Engineering Success


To develop a system that would allow us to combat plant pathogens, our team had three primary objectives (Figure 1): Pursuing and achieving these objectives provided the framework for implementing our system in our bioassay procedures and pipeline.

Figure 1. Overview of the three objectives of our engineering process. Created with

Our first objective was to redesign an existing microcin expression plasmid to be a more modular system (Kim et al. 2023). This enabled us to easily swap in different microcins and expression regulators without needing to alter the rest our genetic circuit. Building off of the foundation set by our redesigned system, our second objective was to predict novel microcins that could potentially target our pathogens of interest. In tandem with this second objective, we also pursued our third objective, in which we adapted optimized inducible promoters for use in our system (Meyer et al., 2019).

For each objective, we underwent at least one iteration of the Design, Build, Test, and Learn (DBTL) cycle. In general, we relied on Golden Gate Assembly (GGA) (Engler et al. 2008, Engler et al. 2009) to build the specific constructs used for each objective (Figure 2). To examine whether an objective was accomplished, we often conducted zone of inhibition (ZOI) assays that allowed us to observe whether a microcin’s behavior aligned with our expectations (Figure 2). When the results of our testing procedures suggested the presence of problems, we reexamined relevant literature, our initial designs, and/or our testing methods to inform the changes we needed to make.

Figure 2. Overview of the Golden Gate Assembly (GGA) cloning process used to build our DNA constructs and the ZOI assay procedure used to test them. Created with

Objective 1: Redesigning an Existing Microcin Expression Plasmid to be More Modular

We improved the modularity of the existing microcin V (MccV) expression plasmid found within a two-plasmid MccV secretion system (Kim et al. 2023). To do so, we created a generalized assembly scheme for how the genetic components of microcin expression are put together in a transcriptional unit. We then demonstrated that MccV was still effective in that scheme. See the Project Description Page for more on microcin expression and the original MccV system.

Objective 2: Predicting Novel Microcins

After confirming that our redesigned modular microcin expression plasmid worked, we applied our GGA standard to the microcins predicted from cinful (Cole et al., 2022) and used them to produce microcin expression plasmids according to our assembly schema. See the Project Description Page for more on cinful.

Initially, we predicted microcins that could target the following 4 strains of pathogenic Pantoea: P. agglomerans PNG 92-11, P. allii PNA 200-10, P. ananatis LMG 2665, and P. ananatis PNA 97-1R. Later in our project, we also predicted microcins for strains of pathogenic Erwinia amylovora and Xanthomonas. After several repetitions of the DBTL cycle, we were able to demonstrate promising antimicrobial activity against one of our target strains.

Objective 3: Adapting Optimized Inducible Promoters for Our System

We adapted a set of inducible promoter systems that have been optimized in E. coli (Meyer et al. 2019) for use in our microcin expression plasmid. This was accomplished by isolating the individual promoters and regulatory genes of the systems and applying our GGA standard to them, enabling them to form assemblies that follow our assembly scheme. We were able to demonstrate that the Ptet, PvanCC, and Pcin inducible promoters can properly promote GFP expression when induced and limit it when uninduced, indicating that they could provide control over microcin expression within our microcin expression system.


Cole, T. J., Parker, J. K., Feller, A. L., Wilke, C. O., & Davies, B. W. (2022). Evidence for widespread class II microcins in Enterobacterales Genomes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88(23), e01486-22.

Engler, C., Romy Kandzia, & Sylvestre Marillonnet. (2008). A One Pot, One Step, Precision Cloning Method with High Throughput Capability. PLOS ONE, 3(11), e3647–e3647.

Engler, C., Gruetzner, R., Romy Kandzia, & Sylvestre Marillonnet. (2009). Golden Gate Shuffling: A One-Pot DNA Shuffling Method Based on Type IIs Restriction Enzymes. PLOS ONE, 4(5), e5553–e5553.

Kim, S.-Y., Parker, J., Gonzalez-Magaldi, M., Telford, M. S., Leahy, D. J., & Bryan William Davies. (2023). Export of diverse and bioactive peptides through a type I secretion system. BioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory).

Madeira, F., Pearce, M., Tivey, A., Prasad Basutkar, Lee, J., Ossama Edbali, Nandana Madhusoodanan, Kolesnikov, A., & López, R. (2022). Search and sequence analysis tools services from EMBL-EBI in 2022. Nucleic Acids Research, 50(W1), W276–W279.

Meyer, A.J., Segall-Shapiro, T. H., Glassey, E., Zhang, J., & Voigt, C. A. (2018). Escherichia coli “Marionette” strains with 12 highly optimized small-molecule sensors. Nature Chemical Biology, 15(2), 196–204.

Parker, J. D., & Bryan William Davies. (2022). Microcins reveal natural mechanisms of bacterial manipulation to inform therapeutic development. Microbiology, 168(4).