  • Modular detection tool based on Mi3 protein cage

  • Modec

  • Modular detection tool based on Mi3 protein cage

  • Modec

More and more diseases can be diagnosed by Detecting Biomarkers

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TNF-α MR-proANP hs-TNT IL-4
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IL-1β TGF-β NT-proBNP IL-6 IL-10

Take Cardiovascular Disease as an example

Bubble2 1
330 million CVD patients in China
523 million in 2019 globally
0 million CASES
Bubble2 2
4.58 million people died of CVD
in 2020 in China
17.9 million people died of CVD
in 2019 globally
0 million DEATH TOLL
Bubble2 3
165.2 billion RMB in China in 2020
0 billion COST
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4 minutes
The Golden Minutes for saving sudden cardiac arrest.

Most cardiovascular diseases can be treated early to reduce the incidence of sudden events.

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There is a growing desire for early detection in community hospitals or even at home.

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Early Detection

Low Biomarkers



Different Biomarkers can be detected

Easy Detection

Simple Equipment

Simple Method

Single Person Use

Low Price

Guide Available

High Price Image

High Price

Bulky Equipment Image

Bulky Equipment

Bulky Equipment Image

Requires a High Concentration

Current detection methods ELISA&ECLIA cannot meet those needs. protein cages as a platform.

This is our solution
a "plug-and-play" modular tool using protein cages as a platform.