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  • Hand Hygiene: Laboratory personnel should wash their hands after handling cultures and remove gloves before leaving the laboratory.

  • Prohibited Activities: Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, applying cosmetics, and storing food or beverages for human consumption are strictly prohibited.

  • Sharps Disposal: Dispose of disposable sharps, such as needles, blades, pipettes, and broken glass, in specially designed puncture and leak-proof sharps containers as medical waste.

  • Aerosol Prevention: Follow all laboratory procedures diligently to minimize the creation of aerosols or splashes.

  • Surface Decontamination: Decontaminate all work surfaces after completing work, or after any splashes or spills occur.

  • Biohazard Decontamination: Ensure proper decontamination of all potentially biohazardous materials before disposal.

  • Safety Information: All individuals entering the laboratory should be informed of potential hazards and must meet specific entry and exit requirements.

  • Aerosol Containment: Perform all laboratory procedures that may generate aerosols in a certified biological safety cabinet or another suitable physical containment device.

  • Lab Attire: Laboratory coats, gowns, or uniforms are mandatory to protect personal clothing. Remove them when leaving laboratory areas and avoid wearing them outside. Institutional laundering or disposal is required.

  • Eye Protection: Personnel should wear goggles or face shields when there is a risk of splashes or aerosols from hazardous materials.

  • Glove Usage: Always wear gloves when handling hazardous materials, selecting the appropriate glove material based on the nature of the material. Wash hands before leaving the laboratory.

  • Material Handling: No material or equipment may leave the laboratory without autoclaving, proper decontamination, appropriate packaging for shipment, or encapsulation by an approved vendor for off-site decontamination.