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Our project can provide a new idea based on synthetic biology for the treatment of acne, and make a contribution to the treatment and prevention of acne to a certain extent. We have worked hard to eliminate inequality and discrimination based on appearance. We expect that after the completion of our project in the future, our project can relieve people's physical discomfort caused by acne , so that teenagers can grow up more healthy, happy, and relaxed, without fear of other people's strange eyes, and obtain mental health while maintaining physical health. As our original intention, we will surely overcome acne, overcome all inequalities, and leave the best memories of our youth.

We make engineered bacteria recycling boxes by default, and recycle them after they play their role, in order to practice sustainable development, and reduce its pollution to the environment, so that vitamin B12 can play its role in a more suitable place, including disease treatment, etc., to maximize benefits, so that synthetic biology can enter the public vision, and more convenient to serve our lives.