Reaction Buffer
Lettuce Left + Lettuce Right + Dye19 μL RNase-free water, 1 μL 10X Splint R Ligase Buffer, 2.5 μL 10X phi29 Reaction Buffer, 3 μL Split Lettuce Left Sequence (100 uM stock), 3 μL Split Lettuce Right Sequence (100 uM stock)
RCP + Lettuce Left + Lettuce Right + Dye19.5 μL RNase-free water, 3 μL Split Lettuce Left Sequence (100 uM stock), 3 μL Split Lettuce Right Sequence (100 uM stock), 3 μL RCP
Padlock + miRNA + Lettuce Left + Lettuce Right + Dye19.5 μL RNase-free water, 3 μL Split Lettuce Left Sequence (100 uM stock), 3 μL Split Lettuce Right Sequence (100 uM stock), 3 μL Control: Padlock + miRNA
Lettuce Full22.5 μL RNase-free water, 6 μL Lettuce Sequence (100 uM stock)
  1. Centrifuge the reagents.
  2. On the sides of the centrifuged PCR tubes, carefully add 1.5 μL of DFHBI-1T (100 uM stock)
  3. For controls without the dye, steps 1-3 were repeated with 1.5 μL RNase-free water being added in place of the dye.
  4. Vortex and centrifuge reagents.
  5. Incubate the reaction at 70°C for 5 minutes, then cool to and incubate at 25°C for 1 hour.
  6. Read fluorescence on the plate reader. The emission spectra is 528 nm, and the excitation spectra is 480 nm.

SYBR™ Safe with RCP

Background4 μL SYBR™ Safe, 20 μL TE Buffer
Padlock + miRNA + SYBR™ Safe20 μL Padlock + miRNA Solution, 4 μL SYBR™ Safe
RCP + SYBR™ Safe20 μL RCP, 4 μL SYBR™ Safe
  1. Vortex and centrifuge reagents.
  2. Incubate the reaction at 37°C for 1 hour.
  3. Read fluorescence on the plate reader. The emission spectra is 528 nm, and the excitation spectra is 480 nm.

Capillary RCA

DNA-RNA Hybridization

(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)
1 uL SplintR buffer1 uL SplintR buffer
0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe
*1 uL 1.66 fM miRNA1 uL 1.66 fM miRNA
*6 uL RNase free water6.5 uL RNase free water
  1. Heat the solution at 65°C for 3 minutes, and slowly cool it to room temperature over 10 minutes.


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative Control (no enzymes)

|1 uL SplintR Ligase 0.5 uL RNase Inhibitor|

  1. Incubate the reaction for 2 hours at 37°C.

  2. Bring the reaction up to 65°C for 20 minutes to terminate.

  3. Orient PCR tubes horizontally and slide capillary tubes into each tube.

  4. Allow capillary action to draw up reaction mixture until there is about 1 centimeter of air left in the tube.

  5. Carefully slide the capillary tubes into the sigillum wax tray on both ends of the tube.

  6. Apply a thin coat of transparent nail polish to both sides of the capillary tube, and let dry for approximately 30 seconds.

  7. Place the capillary tubes in a tray and incubate at 37°C for 5 hours.

  8. Incubate the remainder of the reaction mixture in PCR tubes at 37°C for 5 hours.

  9. Carefully remove the tray from the incubator, and place the tray into a UV illuminator.

  10. Image the tubes with a phone camera and count the number of dots visualized in each capillary tube.


  1. Use an air pump to blow the liquid from the capillary tubes into PCR tubes.
  2. Add 2 uL loading dye to the PCR tubes and pipette into gel.
  3. For the RCA reactions run within PCR tubes:
  4. Pipette 10 uL of RCP + 2 uL loading dye into the gel.
  5. Add 12uL of the 2-log ladder into the gel.
  6. Start the blueGel™ gel electrophoresis system.
  7. After 1 hour, use the UV illumination on the blueGel™ gel electrophoresis system to visualize the DNA

eRCA Protocol

DNA-RNA Hybridization

(A) - RCA(B) - no enzymes
1 uL ligation buffer1 uL ligation buffer
0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe0.5 uL 100 nM padlock probe
1 uL miRNA (1:10)1 uL miRNA
6 uL water7.5 uL water
  1. Heat the solution at 65°C for 3 minutes, and slowly cool it to room temperature over 10 minutes.


(A) - RCA(B) - no enzymes
1 uL Splint R
0.5 uL RNase Inhibitor
  1. Incubate the reaction for 2 hours at 37°C.
  2. Bring the reaction up to 65°C for 20 minutes to terminate.


(A) - RCA(B) - Negative control (no enzymes)
2.5 uL phi29 buffer10.01 uL RNase free water
1.25 uL phi29 DNA polymerase2.5 uL phi29 buffer
1.5 uL Nb.BbvCI2.49 uL rCutSmart buffer
6.76 uL dNTPs
2.49 uL rCutSmart buffer
  1. Incubate the reactions for 5 hours at 37°C
  2. Bring the reactions up to 65°C for 10 minutes to inactivate the DNA polymerase

eRCA Readout

In nuclease-free PCR tubes add the following triplicates:

Background22.51 uL RNase-free water, 1 uL 10X Splint R Ligase Buffer, 2.5 uL10X phi29 Reaction Buffer, 2.49 uL rCutSmart Buffer
RCP + Dye19.5 uL RNase-free water, 3uL RCP
Control + Dye19.5 RNase-free water, 3uL Control: Padlock + miRNA
Lettuce Full + Dye22.5 uL RNase-free water, 6uL Lettuce Sequence (100 uM)
  1. Centrifuge the reagents.
  2. On the sides of the centrifuged PCR tubes, carefully add 1.5 μL of DFHBI-1T (100 uM stock)
    • For controls without the dye, steps 1-3 were repeated with 1.5 μL RNase-free water being added in place of the dye.
  3. Vortex and centrifuge reagents.
  4. Incubate the reaction at 70°C for 5 minutes, then cool to and incubate at 25°C for 1 hour.
  5. Read fluorescence on the plate reader. The emission spectra is 528 nm, and the excitation spectra is 480 nm.

Protein Purification

NEBExpress Ni Spin Column Protocol

To prepare buffers for Ni Spin Columns under Native Conditions

Lysis/Binding Buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 300mM NaCl, pH 7.4Wash Buffer: 20mM sodium phosphate, 300mM NaCl, 5mM Imadazole pH 7.4Elution Buffer: 20 mM sodium phosphate, 300 mM NaCl, 500 imidazole pH 7.4
2X IMAC Buffer7.5 ml5.0 ml2.5 ml
2M Imidazole0.025ml1.25 ml
H2O7.5 ml5 ml1.25 ml
Total15.0 ml10.0 ml5.0 ml

Column Preparation

  1. Remove the bottom tab of the column by twisting, loosen the top cap and place the column in the collection tube provided.
  2. Centrifuge column at 800 x g for 1 minute to remove the storage buffer, discard the buffer.
  3. Add 250 μl of Lysis/Binding buffer to the column.
  4. Centrifuge column at 800 x g for 1 minute, discard the Lysis/Binding buffer.
  5. Place the column in a new 2 ml microcentrifuge tube

Sample Cell Lysis

  1. Add 5ml of Luria Broth (LB) to a culture tube
  2. Add 5ul of antibiotic to the culture tube
  3. Collect a colony from the transformation plate using a pipette tip and insert it into the culture tube
  4. Let the tube shake in the incubator and allow growth for 24 hours
  5. Moved 2 ml of inoculation culture to a microcentrifuge tube
  6. Centrifuged the microcentrifuge tube for 5 min at 15600 rpm
  7. Removed supernatant (liquid LB) from the centrifuge tube, leaving only the cell pellet
  8. Add 250μL of TE buffer to the microcentrifuge tube containing the cell pellet
  9. Hydrated lyophilized lysozyme with 1mL TE buffer
  10. Added 50μL of lysozyme into the microcentrifuge tube for the final protein sample lysate

Lysate Binding

  1. Add up to 500 μl of the protein sample lysate to the column. Note: If sample volume is greater than 500 μl multiple applications can be performed; collect the flow through in separate microcentrifuge tubes.
  2. Tap the column to mix the lysate with the resin and allow binding for 2 minutes. Note: Binding of some His-tagged proteins can be increased with longer mixing times. Cap the column and seal the bottom using the plug provided. Mix end-over-end at 4°C for desired time (typically 5-15 minutes). Prolonged mixing may result in more non-specific binding.
  3. Centrifuge column at 800 x g for 1 minute, reserve flow through.
  4. Place the column in a new 2 ml microcentrifuge tube.

Column Wash

  1. Add 250 μl of Wash Buffer to the column and centrifuge at 800 x g for 1 minute.
  2. Repeat wash step twice, collect each wash in a separate 2 ml microcentrifuge tube.

Protein Elution

  1. Place column in a new 2 ml microcentrifuge tube.
  2. Add 200 μl of Elution Buffer to the column. Mix the resin with the elution buffer thoroughly. Note: Elution volume can be reduced to 100 μl if a more concentrated protein sample is desired, total target protein yield may be lower.
  3. Centrifuge at 800 x g for 1 minute, save eluted sample.
  4. Place column in a new 2 ml microcentrifuge tube and repeat elution step. Typically, >90% of the bound protein is eluted following the second elution.
  5. Analyze the clarified cell lysate (load), flow through, washes and eluates by SDS-PAGE.